Page 11 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 11

Boca Club News, Page 11
      From the Desk of Commissioner

      Marci Woodward: A Message from Marci

      Commissioner Woodward, a 20-year                   Central Palm Beach County Historic Infrastructure-      Some funded projects in my South County District
      resident of Boca Raton, was elected                $1 million to help reduce storm water runoff and pollutant   include North and Central Boca Raton Shore Protection,
      in November 2022 as Palm Beach                     loading into local water systems by enhancing existing   HabCenter Boca Raton Mental Health and STEM
      County District 4 Commissioner.                    roadway infrastructure in the central historic region of   program, Highland Beach Lift Station Rehabilitation and
      She serves on the following board                  Palm Beach County.                                Hurricane Hardening at the Arc of South Palm Beach
      of directors as a representative                   Lake Worth  Lagoon- $270,500 to restore seagrasses,   County.
      of the county commission: Palm                     mangroves and oysters to improve and support the health   Boynton Beach Annexation Study Update. The Boynton
      Beach  Transportation  Planning                    of the water body.                                Beach annexation study is in the early stages. County and
      Agency;  South  Florida  Regional                  Peanut  Island  Historic  Restoration-  $1  million  for   city staff have met to discuss the process, with a focus on
      Transportation  Authority (TriRail); Treasure Coast   revitalizing Peanut Island’s legacy of eco-tourism by   areas where the city already provides water or has existing
      Regional Planning Council; CareerSource Palm Beach   renovating the now vacant historic Coast Guard facilities   annexation agreements.
      County; Palm Beach Cultural Council, and Value     and JFK fallout bunker on the island.                To keep residents informed, the city plans to launch
      Adjustment Board. Ms. Woodward graduated from the   Restore  Re-Entry  Program-  $500,000  to  assist  with   a website with project details and maps in July. Public
      University of South  Carolina-Aiken with  a Bachelor’s   facilitating the reintegration of re-entry participants in   meetings will likely be held after the feasibility study is
      Degree in Fine Arts.                               Palm Beach County by connecting them with services   complete, which could take up to a year. To date, a formal
         Palm Beach County requested state funding for several   designed to reduce recidivism.            annexation request has not been filed with the county.
      projects and programs in our community and secured      Other funding for our area includes:         Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge Project. Great news! The
      nearly $6 million for the following:               The Center for Arts & Innovation- $1 million for design   Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge is nearly finished and all lanes
      West Palm Beach Downtown Signalization- $2.75      phase II of the 100,000 sq. ft. center, featuring a main   of traffic are open!
      million for the first phase of signalization enhancements   theater, intimate spaces and an amphitheater.      Following successful inspections by the Florida
      on Okeechobee Blvd. to address immediate congestion      Additionally, many community organizations,   Department of Transportation and Palm Beach County
      issues,  improve  traffic  flow  within downtown  and   education institutions, nonprofits and municipalities   staff, the contractor is putting the final touches on the
      explore advancements in traffic management capabilities,   in Palm Beach County received state funding for local
      including transit signal priorities.               projects and programs.                            From the Desk of Commissioner on page 12

                                                                                                              COUNTRY CLUB

                                                                                                          Bocaire  is  a  boutique  mandatory
                                                                                                          membership Country Club with only
                                                                                                          239 homes on one divided
                                                                                                          sections. It is an inclusive, friendly and
                                                                                                          active community. Parents, children
                                                                                                          and grandchildren are included in the
                                                                                                          membership. Renowned championship
                                                                                                          golf course, competitive and social golf,
                                                                                                          tennis & pickleball programs, resortlike
                                                                                                          aquatics center, 24 hour fitness center,
                                                                                                          full service dining room with fantastic
                                                                                                          social events!

                     4335 Bocaire    $1,995,000                4824 Bocaire    Offered at $2,975,000         4268 Bocaire Blvd 3/3.5    $2,499,000
                     4002 sft 3 bedroom 5 bath                    Complete high-end renovation                             3511 sft
                                                                      3 br + office, 3.5 bath

                       4792 Bocaire Blvd  3/3               4896 Bocaire Blvd   Offered at $2,895,000         17570 Bocaire Way 4/3    $2,100,000
                   3300 sft Offered at $1,550,000                Ellish construction 4 br/4.5 bath               Half acre waterfront 4025 sft


              UNDER C       ONTRA      C T      UNDER C       ONTRA       C T      UNDER C       ONTRA      C T
              UNDER CONTRACT
                                                                                   UNDER CONTRACT
                                                UNDER CONTRACT
                 4372 Bocaire $1,979,000            4531 Bocaire Blvd 3/5.5           4706 Bocaire $2,650,000          4665 Bocaire     $1,550,000
               3 br/4.5 bath over half acre!              $1,295,000                  5 br/4.5 bath waterfront!         3748 sft 3 bedroom 5 bath

                                                                                                         SIAN MATTHEW

                                                                                                        LUXURY PROPERTY SPECIALIST
                                                                                                               TOP 1% NATIONWIDE
                                                                                                                      C. 561.945.6550
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16