Page 14 - Boca Club News - July '24
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Page 14, Boca Club News

                The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations
                The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations

      Dining Out: Hungry Al’s Roadmap

      to His All-Time Favs! 2024

      By  Alan  Serinsky  of  Bocaire                   and you have two hours to make yourself happy before the      Fifth Stop—French: For me, on any occasion such as
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    music starts (with a great musician). I might regret giving   birthdays or anniversaries there is no better place to celebrate
      for food started very young.                      this secret away because it will make it harder for Hungry D   than La Nouvelle Maison in Boca Raton. Somehow this
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                    and me to find bar stools. Try their Calamari, Eggplant Stack   semi-elegant restaurant perfectly defines the word “special”
      dishes,  he started  to  cook  his                or Chicken Parmigiana Panni.                       in both food and service. As they say in French, “La vie est
      way through her “Betty Crocker                       Second Stop—Italian: Over the course of ten years   trop courte de manger la mauvaise nourriture.” If I got this
      Cookbook.”  During  the years                     many Italian restaurants have come and gone. This cuisine is   right it simply translates to: “Life is too short to eat bad food!”
      to follow he spent many hours                     probably my favorite and choosing the best is a monumental   So, do yourself a favor and break the piggy bank for a visit
      working in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending   task. Back in the early years it was Giovanni’s (Pompano),   to La Nouvelle Maison if you haven’t already. You can’t go
      cooking classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   Casa De Angelo’s (Boca Raton), Trattoria Romano (Boca) and   wrong with my favorites: their Caesar Salad and Yellowtail
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   the list goes on. So, to keep this current I have to give a nod to   Snapper. By the way, on Wednesday there is no corkage fee.
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through   388 Sal’s Italian Restaurant. The dishes here are enormous,      Sixth Stop—Steaks: Where’s the beef? There never
      your local restaurant options.                    definitely able to feed more than two hungry stomachs. But   seems to be enough steakhouses for Boca’s carnivorous
         Pull out the GPS! Fill the tank! Start your engines! Hungry   as most good chefs know there is always a sacrifice when it   appetite. I have to confess I’m not a big meat eater, but I
      Al (that’s me) has decided to spill the beans on what he   comes to quality vs. huge portions. Taking into consideration   can definitely taste the difference in a good quality of beef
      considers his all-time favorite dining spots.     this major undertaking, I have to admit that the kitchen and   prepared with attention to temperature and seasoning. But
         Leaving the Guard Gate: It seems wherever I go there is   the front house somehow make it work. 388 will be a perfect   this year we have had several new entries into our steakhouse
      always someone who’s going to ask me the $64,000 question:   recommendation when the family comes to town.  options with Gallagher’s (from New York) and the Meat
      “What are your favorite restaurants?” As a food writer that      Third Stop—Seafood: This has always been a hook-  Market (from Palm Beach). Then again, new doesn’t
      inquiry is hard to answer. I have lots of preferred dining stops,   in-my-side in determining what the best of the net is in the   necessary equal “better.” I still believe in the “tried and true”
      but this job keeps me changing gears all the time. To satisfy   seafood category. As ironic as it sounds, there are not many   steak establishments that had the longevity to survive Boca’s
      all my Hungry Al fans, I’m going to let you in on my Top 6   great seafood restaurants in any of our coastal shorelines.   fickle taste buds. I’m sticking my knife into my longtime
      List for 2024! Many of these selections are not in walking   That was until I discovered Copperfish Kitchen. Located in   favorite: N.Y. Prime Steak House!
      distance, but I’ll promise you each is worth the drive.   Boca Center in the previous Uncle Tai’s space you’ll have a      Seventh Stop—Casual Dining: To me dining doesn’t
         To make our journey more interesting, let us drop the   tough time reeling in all the local and distant fish species on   have to be about linen tablecloths, Michelin-rated plates,
      convertible top, put on the shades, and cruise to the Best   their menu. Here you can have a delicious whole Branzino   expensive wines or a final bill that empties my wallet. That’s
      Eating Spots in South Florida!                    or Fried Yellowtail Snapper, or branch out to another fishing   why the new Narbona in Boca Center mall is high on my
         First Stop—Happy Hour: This is a tough category to   spot and try a Scottish Salmon, Grilled Dorade, Big Eye Tuna   list for a nice bistro dining experience. This Uruguayan
      choose my favorite. Hungry Al sets the bar high to reach all   or Sea Bass. I will admit this seafood destination is definitely   restaurant/market with its European style décor delivers
      the variables that make Hungry Al happy! I have to consider   not a “Copper Fish”, but more like a well-deserved 4-starred   excellent dishes that are more global in menu choices than
      special drinks list, food quality, length of happy hour, service   “Goldfish!”                       you would think. There is something for everyone here: pasta
      and, of course, price. But every time I make my journey      Fourth Stop—Japanese: When it comes to Sushi, or any   dishes, Latin-flavored meat and seafood selections, pizzas,
      back to Deerfield Beach I have a hard time resisting Luigi   Japanese dishes, it’s a very individual tasting palate. But if   home Gelato (24 flavors), sushi and wonderful pastries. Give
      Di Roma. Every drink is half price, every appetizer is only   I had to revisit any restaurant for the year it would be the   this one a try and let me know if you agree.
      $8, the food is amazingly good (ridiculous portion sizes)   Omakase at Sushi Bou. If you want to get a taste of true      Eighth  Stop—Closing the Garage Door: Well,
                                                        Japanese sushi this pit stop delivers a high quality of fish   now you have it Hungry Al has
                                                        along with artistic preparation. The best part is that you are   delivered his all-time favorites.
        Legal from page 13                              only dining with a maximum of ten diners in a very intimate   So, the next time you stop me in
                                                        setting. I assure you the knifing skills and plating is nothing   the streets and request my best
        application on a mobile device. In addition, willful action   like the commercial corner sushi places we all frequently go   I’m going to hand you this review.
        to withhold records can result in criminal penalties on   to on a weekly basis. Also, don’t expect a “boat” full of sushi   I guarantee that these four or
        board members.                                  because here at Sushi Bou it’s all about the quality ingredients   more golden spatula winners will
           Owners can now request a detailed accounting of any   that you would expect if you were visiting the great sushi   also become your drive-to-dine
        amounts owed to the association, and if the association   establishments in Japan.                 favorites too!
        does not timely respond any outstanding fines are
        association did not give prior written notice of the fines. Second Helpings: A Favorite Recipe
        waived if the fine is more than 30 days past due and the

           Associations are now limited with regard to
        heating or ventilating system if a substantially similar  from the Past Pages Of Boca Club
        restricting improvements for HVAC, refrigeration,
        system had been previously approved. Association
        displaying vegetable gardens and clotheslines in areas  News…Chocolate Nut Brittle
        also cannot prevent a homeowner from installing or

        not visible from the parcel’s frontage, an adjacent parcel,
        common area or community golf course.               Special event? Chocoholics will go nutty over this recipe   Directions:
           The fine review committee procedure has been   that will serve as a snack, dessert or party favorite for any   1) Mix the nuts, sugar and water in heavy saucepan.
        substantially clarified before a fine can be imposed.   age.                                       2) Bring to a boil and cook to 310 degrees.
        There must be 14 days’ written notice of the parcel   Yield: Serves 6 to 8 people                  3) Spread out on greased cookie sheet and let cool before
        owner’s right to a hearing and the hearing must be held   Ingredients:                             dipping in melted chocolate.
        with 90 days of notice (the hearing may now be by   2 cups Mixed Nuts (Pecans, Almonds, Pistachios and      Note: Melt chocolate either in microwave or double
        phone or electronic means). If the committee imposes   Walnuts)                                    boiler.
        a fine, they must provide written findings related to the   1 cup Sugar                               Microwave  at  50%  power  for  a  minute  at  a  time,
        violation and give 30 days to pay the fine from the date   ½ cup Water                             stirring in between until melted, or over a double boiler,
        of such written decision and findings are delivered. In   14 ozs. Dark Chocolate                   stirring until melted.
        addition, no attorney’s fees may be imposed unless the
        fine or violation is not cured after the time for payment
        or compliance has expired.
           These new rules are designed to reign in a perceived
        lack of control in condominium and homeowner’s
        associations. Whether these will be successful is yet to
        be seen.
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