Page 10 - Boca Club News - July '24
P. 10

Page 10, Boca Club News
      Council Corner: Re-Introducing

      New/Old Council Member Andy Thomson

      By Andy Thomson                                      I resolve business disputes for a living. Like my parents,   (5), Charley (6) and Joey (3). Our kids play football (NFL
         I am overjoyed to return to the                my wife Joanna and I met in school–the University of   Flag), baseball (Boca Raton Little League), basketball
      Boca Raton City Council. I met                    Miami law school in our case. I’ve practiced law in Boca   (Boca Hoops and Upward), volleyball (COBRA), soccer
      many of you during my prior time                  Raton since 2011, including the last eight years with   (SABR) and softball (Boca Girls Fast Pitch) and several
      on the Council or during this past                Baritz & Colman LLP. Before that I studied engineering   also swim (Boca Mantas and St. Andrew’s). I’ve coached
      election season, but for those I have             at Georgia Tech (those four good but cold years in Atlanta)   them in football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. The
      not yet met, allow me to introduce                and worked at a South Florida engineering firm that did   leagues and facilities in our city are tremendous.
      myself here.                                      civil and traffic engineering. I’m also an adjunct professor      We couldn’t have picked a better place than Boca
         My roots in Boca Raton run                     at FAU, where I teach local and state government.  Raton to raise our family. Between the excellent schools,
      deep. My mom and dad met here in 1967 at what was      I served on the City Council from 2018-2022. In that   parks, beaches and activities, we in Boca Raton enjoy an
      then the new Florida Atlantic University. They met in the   time I worked to keep our neighborhoods safe, manage   exceptional quality of life. We must never lose sight of
      library, fell in love, got married, and my brother and I are   growth responsibly, address traffic concerns, manage our   how good we have it here.
      the result, which I suppose makes me a product of Boca   budget without raising taxes and fight for new jobs and      If you have any ideas for, or concerns about, our
      Raton. I’ve lived in South Florida my entire life (with the   investment.                            city please call me at (561) 221-4675 or email me
      exception of four years in college spent in Atlanta which,      Joanna and I live in the Millpond neighborhood. We   at  Thank you again for the
      by my standards, were far too cold).              have five young children: Allie (12), Maddie (10), Henry   opportunity to represent you!
      City of Boca’s Office of Management & Budget

      Honored with Distinguished Budget Award

         For the 41st consecutive year the City’s Office of                                                   The Office of Management & Budget’s preparations for the
      Management & Budget has received the prestigious                                                     upcoming fiscal year begin each January. Staff members with
      Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the                                                     the Office play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting all city
      Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its                                               departments in their annual budget planning, ensuring funds
      2023-2024 budget. This accolade is a testament to the City’s                                         are allocated and utilized efficiently to benefit the community.
      commitment to excellence in governmental budgeting and                                                  Creating a comprehensive budget involves a multitude
      transparent financial planning. In addition, the 2023-2024                                           of tasks, including system management, detailed analysis,
      budget also received special recognition for its Strategic                                           research, forecasting and more. Key principles guiding the
      Goals & Strategies, with the highest possible score from                                             budget process include:
      reviewers.                                                                                              - Incorporating a long-term perspective;
         Residents and businesses can gain valuable insights                                                  - Establishing connections to broaden organizational goals;
      from the city’s budget, which serves as a communication                                                 - Focusing budget decisions on results and outcomes;
      tool between city management, policy makers and the                                                     - Promoting effective communication with stakeholders.
      community. It outlines both long-term and short-term plans,                                             “This award underscores the city’s dedication to
      with details on necessary expenses and revenues required                                             sound financial practices and transparent governance. We
      to provide top-quality services in the city. It also highlights                                      congratulate our Office of Management and Budget team
      new and ongoing projects, as well as strategic plans for   Left to right: Ryan Alt, Sharon McGuire, Tameka Blake,   for their exceptional work and continued commitment to
      sustainable growth aligned with Boca Raton’s mission,   Michael Middleman, City of Boca Raton’s Office of   excellence for the entire community,” commented James
      vision and values.                                Management & Budget                                Zervis, the City’s Financial Services Director.
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      Garden Days are Golden Days

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                 for the things that bring you joy. Find your “sanctuary” and   20th at our Westlake Service Center, I accepted an award
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                  activities that you love to unplug and disconnect and most   from the Wellington Garden Club in conjunction with the
      County. You can reach her office                  importantly, make time and schedule it. Always pay attention   Florida Federation of Garden Clubs District X. The Westlake
      by Email: ClientAdvocate@                         to your physical needs during your “me-time” by nourishing   Service Center was the winner of an “Unsolicited Landscape Phone: (561)                 your body with healthy foods, exercise, staying hydrated with   Design Award” in the Public Facility category. As an avid
      355-4271.                                         beverages, and getting plenty of sleep.            gardener myself I am proud that our service center received
         Most of you already know two                      Remember that “me-time” is not selfish; it’s an essential   this recognition. A beautiful facility and outdoor landscaping
      of my passions: my cats, Biden and                aspect of self-care that allows you to recharge and show up   are part of the experience we want to create for our clients.
      Bader, and my garden. Those two                   as your best self in other areas of your life. By prioritizing      I am equally proud that on May 2nd, Florida Weekly
      things help me unwind and disconnect from the day’s events.   relaxation and unwinding, you are investing in your health,   (
      Whether it’s watching the crazy things my cats get into,   happiness and resilience.                 room/) recognized our new North County Service Center in
      or spending time tending to my beautiful garden, creating      Mural, Mural on the Wall! “Step into a world of energy   Palm Beach Gardens, which opened in March, as having
      “me-time” to relax and unwind is crucial for maintaining   and radiant hues.” These may not be the first words that come   the “Best Waiting Room” in the county, as part of its Best of
      overall well-being. It is important to carve out some time   to mind when visiting the tax collector’s office. However,   2024 Flamingo Awards.
                                                        this is what you can expect to experience the next time you      We are honored to be recognized for this award, as we
          Vicky Marie, cNa/HHa                          visit our North County Service Center, with the addition   worked diligently to create a comfortable, welcoming space
                                                                                                           for our clients when visiting our service centers.
                                                        of a new vibrant outdoor mural, entitled, “Piece by Piece”
          Certified Nurses Assistant / Home Health Aid  displayed on the south side of the service center. The mural      Mounts Over the Summer. If you’re planning a day out
                                                        was skillfully crafted by Connecticut-born artist Benjamin   to soak up some sun this summer, now is the time to visit
        • Caring                                        Heller. Benjamin has created several murals throughout South   Mounts Botanical Garden. This 20-acre tropical oasis is
        • Compassionate                                 Florida. His style of art uses colors and shapes masterfully   offering discounted admission rates of $15 for adults; $12 for
        • Loyal                                         to create captivating imagery that brings life to an otherwise   seniors, college students and military with ID’s; $7 for ages
        • Trustworthy                                   ordinary space. When asked about the mural, he had this   6 – 17; and free for children under 6. Palm Beach County
        • At Your Service 24 Hours
                                                        to say: “The use of this imagery and various colors reflect   Residents receive free admission the first Wednesday of every
        More than a job, it’s a commitment              both the ‘Gardens’ and positively interact with the existing   month (proof of residency required) as part of Palm Beach
                                                        landscaping at that location, both under natural sunlight and   County Residents Days.
        Tel 954-860-6145   Email  artificial lighting at night.”                    Dogs’ Days in the Garden will continue this summer,
                                                           So, when visiting our North County Service Center, snap   giving your four-legged friend an opportunity to visit Mounts
                                                        a selfie with our new mural in the background and tag us   too! On the second Sunday of each month (except during
                                                        on social media (@taxpbc on Instagram and @pbctax on   events and plant sales) dogs are free for members and $5 for
                                                        Facebook)!                                         nonmembers. Mounts’ summer hours are Tuesday through
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing         And the Award Goes to…I’m proud to share that our   Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with last entry at 2 p.m. For
       Palm Beach County and is a privately             agency has recently been honored with two awards. On May   more information visit
       owned and managed company.
       Captain’s is committed to providing
       dependable, reliable and professional                     Advertise, Send Articles. Check out our website!
       ground transportation to and from all
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
           To reserve your vehicle:                    or call 746-3244
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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