Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - May '24
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VOL. 32 NO. 5                                                                                  MAY 2024

      Director Of Security                                                                                         Community

      By Marcel Dos Santos, Director of Security            Outside vendors are considered: pool service
                                                         companies, electricians, a/c contractors, painters,        Association
      Dear Residents,                                    landscapers, plumbers, roofing, or any other service
         On Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 the BPCA Master Board   provider.

      voted and approved new vendor (work hours) for all   Amazon  etc.  Exceptions  for  service:  Comcast, AT&T,  Annual Meeting
                                                           Exceptions for deliveries: UPS, USPS, Fed Ex,
      villages within the Boca Pointe community.
         Effective immediately, the new hours for vendors   FPL etc. and other utility providers.
      and  deliveries  will  be  8am-6pm  Monday  through      We thank you in advance for your cooperation and   All Village Association Directors Invited
      Saturday. This is effective for ALL villages within Boca   understanding.
      Pointe. No vendors/deliveries will be permitted on Sunday      BPCA Security & Management on behalf of the Board   Open to residents who would like to attend
      or after hours unless it is an emergency.          of Directors 
                                                                                                                      Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
      From The Desk Of                                                                                               Edgewater at Boca Pointe

                                                                                                                        9:30 am Registration
      Commissioner Marci Woodward                                                                                     10:00 am Meeting Begins.

      A Message from Marci                               AI-powered camera monitoring systems at all our bascule              Agenda
                                                         bridges.                                                “State of the Association” Address
         Over the past year, many                           These cameras will provide additional support and    BPCA Chairman/President Paul Hart
      residents have voiced their                        improve safety during bridge opening and closing
      concerns about the frequent                        operations.                                                 General Discussion- Q & A
      use of the bridge horn at the                         Installation is underway and expected to be completed
      Camino Real bascule bridge.                        by early 2025.
         In response to these                               Additionally, Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)   We ask that all attendees RSVP the
      concerns, I took the                               is about to take off!                              BPCA Management office (561) 395-7551 
      initiative  to  bring  this                           Our exciting new 5-year plan is revving up for an
      matter before the Board of                         expansion of Concourse B, a state-of-the-art firefighting
      County Commissioners.                              facility, and even the possibility of a new airport hotel.
         Together, we directed a                         Plus, a super-convenient rent-a-car center with  an
      thorough study to evaluate                         automated people mover is on the horizon!              Memorial Day
      the usage of the bridge horns throughout the county.      Get ready for a first-class experience that reflects
         Previously, the horn sounded during each bridge raise   the amazing Palm Beach County we all love. As a board
      sequence. However, the study led to a revision in our   member, I can’t wait to see our airport become a true      The BPCA Management office will be closed on
      procedures across all eight bascule bridges to address   destination in itself.                       Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. 
      resident concerns while maintaining safety standards.
         Now,  bridge  horns  will  only  sound  in  two  specific   Join the EMS Advisory Council
      situations, when the vessel requesting passage uses a horn or
      the bridge tender deems it necessary during an emergency.     I am seeking a District 4 resident to join the Palm
         It’s important to understand that the United States   Beach County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
      Coast Guard (USCG) is the governing body overseeing   Advisory Council.
      marine traffic at this bridge location.               The EMS Advisory  Council  plays  a  vital  role in
         While the Coast Guard regulations mandate the use   ensuring our county maintains a top-notch emergency
      of bridge horns for communication with marine vessels,   medical response system. They advise the Palm Beach
      they aren’t necessary for pedestrians and drivers. (We   County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on
      have those flashing lights and bells for a reason!)   matters related to EMS, proposing and discussing ideas
         However, the horns can be used as a last resort to alert   to continually improve the quality of services offered.
      distracted pedestrians who’ve ignored other warnings.     Meetings are held the third Thursday of odd-numbered
         I am confident that the new procedures will strike a   months at 9 a.m. at the Emergency Operation Center in
      balance between the safety of boaters and the quality of   West Palm Beach. Please contact our office for more
      life for residents living near the bridge.         information.
         Speaking of safety, I’m also happy to announce that
      the county commission recently approved $2 million for   From The Desk Of on page 3

                                                                                     Please Help

                                                                                       Now is the time to clean out your closets! The homeless shelters are accepting
                                                                                    used clothing. Please bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would like
                                                                                    to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA office located at 6909 SW 18th
                                                                                    St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations are distributed
                                                                                    to local churches and homeless shelters. Thank you for your generous donations
                                                                                    this past year! It is greatly appreciated! 
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