Page 10 - Boca Exposure - May '24
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Page 10, Boca Exposure
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League Shares The Importance
Of TNVR And How To Help This ‘Kitten Season’
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League takes care of hundreds in and restarting the cycle of overpopulation. As a result, it take on the responsibility
of animals at any given time, and now that it is “kitten season,” helps reduce the number of kittens and cats flowing into local of bottle-feeding some
the leading animal organization in Palm Beach County is sharing shelters, which in turn lowers euthanasia rates and increases of our smallest orphaned
the importance of TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) as an the adoption of cats already in animal shelters.” residents every few hours
effective solution to help control the population of outdoor cats. Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League offers residents of during their critical first few
During the spring and summer months, female outdoor cats Palm Beach County free trap loans with a refundable deposit weeks of life. Peggy Adams
experience their breeding cycle, resulting in litters of kittens. during our hours of operation for TNVR. Peggy Adams will provide volunteers with
This phase is known as “kitten season,” and it lasts for more loaned out over 1,800 humane traps in 2023 and has a goal comprehensive training,
than half of the year. Female cats that roam freely outdoors can of 2,000 in 2024. essential supplies and
sometimes give birth to multiple litters in one season, which Note: Palm Beach County Ordinance 98-22 forbids ongoing support, and in return, you shower them with love!
can put a significant strain on the time, money, and resources trapping cats for any other reason than for TNVR or vet care. If you or someone you know would like to help care for a
required for around-the-clock care. To address this issue, To learn more, visit neonatal foster or learn more, visit
there’s a program called TNVR, which stands for Trap, Neuter, Peggy Adams also reminds the community that if you About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
Vaccinate and Return. In this program, community cats are find a litter of kittens, your first reaction might be to bring Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is an independent
humanely trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped them to your local animal shelter. But chances are their nonprofit organization operating continuously since 1925. Peggy
and then released back to their outdoor homes. mother is close by – and you may actually be “kit-napping” Adams provides critical services to more than 35,000 animals
“TNVR is an extremely effective method,” explained them. Once newborns are separated from their mother, their each year and collaborates with local area organizations to
Alyssa Dazza, admissions and TNVR manager, “It works by chances of survival drop dramatically. Check out resources at expand the lifesaving work in Palm Beach County.
immediately stabilizing the cat colony’s size by eliminating before determining Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League has a 4-star rating
new litters. This reduces nuisance behaviors such as yowling, how to intervene when finding kittens. from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity
fighting and marking territories with urine. Returning the cat Currently, Peggy Adams has neonatal kittens who navigator. For more information and to donate, please visit
to its original location prevents new intact cats from moving require foster care. As a neonatal kitten foster, you would
Minor Head Injuries No Small Affair For Seniors
New Treatment For Leaky recurrence,” explains Dr. Obrzut. “The approach is based on the surrounding the brain,” says Obrzut. “We use a long,
long-held theory that a chronic subdural hematoma is the result
flexible tube called a catheter to inject a small amount of
Blood Vessels In The Brain of continued bleeding from the ruptured veins.” bioadhesive gel into branches of the artery that lead to the
It is now believed, however, that chronic bleeding into the hematoma. This cuts off blood supply to the membrane
Any knock to the head, site of the hematoma may be instead caused by blood leaking surrounding the hematoma and prevents rebleeding.”
be it from a car accident, slip from fragile arteries that develop after the injury and initial blood The team at Weston Hospital has successfully treated
on the pickleball court, or clot formation. “These new blood vessels feed the membrane more than 100 patients with this minimally invasive
fall from a chair, is no small that forms around the clotted blood,” says Obrzut. approach. “In addition to being an effective treatment,
affair. Especially for older Innovative Treatment patients enjoy a faster recovery and a lower risk of
adults who experience head This new understanding has led to the development of complications,” adds Obrzut.
trauma. They are at greater an innovative endovascular treatment for chronic subdural To schedule an appointment with Dr. Obrzut or another
risk of an increasingly hematomas called middle meningeal artery (MMA) embolization. neurology specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Florida, call
common neurological “The middle meningeal artery is a large blood vessel (877) 463-2010 or visit
condition caused by leaky that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the dura mater Neuro to learn more.
blood vessels in the brain.
Called a subdural
hematoma, it occurs when a Michal Obrzut, M.D.
blow to the head tears blood
vessels between the brain and the skull. Blood then leaks, pools
and clots in the space below the dura mater, the outer most
layer of three protective membranes surrounding the brain.
“Even minor head injuries in seniors can result in a
hematoma because these bridging veins become stretched and
are more fragile as the brain shrinks with age,” explains Michal
Obrzut, M.D., a fellowship-trained endovascular neurosurgeon
with Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital.
A New Understanding
Subdural hematomas occur in up to 25 percent of people
with head injuries, and individuals taking blood thinners are
at increased risk.
Symptoms may include ongoing headache, confusion and
drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech and changes
in vision. If the bleeding occurs slowly enough, the symptoms
may not appear for weeks or months. As a result, an older Dermatology
person may not even recall how their head injury happened.
“Large subdural hematomas are usually treated with
decompression surgery, which involves drilling a small hole IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD
in the skull and draining the blood, but this has a high risk of
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