Page 6 - Boca Exposure - May '24
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure
      Boca Helping Hands

      Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Honored 200 Volunteers

         Boca Helping Hands                                                                                   Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town
      (BHH) celebrated its                                                                                 of Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm
      volunteers during an                                                                                 Beach United Way has been committed to improving
      appreciation dinner                                                                                  lives and building strong communities throughout Palm
      entitled “A Night of                                                                                 Beach County by focusing on programs and priorities
      Hearts” on April 17 at The                                                                           that promote education, health and financial stability.
      Addison of Boca Raton,                                                                                  Boca Helping Hands holds accreditation for Sound
      which hosted 200 guests.                                                                             Nonprofit  Management from  Nonprofits  First,  has  a
      The Volunteer of the Year                                                                            Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid/GuideStar,
      Award was presented                                                                                  and has been a Charity Navigator Four-Star Charity for
      to  Michael  Moran,                                                                                  17 consecutive years. Boca Helping Hands is located at
      and the Mel Lazerick                                                                                 1500 N.W. First Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432. For more
      Lifetime Achievement                                                                                 information, please visit
      Award went to Patricia                            Trina Chin Cheong, Mel Lazerick Lifetime Achievement
      McCarthy. Fifteen other                           Award recipient Patricia McCarthy
      individuals and six regular
      volunteer groups were  The Volunteer of the Year
      also recognized for their  Michael Moran, Food Center
      outstanding service to the  Manager Jason Cascio                      NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      organization in 2023.
         With a staff of only 25
      employees, Boca Helping
      Hands relies on its over                                           Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      300 regular volunteers
      to provide the range
      of  services it  offers to                                               Board Certified in
      clients. Last year, BHH
      volunteers  contributed                                                  Internal Medicine
      almost 58,000 hours of                                            with Added Qualifications in
      their time to assist the
      organization in serving                                                   Geriatrics (2002).
      the community.        Nicole Rostant, volunteer
         The Independent  program manager                                Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      Sector, with the Do Good
      Institute at the University of Maryland, recently released              Voted a “Best Doctor”
      their 2023 values for volunteer time, estimating an hour                      by his peers.
      of time donated in Florida at $31.61. That adds up to a
      contribution of over $1.8 million by Boca Helping Hands
      volunteers last year, making them one of the organization’s            Call to request a complimentary meeting
      most valuable assets.
         “Our volunteers provide not only a critical labor force,                             with Dr. Reznick.
      but they are also a source of inspiration for all of us at BHH,”
      said Greg Hazle, executive director. “Their selfless dedication
      reminds us all why we do the work we do. That’s why our                              561.368.0191
      theme for the event was, ‘A Night of Hearts.’ As the song
      says, they are ‘the wind beneath our wings.’”
         Boca Helping Hands volunteers assist in various roles                       7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      such as preparing hot meals, processing, and storing food                              Boca Raton, FL 33433
      donations, and distributing pantry bags at BHH’s five Palm               
      Beach County locations in East Boca Raton, West Boca, Delray
      Beach, Boynton Beach and Lake Worth. They also serve as job
      mentors, instructors for the job training program, and help to
      administer the organization’s financial assistance programs.
         Those interested in volunteering can visit the
      organization’s website at or contact
      Volunteer Program Manager Nicole Rostant at Nicole@
      About Boca Helping Hands
         Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a community-based
      nonprofit that provides food, medical and financial assistance
      to help individuals and families improve their quality of life
      and build financial stability. Through its various programs,
      BHH assists more than 35,000 people annually.
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