Page 5 - Boca Exposure - May '24
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Boca Exposure, Page 5

      Nearly $300,000 Raised For Local Children’s Charities
      from page 1

      Chef. She is a world-renowned
      chef and one of Food Network’s
      top  stars. Guarnaschelli first
      appeared on the network in
      2006  and  has  since  been part
      of hundreds of episodes of
      programming on the network,
      including as a judge on                            Christina Irving,  Ashley Craig, Deputy   Howard Boilen, Trisha Saffer  Senator Tina Polsky, Amy Gottlieb and
      Chopped, co-host of  The                           Kenneth Torrence and Pamela Weinroth  and Joel Macher           Arthur Adler
      Kitchen,  host  of  Supermarket
      Stakeout and star of Alex vs.   Marcia Mithun and Doug
      America. As a competitor, she   Mithun
      beat nine rival chefs to win The
      Next Iron Chef: Redemption,
      joining  the  ranks  of  Kitchen
      Stadium Iron Chefs. She  also
      hosts the award-winning digital
      series, Fix Me a Plate, and is
      the author of the cookbooks                                                                          Michelle Gluckow and  Neil Saffer and Sharon
      Old-School Comfort Food: The                                                                         Jennifer Gluckow        DiPietro
      Way I Learned to Cook (2013),                      Stephanie Schwed and Susan  Joyce Devita and Joni
      The Home Cook: Recipes to                          Schwed                  Goldberg
      Know by Heart (2017),  Cook
      with Me: 150 Recipes for the   Ashley Huxhold and      “Our guests thoroughly enjoyed Chef  Alex’s
      Home Cook (2020) and  Cook   Reilly Glasser        entertaining, humorous and heartfelt stories,” said Pamela
      It Up: Bold Moves for Family                       Weinroth, executive director of Boca West Children’s
      Foods (2023).                                      Foundation. “We were delighted by the warm reception
                                                         Chef Alex received and truly grateful for the generous
                                                         support from our sponsors and attendees, all contributing
                                                         to bettering the lives of children in our community.”   Jane Zenker and Richard  Yvette Drucker and Linda
                                                            Sponsors included Hotwire Communications, Yvonne   Zenker              Behmoiras
                                                         and Don Ackerman, Phyllis and Howard Boilen, Joni and
                                                         Alan Goldberg, Lesser Lesser Landy and Smith - Attorneys   About Boca West Children’s Foundation
                                                         at Law, Christine E. Lynn/E.M. Lynn Foundation, Marcia      The Boca West Foundation was launched in 2010 and
                                                         and Doug Mithun/Mithun Family Foundation, Laura   came about as a desire by the thousands of volunteers from
                                                         Beinner,  Eda  and  Cliff  Viner Community  Scholars   the Boca West Country Club to give back to children in
                                                         Foundation, The Buzz Agency, Sharon DiPietro, April   Palm Beach County. The foundation’s mission is to identify
                                                         Lewis, Dx Web, Jane and Richard Zenker, Barbara and   and fund projects to assist children and their families in
                                                         Dr. Don Janower, Totale Med Spa, Bonnie and Gary   need in the area.  Since its inception, the foundation has
                                                         Hildebrand, Tammy and Charlie Pompea, Jeff and Aggie   raised more than $19 million for specific programs for
                                                         Stoops, Peggy and Rick Versace, Donna Biase, Carin   more than 30 charities. Visit for
      Christie Bellino, Lisabet Summa, Elizabeth Kelley Grace   Boris,  SLS Group at  Nest  Seekers  International.  Boca   more information.
      and Sally Shorr                                    Observer was the media sponsor.

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