Page 11 - Boca Exposure - May '24
P. 11

Boca Exposure, Page 11

      Dining Out: An Excellent Translation Of The Word ‘Omakase’

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                           Food For Thought: My first memories of eating sushi   write he’s in Japan eating his way through the country and
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                     date back three decades ago. If my recollection is correct   at some of the most famous Omakase establishments.
      for food started very young.                       there was not even one sushi restaurant in Boca (hard to      For those who have never heard of the word Omakase,
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                     believe). I actually drove to Coral Springs where the only   it literally means: “leave it up to you.” That translates to
      dishes, he started to cook his                     sushi restaurant existed, and most of the way I complained   giving a very experienced sushi chef (itamae) to use his full
      way through her “Betty Crocker                     why I thought eating raw fish didn’t sound appetizing. I   discretion on what to serve. This multiple course meal is
      Cookbook.” During the years                        was such a novice I thought a California Roll was a surfing   served to fewer than a dozen patrons at the countertop. Each
      to follow he spent many hours                      term. I confess that, after struggling through the meal, I was   plate is an individual serving of high-quality fish utilizing
      working in restaurants, both as                    never going to eat sushi again. Boy, was I wrong!  artistic and theatrical techniques.
      server and cook, attending cooking classes and traveling the      That was then … and this is now. It seems every corner      First Impressions: To locate this buried treasure of
      world in an effort to expand his palette. As a professional writer,   in Palm Beach County now has a sushi restaurant and the   Japanese cuisine you’ll have to use your map skills for
      Hungry Al offers his perspective on current food trends and   difference between them is hard to decipher. When it comes   it is in a hidden alley. Actually, it’s in the old location
      guides you through your local restaurant options.  to dining on sushi, most of us have become complacent in   of Alley Cat in the east section of the downtown “Pink
                                                         our own individual experiences and taste. It seems everyone   Mall” off Federal Highway. The interior is where all the
      Sushi by Boū Boca Raton                            states that their sushi restaurant is the best.   magic happens. Dining is mostly at the sushi bar, which
      409 S.E. Milner Blvd.                                 For me, when it comes to sushi quality I always defer   is a beautifully lit art deco style counter. The sushi chefs
      Boca Raton, FL 33432                               to my son-in-law Hungry S, who claims he’s a “Shogun”   are front and center and allow you to watch every aspect
      (954) 440-5270                                     when it comes to this cuisine. And I would not want to test   of this food art in person. They are easily approachable                                     his opinion because I know I would lose. Actually, as I   and happy to assist in any questions about sushi or its
                                                                                                           preparation. Hungry S carried on a conversation like a
        Enhancing Community Wellness: The Pioneering                                                       professor of sushi, and I was simply lost in translation.

                                                                                                             The Experience: I recommend that if you ever desire
                                                                                                           to participate in this method of dining (and you should), I
        Collaboration Between Hunyuan Life Wellness                                                        would come with a strong appetite. Usually, an Omakase
                                                                                                           menu can include anywhere from 12 to 25 courses and
        Spa and The Florence Fuller Center                                                                 can take about two or three hours to complete. Hungry
                                                                                                           S bragged to me he had a 50-course Omakase in Japan.
                                                                                                           Next, he’ll be taking up sumo wrestling!
        Introduction                                                                                          At Sushi Boū there’s a great specialized cocktail menu
        In the heart of Boca Raton, a transformative initiative is taking                                  you must try. I couldn’t resist the Shiso Southsider ($18).
        root—one that promises to uplift, rejuvenate, and enhance the
        well-being  of  the  community's  most  dedicated  members.  At                                    It was a mix of Suntory Haku vodka, lime juice and a
        the intersection of healthcare and humanitarian aid, wellness                                      floating shiso leaf. Also, there’s an extensive list of sake
        is  becoming  an  essential  part  of  the  nonprofit  landscape.                                  to choose from; go for the Born Gold Muroka Junmai
        Organizations and volunteers who dedicate countless hours to                                       Daiginjo.
        helping the needy are discovering that caring for their own well-                                     So, for the next two hours we completely sat back and
        being enhances their ability to care for others. This emerging
        philosophy is guiding a new collaboration aimed at fostering                                       watched two master sushi chefs perform their artistry with
        health and wellness through innovative, accessible means.                                          the knives that slice like butter and fish dishes that seemed
        The Importance of Wellness in Community Support                                                    to fly off the hook in a well-paced nonstop performance that
        Nonprofit  organizations  and  their  volunteers  are  crucial  to                                 would win any skilled itamae an Iron Chef trophy.
        community  support  services,  tirelessly  working  under  often                                      The Omakase Courses: With 12 courses and a dessert it
        stressful conditions and with scarce resources. The substantial                                    would be overwhelming to explain each dish we consumed.
        physical  and  emotional  toll  on  these  dedicated  workers
        underscores the necessity of wellness programs—not merely                                          So, in an eye toward brevity, allow me to give you the
        as  a  benefit,  but  as  an  imperative.  Integrating  wellness  into                             highlights. Here’s what followed:

        their  routines  not  only  allows  them  to  maintain  sustained   Dr Yaron Seidman and Lisa Talley     Hamachi –A Yellowtail/Amberjack sushi-grade fish noted
        energy but also improves their overall health, enhancing their                                     for its high fat content;
        capacity to serve effectively. This focus on wellness, now being  Quantum  Foundation:  Catalyzing  Health  and      Akamai–Lean tuna found on the back side that contains
        championed through the collaboration between Hunyuan Life   Wellness Initiatives
        Wellness Spa and The Florence Fuller Center, will extend crucial   Supporting  this  vital  initiative  is  the  Quantum  Foundation,   less fat than Toro;
        holistic  wellness  opportunities  to  the  parents  and  children   a  key  funder  whose  vision  and  mission  are  to  improve  the      Botanebi–Spotted Prawn found in deep seas–offers a
        served by the Fuller Center, opportunities that would otherwise   health of the communities within Palm Beach County through   sweet and luxurious flavor;
        be  out  of  their  reach.  This  initiative  promises  to  cultivate  a   strategic investments in health-related initiatives. With assets      Ikura–Salmon Roe soaked in a marinade of soy sauce or
        healthier, more vibrant community by caring comprehensively   of approximately $160 million, the Quantum Foundation is now   salt and wrapped in seaweed;
        for its caretakers and young beneficiaries alike.  in its third decade of community investment, having awarded      Bincho–Albacore has a mild savory taste–not to be
        Collaborative  Ventures:  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness   $175  million  to  hundreds  of  local  nonprofit  grantees.  Their   confused with common tuna salad;
        Spa Meets The Florence Fuller Center             funding  philosophy  ensures  that  every  dollar  granted  stays
        Fueled  by  a  generous  grant  from  the  Quantum  Foundation,   within the county, maximizing the benefit to local communities      Maguro–Chopped Pacific Bluefin Tuna is lean, has
        the  recent  partnership  between  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa   and  supporting  projects  like  the  collaboration  between   striking red color;
        and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center  in  Boca  Raton  exemplifies   Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa  and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center.      Hotate–Scallop usually farm-raised are of high quality,
        the  increasing  acknowledgment  of  wellness  as  an  essential   This  grant  from  Quantum  Foundation  not  only  underscores   clean and sweet;
        element of effective community service. This collaboration is   their  commitment  to  community  health  but  also  enables      Gindara–Miso Cod is rich and buttery, but firm to the bite;
        set to launch a variety of initiatives aimed at enhancing the   the  implementation  of  the  wellness  rooms  and  educational
        health and wellness of the children, parents, volunteers, and   programs that are central to this partnership.     Toro–Tuna  from  the  fatty  part  of  the  belly  is  often
        families  engaged  with  the  Fuller  Center.  Through  this  joint  A Synergistic Collaboration: Wellness Rooms and   considered the most expensive cut;
        effort,  both  organizations  demonstrate  their  commitment  to   Lectures                           Sake–Salmon that is best from the chinook salmon and
        nurturing the community from the ground up, ensuring that   The  cornerstone  of  the  collaboration  between  Hunyuan  Life   the tastiest;
        those who give so much can continue to do so with renewed   Wellness  Spa  and  The  Fuller  Center  is  the  development  of      Wagyu Uni–High-quality beef sliced over sushi rice,
        energy and health.                               dedicated wellness rooms at the Fuller Center's facilities. These   torched to produce a lightly charred flavor;
        Dr. Yaron Seidman: A Vanguard of Wellness        rooms will be equipped with the unique wellness technologies
        At the helm of this initiative is Dr. Yaron Seidman, a seasoned   pioneered by Dr. Seidman, providing a space where volunteers      Unagi Eel–A tender Japanese grilled freshwater eel that
        acupuncture specialist with over 35 years of experience. As the   and  staff  can  engage  in  self-care  through  guided  wellness   is brushed with unagi sauce and rice.
        owner of the Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa and the author of eight   practices.  Additionally,  Dr.  Seidman  will  conduct  wellness      From The Dessert Tray: Our very attentive waiter highly
        influential books on wellness, Dr. Seidman's approach combines   lectures and workshops, aiming to embed a culture of health   recommended we finish our fish feast with a refreshing cold
        traditional Chinese medicine with modern innovations to offer   and  wellness  within  the  fabric  of  the  center's  everyday   sweet dessert called Mochi. Not familiar with this after-
        unique  healing  experiences.  His  commitment  to  developing   operations.
        holistic wellness technologies has positioned him as a leader   Conclusion: A Model for Future Endeavors  dinner delight I was happily surprised by a Japanese-style
        in the field, dedicated to enhancing the health of community   This pioneering collaboration between Hunyuan Life Wellness   ice cream. Mochi is a small round confection consisting of
        workers and volunteers through accessible, effective methods.  Spa  and  The  Florence  Fuller  Center  sets  a  new  standard  for   a soft, pounded sticky rice dumpling that surrounds an ice
        Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa: A Sanctuary of Healing  community health initiatives. By integrating advanced wellness   cream filling. Along with the traditional flavors of vanilla,
        The Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa is not just a facility; it's a retreat   technologies  within  a  nonprofit  setting,  they  are  charting  a   chocolate and strawberry you’ll find it in other flavors like
        that offers a range of services designed to restore and maintain   path  forward  that  other  organizations  might  follow.  More   we did, such as; Kona coffee, plum wine and green tea. Don’t
        optimal  health.  Under  Dr.  Seidman's  guidance,  the  spa  has   importantly, this partnership underscores a crucial recognition:
        developed several unique wellness technologies that are both   that caring for the caregivers is not just an act of kindness but a   “mocki” until you try it!
        innovative  and  rooted  in  traditional  healing  practices.  These   necessity that benefits the entire community. As this initiative      Check  Please:  Obviously, this  is  not  your  weekly
        include specialized acupuncture techniques, herbal remedies,   unfolds,  it  promises  not  only  to  enhance  the  lives  of  those   sushi outing. But for a special occasion, a special treat, or
        and  energy-balancing  therapies  that  together  create  a   directly involved but also to inspire a wave of similar efforts   when you wish to upgrade your sushi palate without a trip
        comprehensive wellness regimen tailored to individual needs.  across the nation, each aimed at uplifting those who dedicate   to Japan, I recommend this fantastic experience at Sushi
        The Fuller Center: Commitment to Community and   their lives to helping others.                    Boū. As you know, everything good comes with a price.
        Leadership                                                                                         But compared to the last Omakase I shared with Hungry
        The  Florence  Fuller  Center  has  been  a  beacon  of  hope  and   For  more  information  about  the  wellness  programs  and
        support  in  Boca  Raton  for  over  50  years.  Led  by  CEO  Ellyn   initiatives  offered  by  Hunyuan  Life  Wellness  Spa,  visit  www.  S to the tune of $680, this one was very reasonable. The
        Okrent,  the  center  provides  educational  and  developmental or contact them at 561-400-6743.  bill for two of us without the premium sake and special
        services to over 900 children and 600 families annually across a                                   cocktail totaled $150, including tip and taxes.
        wide geographic area. Okrent's leadership is characterized by a                                       Fortunately, Hungry Al never complains about cost when
        relentless pursuit of excellence and a deep commitment to the                                      it comes to quality of company or food. Spending three
        well-being of both the families served and the volunteers who
        support  them.  Her  forward-thinking  approach  in  partnering                                    wonderful hours with my son-in-law, enjoying what he loves
        with Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa is a reflection of her dedication                                   is enough to make me feel like an emperor. How can I not
        to holistic community development.                                                                 give Sushi Boū of
                                                                                                           Boca five golden
                                                                                                           pieces of sashimi?
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