Page 15 - Boca Exposure - May '24
P. 15

Boca Exposure, Page 15
       Artificial Sweeteners Alter The Digestive Microbiome

      By Steven E. Reznick,                                 The study’s findings included:                 with them. For those of us consuming these products to
      M.D., FACP                                            1. The relative abundance of Escherichia, Klebsiella   lose weight or keep our weight down, we are ingesting
         There is a growing body                         and Salmonella species was much lower than normal   products whose long-term safety is questionable.
      of evidence which supports                         in consumers of non-aspartame, non-sugar sweeteners.   Healthy Lifestyle’s Impact On Dementia
      eliminating artificial                             Other  species  such  as  Proteobacteria  were  increased      The Rush Memory and Aging Project followed 754
      sweeteners from your diet.                         in both non-aspartame, non-sugar sweeteners and   individuals for just under 25 years who all developed
         In  November, Avi                               aspartame-containing sweeteners.                  dementia.  The  average  patient  died  at  91  years  old.
      Hosseini, MPH, and                                    2.  The artificial sweeteners changed the way the   Their brains were donated for autopsy and examination
      associates at Cedars-Sinai                         microbes of the duodenum (initial  portion of small   for beta-amyloid load, phosphorylated tau tangles and
      in Los Angeles, published a                        intestine)  metabolized  products.  Non-aspartame,  non-  Alzheimer’s pathology. The patients were evaluated for
      research paper in the online                       sugar  sweeteners  biosynthesis  of  polysaccharides  was   health of lifestyle with points assigned for not smoking,
      version of the journal Science                     impaired as was the expected breakdown and digestion   getting 150 minutes of physical activity per week, limiting
      supporting the concern over artificial sweeteners. They analyzed   of D-galactose.                   alcohol consumption and eating a healthy diet such
      the gastric and small intestinal duodenal areas in patients      Aspartame  increased the production  of  a potential   as the Mediterranean-DASH diet. Higher point totals
      consuming non-sugar sweeteners and others which were not.  cancer-causing agent cylindrospermopsin which is known   meant you lived a healthier lifestyle. Over the 25-year
         The study assessed 35 subjects consuming non-   to affect the nervous system and liver.           observation period, participants intermittently underwent
      aspartame sweeteners and compared them to nine patients      3. They additionally found certain protective cytokines   neuropsychological testing.
      using aspartame only and 55 control subjects. Forty of   with anti-inflammatory properties were markedly      The  results showed that those  with  the healthiest
      the participants provided stool samples for evaluation.   reduced.                                   lifestyle had the best cognitive function as they aged and
      All the study patients were undergoing upper fiber-optic      If you are a diabetic, and have no choice but to   at death. Patients could have similar appearing brains with
      endoscopy for upper intestinal gastric complaints.  consume artificial sweeteners, there is a risk associated   classical pathological findings of dementia and similar
                                                                                                           loads of beta-amyloid and tau tangles but the individuals
                                                                                                           with the healthier lifestyle reasoned, remembered and
                                  True Treasures                                                           performed better.

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