Page 14 - Boca Exposure - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Exposure
      ‘Photographs Of The Mind’s Eye’

      Exhibit At Boca Downtown Library

         The  Boca  Raton                                   Goldberg says: “Composition,
      Public Library is currently                        I learned, is innate. In our mind’s
      presenting a new art                               eye we see things the way we want
      exhibit,  “Photographs                             them to be and not necessarily how
      of the Mind’s Eye,”                                they are. Some people are realists
      by Alan Goldberg. He                               and others, artists. I find myself
      has been exhibiting his                            somewhere in between the two. I
      photography since 2014,                            took up photography as I could not
      first as a traditional                             capture the world as I saw it as an
      photographer and in                                artist. I wanted to express myself in
      the last few years as                              a new and unusual way. Some of my
      an  artist.  John  Haffey                          harshest critics were photographers
      of  Art World News has                             that did not share the same vision or
      described Goldberg’s art                           were purists and yet I pursued my art. It was not until I      “Photographs of the Mind’s Eye,” a free exhibit, runs
      as “refreshingly unique and beautiful.” As of 2023, his art   moved to Florida that my perspective of photography and   through June 14 in the lobby gallery at the Boca Raton Public
      had been exhibited at Galeria Azur in Miami and in galleries   art were recognized.”                 Library’s Downtown Library location, 400 N.W. 2nd Ave.
      in Palma, Spain; Berlin, Germany; Zug, Switzerland; and
      Dubai, United Arab Emirates. His art was exhibited at Art
      Basel/Miami Art Week in 2022 and 2023. This year, his art
      will be exhibited again at Art Basel/Miami Art Week and
      at the NY Art Expo for his second year.

                                                           RAYMOND JAMES WELCOMES SOUTH FLORIDA

                                                           FINANCIAL ADVISOR MANAGING $105 MILLION

                                                            Raymond James recently welcomed financial advisor Thera Elliott to
                                                          Raymond James Financial Services (RJFS) – the firm’s independent advisor
                                                          channel – according to Todd Gartrell, Southeast division director for RJFS.

                                                            Elliott arrives from Wells Fargo, where she previously managed
                                                          approximately $105 million in client assets. Operating as Elliott Wealth
                                                          Strategies in Boca Raton, Florida, she is joined by office manager and
                                                          sales assistant Joy Lynn McGarity. Together they serve a variety of clients,
                                                          including business owners, healthcare professionals, women investors,

        Mayor’s Update from page 13                       retirees and families, with personalized planning to help meet their
                                                          financial goals.
           We have a thriving economy. Boca Raton is home
        to the most corporate headquarters of any city in Palm     “Raymond James stands out in the industry for its distinguished
        Beach County, is rated No. 1 for startups, and saw more   reputation and client-first approach, which provides me with the freedom
        office leasing activity last year than West Palm Beach
        and Fort Lauderdale combined. While other cities see   and flexibility to run my practice in a way that best suits my clients. In
        more vacancies in their business districts, work is   addition, its robust investment, banking, trust and insurance capabilities
        underway on two new Class A office buildings in our
        downtown. Companies are investing in Boca Raton,   backed by a team of estate planning professionals can be highly beneficial
        and our talent base from startups to C-suite is growing.   to clients and business,” said Elliott.
           Our finances are strong. We continue to have one
        of the lowest property tax rates of any full-service     With nearly 20 years of industry experience, Elliott began her career in
        city in Florida and small but steady decreases of our   financial services and banking in 2006 and most recently spent 16 years at
        millage rate over the past 10 years. The rating agencies
        regard our bonds as safer investments than what was   Wells Fargo, where she became a financial advisor. A Florida native, she
        the bluest of blue chips–the United States of America.   is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a degree in accounting
        Washington  could  learn  many  lessons  from  Boca
        Raton. And with these low tax rates we saw another   and finance.
        12 percent increase in property values this year, part
        of a large growth the past four years. Decreasing taxes;   About Raymond James Financial Services
        rising values–that’s the blueprint for prosperity.  Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. (RJFS), member FINRA/SIPC, is a financial services firm supporting independent
           Yet we recognize that rising values, as in so many   financial advisors nationwide. Since 1974, RJFS provides a wide range of investment and wealth planning-related services
        places, bring a challenge of housing affordability.   through its affiliate, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. Both firms are wholly
        This year we adopted ordinances to provide attainable   owned subsidiaries of Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE-RJF), one of the nation’s premier diversified financial services
        housing  choices for  families  and workers  that will   companies with approximately 8,700 financial advisors throughout the United States, Canada and overseas. Total client
        help us attract even more companies and reduce miles   assets are approximately $1.42 trillion as of Feb. 29, 2024. Additional information is available at
        traveled on our roadways.                         Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services
           We have committed to a sense of place, with    are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Elliott Wealth Strategies is not a registered broker/
        vibrant cultural and community offerings. Last year   dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
        we held nearly 50 community events, including
        nationally televised sports events drawing millions of
        viewers. Last month we hosted headlining attractions
        at our Museum of Art, the Festival of the Arts Boca
        and the Studio at Mizner Park. This month the local
        nonprofit Center for the Arts and Innovation unveiled                                   Raymond James Financial Services
        its aspirational design for a landmark cultural arts
        center to be built on this very site by world renowned                                  Thera Elliott
        architect Renzo Piano. And our community celebration
        last month is only a prelude to a robust series of events                               301 E. Yamato Road, Suite 3160
        leading up to our centennial celebrations in May 2025.                                  Boca Raton, FL 33431
           I’ll share more information in next month’s
        column. If you can’t wait, you can view the entire                                      561-241-6616
        State of the City at  You may                                  
        also want to stay in touch on social media at @
        scottsingerusa. As always, please reach out by email                          
        to with any thoughts or requests.
        Honored to serve you!
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