Page 13 - Boca Exposure - May '24
P. 13

Boca Exposure, Page 13
      Council Corner: All Things Transportation,

      City Receives Awards And Gearing Up For Next Year!

      By Deputy Mayor Yvette                             the Palm Beach County Transit Planning Agency governing   beyond excited to have led these efforts on offering an
      Drucker: a proud first-                            and executive board, the voting delegate and policy   important last mile and multi-modal option. Please be on
      generation Cuban American                          committee member for the Florida Palm Beach League of   the lookout for our kick-off event.
      and first Hispanic on the city                     Cities. I am excited to continue my work on transportation,      Coming soon! The city is kicking off a Downtown
      council. Now recently re-                          infrastructure, housing affordability and legislative policies.   Multimodal Mobility Study to revision East Palmetto Park Road
      elected to serve her second                        All priorities of our city!                       and we are looking for community input. Take the survey, leave
      term on the city council. Her                         We accepted the 2024 Safe Streets Summit Awards;   comments on an interactive map, join one of our many public
      unwavering commitment                              Complete Streets Community Award was presented to the City   input sessions and learn more at
      to community service and                           of Boca Raton, and I received the Complete Streets Champion      What’s up next? The city council and staff are preparing
      involvement in governmental                        Award as we continue to focus on our strategic goal as it relates   for our days of strategic planning sessions that will take
      positions like the Palm Beach                      to transportation and mobility. Together we continue planning   place May 22 to 24 – the city council, along with our senior
      County Transportation                              and implementing safe streets for all.            leadership will meet in person and continue to focus on our
      Planning Agency and the Florida League of Cities advocacy      The city has also been accepted and became a member   goals, priorities and desired future outcomes. We will review
      and public policy committees underscores her commitment   of the National Association of City Transportation Officials   our vision and mission statements and have a collaborative
      to shaping impactful policies. Beyond her civic endeavors,   (NACTO), the only city in Palm Beach County to be a   discussion around our four goals: 1) Financially Sound City,
      Drucker cherishes moments with her family and beloved dog   member city. NACTO’s mission is to build cities as places   2) World-Class Municipal Services, 3) Strong Partnerships
      J.J., reveling in Boca Raton’s local parks, beaches, and the   for people, with safe, sustainable, accessible, and equitable   with the Community and 4) Vibrant and Sustainable City and
      city’s diverse culinary and cultural offerings.    transportation choices that support a strong economy and   the priority items within each goal.
         First, I want to start by saying “thank you” for enabling   vibrant quality of life.                 I am always looking for input and available for questions.
      me to continue to represent the people of this city. I am      The city has entered into an agreement with Circuit   I can be reached at and you can follow
      so honored to have been selected by my fellow council   Transit Inc. to provide free electric shuttle service in the   me on social media @yvettedrucker. For more city updates
      members as the Deputy Mayor and to continue serving on   downtown area, and paid service in a wider area. I am   visit and hope to see you around the city.
       Mayor’s Update: State Of The City Highlights

      Scott Singer is the 35th                           the affluent and powerbrokers. A century ago, Addison      At our recent State of the City address, I asked those in
      Mayor of Boca Raton and                            Mizner had this dream, and it was here in Boca Raton   attendance to take stock of where we stand and what we’ve
      was re-elected in 2023.                            that he set out to build it.                      accomplished in the past year. In this column, I’ll share the
      A South Florida native,                               Today, in Boca Raton, we aspire to that dream. We have   first part of the highlights on our actions.
      attorney and small business                        become renowned for the quality of life we enjoy, but we      We are a safe community, with the finest public safety
      owner, Scott and his wife                          have more to do to bring dimension to the dream of the city   professionals anywhere. As other cities have seen dramatic
      Bella live in Broken Sound                         we know we can be. It will take a renewed vigor at the dawn   rises in crime, our low crime rates continue to fall. Our fire
      with their two children.                           of our new century, and we are up to this challenge. I feel   rescue department continues to rank in the top half of the top
         Friends and neighbors,                          honored to work alongside colleagues who recognize this   1 percent in the nation. We were the first city in Florida to
      they told him it was                               moment: Deputy Mayor Yvette Drucker, Council Members   update building review standards after the Surfside tragedy,
      impossible.  To create a                           Fran Nachlas, Marc Wigder and Andy Thomson, our new   and this year we recertified the first building under them to
      dream city where only a                            City Manager George Brown, and a dedicated team of nearly   give peace of mind to our residents.
      few farms and swampy wilderness stood. To make a   1,800 employees focused on providing outstanding services
      seamless, coordinated paradise that he saw as a haven for   to our residents.                        Mayor’s Update on page 14

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