Page 20 - Southern Exposure - March '25
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Page 20, Southern Exposure

                                                              finanCial foCuS                   ®

                                   Key Decisions For Retired Couples

                                                                  By Sally Sima Stahl, Edward Jones

        Once you and your                               decision carefully, considering the cost of housing, food,     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      spouse  retire,  you’ll  have                     income and real estate taxes, transportation and health   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      some decisions to make –                          care in whatever state you choose.                 Member SIPC.
      decisions that could affect                         • Have you finished your estate plans? If not, now is the     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      your quality of life in your                      time. You’ll want to work with your legal professional to   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      retirement years. What are                        create whatever documents are needed – a will, living trust,   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      these choices?                                    power of attorney – to help ensure your assets go where   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
        Here a few of the most                          you want them to go, and that your financial and health   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      important ones:                                   care choices will be protected if you become physically   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
        •  How much should                              or mentally incapacitated.                         of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      you withdraw from your                              Of course, many of these same issues will apply if you     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      retirement accounts? By                           are single, divorced or widowed. But if you are married,   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      the time you retire, you may have contributed for decades   you and your spouse will want to discuss all your choices   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      to an IRA and a 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored   and then decide which steps to take. Once you’ve got your     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
      retirement  plan.  But  once  you  retire,  you’ll  probably   plans in place, you may well find that you can fully enjoy   AAMS™, 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL
      need to draw on these accounts to help pay your living   your retirement years.                      33458.
      expenses. Consequently, both of you will need to be
      sure that you don’t withdraw so much each year that you
      risk running out of money later in your retirement. One
      common guideline is to aim for an annual withdrawal rate
      of 4 percent, but everyone’s situation is different based
      on age, pre-retirement income, lifestyle, health, travel
      plans and other factors. (Once you turn 73, or 75 if you
      were born in 1960 or later, you will have to take certain
      amounts, based on your age and account balance, from
      your traditional IRA and traditional 401(k) each year.)
        • When should you take Social Security? The answer
      to this question depends on many factors, such as your
      age  and  other  sources  of  income. You  can  take  Social
      Security as early as age 62, but your monthly payments will   Turning Pain into Power: A Message to My Supporters
      typically be bigger if you wait until your full retirement   Public service should be about ideas, integrity, and solutions. But my opponent and his team have chosen a different
      age, which will be age 67 if you were born in 1960 or later.   path—one of personal attacks and exploiting my past struggles to distract from the real issues that matter to you.
      And if you can afford to wait even longer, your payments   Yes, I have faced the daily battle of the incurable disease, alcoholism. Like millions of Americans, I have dealt
      will “max out” when you reach age 70. Your decision on   with a disease that does not define me but has shaped my resilience, my empathy, and my determination to serve
      when to take Social Security can affect your spouse –   the residents of Palm Beach Gardens. Addiction is not a moral failing; it is a challenge that countless families,
      and vice versa. If the lower-earning spouse claims Social   veterans, workers, and leaders have faced. And like them, I have fought—and continue to fight—every single day.
      Security before their full retirement age – again, age 67
      – their own retirement benefit and any potential spousal   Through the unwavering support of my ex-wife, my family, my son, my friends and my amazing Alcoholics
      benefit will be reduced. (Spousal benefits are given to the   Anonymous support family, I have remained sober, one day at a time, for 13 years. My 10 years of service,
      lower-earning spouse if their full retirement benefit is less   dedication and commitment to the City of Palm Beach Gardens as the Chairman of 2 advisory boards, clearly
      than half the other spouse’s full retirement benefit.)   demonstrate I’m fit to serve and lead the City of Palm Beach Gardens into its next growth cycle and beyond.
        • Should you downsize? If you live in a big home and
      your children are grown, you may find it economical to   My opponent wants to use my disease against me, not because it makes me unfit to lead, but because they have no
      downsize. Of course, this is also an emotional decision,   real solutions or answers to offer. They would rather smear my character than talk about their own record of being
      but you may find that you can save money by moving into   completely uninvolved, detached and unconnected with the City of Palm Beach Gardens. But I won’t be bullied
      a smaller home.                                       into silence. I stand here today as someone who understands hardship, who has faced darkness and refused to let
        •  Where should you live? Some states are far more   the negatives win. For this, makes me stronger and fit to serve. It makes me more prepared to fight for the people
      expensive to live in than others. You’ll want to weigh your   who feel unheard, who need a champion and leader who won’t back down—even when faced with adversity.

                                                            Leadership isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being honest, being accountable, and never giving up on the people
                                                            who trust you to represent them. I know struggle, I know perseverance, and I know the strength it takes to keep
                                                            going. My past does not disqualify me—my 40 years of experience makes me the best person for this fight. To
                                                            those who have ever struggled, who have ever felt judged for their past, their mistakes—I see you. I hear you. I
                                                            will help you. And I will fight for you.

                                                            They can attack me all they want. But I am still here. And I will not be defined by their words. I will be defined by
                                                            my actions, leadership, fitness to serve and my sobriety.

                                                            And that is why we will win.

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