Page 19 - Southern Exposure - March '25
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Southern Exposure, Page 19
buSineSS SPotlight from page 18
The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Palm Beach Gardens
Reaches Its Summit
Marking Its Final Construction Milestone Before Completion, Catalfumo Companies
Ushers In A New Blueprint For Timeless Waterfront Living
Today, prolific Palm Beach Gardens developer, Framed by 180-degree panoramic Intracoastal views, The Ritz-Carlton’s revered anticipatory service including
Catalfumo Companies led by CEO Daniel Catalfumo, The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Palm Beach Gardens’ a dedicated concierge to handle details from a fully stocked
announced The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Palm Beach three intimate buildings designed by Spina O’Rourke + kitchen to pet care and dinner or spa reservations.
Gardens has reached its summit with construction ahead Partners, encompass 106 grand estate residences starting T o learn more, please visit
of schedule. Located on the last 14 contiguous acres of at $4.5 million up to $10 million. Unique to the property or call (561) 295-
waterfront in Palm Beach, the development is 40 percent is its limited collection of 13 grand terrace residences with 7382. The sales gallery is located at 4001 Design Center
sold and is slated for completion in early 2026. This marks 1,834 square feet of private terrace space that opens to a Drive, Suite 110, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.
the official top off of the East and North Tower, while the lush mezzanine amenity deck spanning 15,000 square feet. The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Palm Beach Gardens
South Tower reaches more than 50 percent completion. Anchored by a private 29-boat slip marina for vessels up to are not owned, developed or sold by Marriott
“Catalfumo Companies has had a deep vested interest in 75 feet in the heart of the burgeoning Palm Beach Gardens International, Inc. or its affiliates (“Ritz-Carlton”).
Palm Beach for over 50 years and this monumental milestone Marina District, owners have direct access to the Palm DMBH RESIDENTIALINVESTMENT, LLC uses The Ritz-
for The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Palm Beach Gardens Beach and Jupiter inlets. On land, amenities with a focus Carlton marks under a license from Ritz-Carlton, which
embodies the pinnacle moment of the area becoming the most on service are abundant, spanning over 20,000 square feet, has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or
sought-after enclave in the region,” said Daniel Catalfumo, including a private waterfront entertainment pavilion and representations made herein.
CEO of Catalfumo Companies. “As we look to completion in clubhouse with a lighthouse inspired lounge, two private
early 2026, I am honored to continue The Ritz-Carlton’s legacy dining rooms, game room, space-inspired kids’ club, guest
of bespoke service in Palm Beach Gardens as the blueprint of suites, wellness center and infinity edge pool with cabanas
refined and authentically personalized experiences.” offered for sale. At every turn, residents will experience
A Fresh Take on Fine Dining Arrives in Tequesta
Nestled in the heart of Tequesta, an exciting rated kitchens in “Daisies” pasta restaurant,
culinary evolution is taking place. The “Green Zebra” seasonal vegetarian,
Salty Zebra, helmed by Michelin-trained and Gaijin, Chicago’s first okonomiyaki
Chef David Chapman, is redefining what a restaurant rated eatery. David creates
neighborhood bistro can be. dishes that marry classical European
techniques with Florida's vibrant seasonal
The restaurant's philosophy is immediately ingredients. The kitchen maintains close
apparent upon entering. Gone are partnerships with local producers like Kai
the starched tablecloths and formal Kai Farms and Swank Specialty Produce,
pretenses typically associated with fine while seafood arrives daily from nearby
dining. Instead, guests are welcomed into Cod & Capers.
a welcoming bistro atmosphere where
comfortable banquettes and intimate Everything is made in-house, from the
seating create the perfect dinner gathering cured charcuterie to the hand-rolled
spot. A stunning 15-foot live-edge table pasta. Even the ice cream is churned on-
anchors the semi-private dining room, site. Yet despite this attention to detail, the
embodying the restaurant's commitment atmosphere remains refreshingly casual.
to both beauty and approachability. During happy hour, regulars gather in the
lounge for a 4-course Prix Fixe menu for $40
"We wanted to create the kind of place or elevated bar snacks, and discounted
where you could celebrate a special craft cocktails and wine. The dining room
occasion or just drop in for a casual hosts both intimate date nights and lively
Tuesday dinner with the kids," explains family gatherings.
Seamus O'Brien, who owns The Salty
Zebra with his wife Stephanie. Their vision "Fine dining doesn't have to mean formal,"
of an unpretentious yet refined dining Chef Chapman notes. "It's about respecting
experience stems from years of local great ingredients and preparing them
restaurant experience and understanding thoughtfully. We want our guests to focus
what the community craves. on enjoying their food and their company,
not worrying about which fork to use."
The menu reflects this balanced
approach. Chef Chapman, drawing from This philosophy is working. Since opening,
his experience in Chicago's distinguished The Salty Zebra has quickly become
restaurant scene, leading three Michelin a neighborhood favorite, proving that
exceptional food and a welcoming
atmosphere aren't mutually exclusive.
It's a restaurant that raises the bar for
local dining while remaining thoroughly
grounded in community.