Page 18 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 18

Page 18, Southern Exposure

                                                             buSineSS SPotlight

                    Announcing Interim CEO Of The Lord’s Place

                   Kerry Diaz Accepts Interim Position As Long-Term CEO Diana Stanley Retires

        The Lord’s Place Board of Directors recently announced                                             the driving force behind The Lord’s Place’s growth and
      the decision to appoint an interim and highly experienced                                            impact, transforming the agency from a struggling nonprofit
      leader  to  take  over  Diana  Stanley’s  role  of  CEO  on  a                                       with 30 employees into a highly-recognized organization of
      temporary basis. Kerry Diaz, J.D., has agreed to step into                                           $17 million in revenues – employing 130 staff, operating 15
      the role of Interim CEO while the CEO search committee                                               housing campuses, and providing services to close to 1,900
      continues to identify the agency’s next permanent leader.                                            individuals annually on their journey out of homelessness.
        “Finding the right individual to replace Diana after 17                                            Stanley has advocated relentlessly for the most vulnerable
      remarkable years of dedication and visionary leadership in                                           in our community and has developed new partnerships
      expanding services and resources for the most disadvantaged                                          and collaborations between local agencies – elevating and
      in Palm Beach County has required a thoughtful and thorough                                          championing the local nonprofit community. She has led the
      process. We want to ensure the right candidate assumes                                               agency and community in viewing the end to homelessness as
      the position to continue inspiring our team, enriching our                                           more than housing including the services and skills training
      community, and, most importantly, serving those in need,”                                            that ensure individuals become productive citizens.
      stated Cornie Thornburgh, chair of the Board of Directors.                                             Diaz will officially return to The Lord’s Place starting
        Diaz most recently served as The Lord’s Place Chief                                                January 27, 2025. Stanley will remain CEO until February 3,
      Operating Officer from 2021 to 2023, where she oversaw the                                           2025, ensuring a thorough handover of responsibilities and key
      agency’s operations, including its information technology,                                           relationships. On February 3, Stanley will become president of
      property management, and housing acquisition/expansion                                               The Lord’s Place Foundation where she will remain connected
      components. She has strong knowledge of the many dimensions                                          to the agency as she and a dedicated foundation board oversee
      of nonprofit management, including programming, finance,                                             donors’ investments for long-term sustainability.
      advancement, research and evaluation, legal compliance,                                                “Once again, we express our profound gratitude for
      human resources, and administration. She also previously                                             Diana’s  extraordinary  leadership,  exemplary  service
      served as chief executive officer of the Quantum Foundation.                                         to the community, and unwavering passion for making
        Thornburgh added, “Given Kerry’s proven track record                                               a difference in the lives of the poor and homeless. In
      in nonprofit leadership, operations, and strategy – coupled   Kerry Diaz and Diana Stanley at The Lord’s Place Ending   tandem, we are most grateful to Kerry for agreeing to
      with her compassion and love of our mission – we have   Homelessness Breakfast in 2023. (Photo by Capehart   serve as Interim CEO. As an already valued leader within
                                                         Photography)                                      our agency and our community, Kerry will make this
                                                                                                           transition as smooth as possible as she continues to drive
                                                        full confidence in her ability to lead The Lord’s Place as   key initiatives, advise on strategy, and manage change
                                                        we continue our careful search. Additionally, Kerry is fully   until we elect a new permanent CEO,” said Thornburgh.
                                                        known to the board, staff, community, key stakeholders, and     For  more  information  on The  Lord’s  Place  and  its
                                                        donors – making her a great choice to move into the interim   mission  to  break the cycle  of homelessness  for men,
                                                        role as CEO.”                                      women, and children, visit
                                                          Stanley announced her retirement in March 2024. Her
                                                        servant leadership and indefatigable work ethic have been   Business Spotlight on page 19




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