Page 22 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 22
Page 22, Southern Exposure
Community SPotlight
Entrepreneur And Treasure Hunter Carl Allen
Tapped As Keynote Speaker For Palm Beach
International Boat Show Business Luncheon
Renowned philanthropist, yachtsman, and treasure hunter businessman, philanthropist, yachtsman, and treasure hunter, The “Charting the Course” luncheon will benefit the Palm
will share his high seas success stories at the boat show’s Allen will share his unique insights and experiences at The Ben, Beach International Boat Show Gives Back program, which
“Charting the Course” Business Leadership Luncheon. Autograph Collection in downtown West Palm Beach on Friday, funds grants to nonprofit organizations in Palm Beach County,
Celebrating 43 years of success, the Palm Beach International March 21, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. including environmental and marine education initiatives and
Boat Show (PBIBS) is pleased to announce Carl Allen, CEO The luncheon brings together leaders from both the public waterfront projects in downtown West Palm Beach.
of Allen Exploration, as the keynote speaker for the “Charting and private sectors to foster relationships and highlight the The “Charting the Course” Business Leadership Luncheon
the Course” Business Leadership Luncheon. A renowned marine industry’s positive economic impact in Palm Beach is a ticketed event. Tickets are $115 per person, and $1,000 for
County. Allen will discuss his restoration efforts on Walker’s a table of 10. For more information and to purchase tickets,
Cay, a destination fishing island in the Bahamas, as well as visit or call (561) 863-0012.
his treasure hunting expeditions to the Nuestra Señora de las For more information, visit
Maravillas, a 17th century Spanish galleon wreck.
Allen’s passion for the sea began at age 12 during Photos courtesy of Allen Exploration.
a fishing trip out of
Florida’s St. Lucie Inlet.
His early experiences
with the Atlantic Ocean
sparked a lifelong
interest in maritime
exploration and the
islands of the Bahamas.
In addition to his marine
endeavors, Allen
supports numerous
philanthropic projects
in education, ecology,
conservation, veterans’
affairs, and health
research. To invest
in future generations,
Allen also supports
youth programs across
the globe. Walker’s Cay island
Carl Allen and wife, Gigi Allen Allen Exploration expedition
Allen Exploration artifacts Carl Allen in front of Walker’s Cay Island