Page 25 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 25
Southern Exposure, Page 25
Section B
NoNprofit News
The Pet Cottage Wins $10,000
In Great Charity Challenge Pet Parade
Southeast Equestrian Takes First Place, Bringing The Mission Of The Pet Cottage To Life
The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce that
its incredible team, led by Southeast Equestrian,
won first place in the Great Charity Challenge’s
highly anticipated pet parade, securing a $10,000
prize to support the organization’s mission of
providing lifelong care for pets in need.
With outstanding creativity and heart, the
Southeast Equestrian team brought The Pet
Cottage’s mission to life in a visually stunning
way. The parade entry featured:
• Children dressed as seniors, walking
alongside beloved pets
• A miniature replica of The Cottage,
complete with a real dog inside, symbolizing the
safe and loving homes the organization provides
• Adorable miniature horses, adding a
magical touch to the performance
• Incredible teamwork and leadership,
making this inspiring vision a reality community together to
“This was such a beautiful and joyful moment for The support local charities, with
Pet Cottage,” said Lisa Gendal, Chairman of the Board. millions of dollars awarded to deserving organizations. to providing lifelong care for pets who have lost their
“We are incredibly grateful to Southeast Equestrian for The Pet Cottage is honored to have been a part of this humans due to death, disability, or deployment. Through
their dedication, talent, and generosity in representing our impactful event and deeply appreciates the support of all its unique guardian program, The Pet Cottage places these
mission so beautifully. Winning this award means even who made this victory possible. pets with Forever Guardians, providing companionship
more resources for the pets and people we serve, and we For more information about The Pet Cottage and how and purpose for seniors while ensuring the pets receive
couldn’t be more excited!” to support its mission, please visit love and stability for the rest of their lives.
The Great Charity Challenge, hosted annually at About The Pet Cottage
the Winter Equestrian Festival, brings the equestrian The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated Nonprofit News on page 26
NortherN Notes
Loggerhead Shrikes – Nature’s Butcherbird
By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District
The Loggerhead Shrike fascinating and terrifying for their prey. Shrikes hunt from
is a gray and white bird that above, diving down to snatch their prey in their hooked
resembles a Mockingbird bill. The upper part of the shrike’s hooked bill features a
at first glance. Both are pair of built-in projections called “tomial teeth.” These
types of songbirds with a specialized “teeth” are used to dispatch rodents by striking
similar overall gray, black the nape of the neck, instantly paralyzing them, and then
and white pattern and are shaking them with enough force to break their necks. They
about the size of a cardinal are quick and efficient hunters, earning them the nickname
or robin. The shrike has “butcherbirds.” Their genus name, Lanius, is derived from
blacker wings, a larger the Latin word “butcher.” Shrikes can also hover over prey,
head, a black mask, and a waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
heavy, hooked bill, unlike These remarkably intelligent birds then impale their
mockingbirds that have grayer wings, a smaller head and prey on barbed wire, thorns, tree branches, or other sharp
a thinner bill. The Loggerhead Shrike’s black mask acts objects to immobilize and kill it, if their beak hasn’t
like the black paint athletes wear to keep the sun’s glare already done the job. This practice, akin to a human’s
from impeding eyesight. pantry or larder, also helps them store food for days if
Where they truly stand out is in their unique hunting food is scarce. A large pantry can serve to attract mates
techniques. The shrike, a carnivorous bird, has a preference or feed juveniles. This practice can also help remove
for lizards, bugs, and small animals, unlike the seeds and
berries that mockingbirds enjoy. Their hunting style is both Northern Notes on page 28