Page 16 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 16
Page 16, Southern Exposure
SChool newS
Jupiter High School Band To Honor Veterans
With Performance In Hawaii’s National Vietnam
Veterans Day Parade
The Jupiter High School (JHS) Band has been selected The Jupiter High School
to march in the National Vietnam Veterans Day Parade Band is actively seeking
in Hawaii on March 29. This prestigious event will pay community support to elevate
tribute to the men and women who served the nation in the its program and expand its
Vietnam War and beyond, upholding the cause of freedom outreach. Donations will
and liberty. help fund essential needs
The JHS Band has a strong tradition of honoring such as music, instruments,
veterans within their community. Past initiatives include travel and uniforms, as well
participating in the 2023 Memorial Day Parade in as special initiatives like the
Washington, D.C., which included a special ceremony military outreach program.
at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The JHS band also One of the band’s near-
hosted a free concert for military families in 2024 featuring term goals is to perform for
guest conductor Frank Ticheli. This year, the band is veterans at the West Palm
deepening its connections with local veterans through a Beach Veterans Center, but
special performance at the “Stories of Service” event in additional funding is needed
Egret Landing in March. This event will celebrate local for travel expenses.
military veterans by providing an opportunity for them Your support can make
to share their stories. Veterans interested in attending the a difference! To contribute,
“Stories of Service” event should contact Liz Murphy at please visit https://jhsband.
“We are incredibly honored to participate in the
National Vietnam Veterans Day Parade in Hawaii,” said School News
Ryan Ross, JHS director of bands. “Marching in the on page 17
parade allows our students to express their gratitude for
the sacrifices made by our veterans. It also provides them
an opportunity to connect with them on a deeper level. It’s
a privilege to be a part of such a meaningful event.”
Emma Bennett, lead drum major, who also participated
in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ceremony, shared,
“It’s an amazing way to conclude my senior year. From the
solemn experience at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to
now marching in Hawaii for these heroes, it’s a full-circle
moment and a true honor.”
Skylar David, junior drum major, added, “Ending my
senior year with this pinnacle adventure and experience in
Hawaii is beyond exciting. I can’t wait to share our music
and show our appreciation for the veterans.”
Honoring the Harmony of Industry and Nature
April 5
7:30 a.m.
Rain or Shine!
Race Day
Registration Course!
Scan Here! Event
Proceeds from the SWA Run AWAY 5K
benefit Resource Depot.
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