Page 11 - Boca Club News - December '24
P. 11

Boca Club News, Page 11
      Council Corner: It’s the Most

      Wonderful Time of the Year…in Boca!

      By Marc Wigder, Boca Raton Council                recently received, Boca Raton is in a very unique position      The Boca Raton Museum of Art recently opened its
      Member & CRA Chair                                to have private companies participate in the improvements   exhibit called Splendor and Passion including art from
         I’m  Councilman  Marc Wigder                   we need, which in turn significantly reduces impact to our   Baroque Spain. It also features art from contemporary
      and  am pleased to bring  you this                taxpayers. We have just begun exploring this opportunity   Spanish artist Felix de la Concha, who painted several
      holiday update during this exciting               and have engaged the best consultants in the country to   works commissioned by the Museum in honor of the city’s
      time  for  Boca  Raton.  With  the                properly evaluate the needs of our community, and produce   centennial featuring historic crossroads of Boca Raton.
      Season in full swing, lights glimmer              the best product for Boca’s next generation. There will be      The Boca Raton Historic Society & Museum located
      a little brighter in Boca as we enjoy             many public input opportunities during the planning phase   downtown in Boca Raton’s original Town Hall also opened
      the holiday trees and spectacular                 so stay tuned.                                     its Centennial exhibit celebrating all things Addison Mizner,
      winter decorations in our Downtown Boca, Midtown and      Additionally,  Boca  Raton  and  the  Beach  and  Parks   including historic pictures, artifacts and art. It is not to be
      BRiC districts. Likewise, we often see people going all   District recently approved a paddle facility in Boca Teeca   missed.
      out decorating their homes and apartments beautifully for   and broke ground on the first fully accessible playground      And that’s not all! Don’t forget the Boca Raton Bowl
      the winter season. And there are so many events going on   at Patch Reef Park, where our new pickleball courts and   is December 18th at Florida Atlantic University, winter
      around Boca it’s sometimes hard to keep up! Our talented   covered pavilion are also under construction. An updated   festivities continue at Mizner Park before and after
      staff also continues to plan for our city’s Centennial in   Boca Raton park system master plan is in the works.   Christmas, and New Year’s Eve parties will be happening
      2025, which will feature citywide events recognizing this      I’m excited to report the city has hired its first Director   all over our community. You can find a list of important city
      important historic milestone for all things Boca.   of Transportation & Mobility, who is already hard at work   projects and holiday events at or at the downtown
         At City Hall, the City Council and staff are working hard   implementing the city’s Vision Zero and Safe Streets For   website DowntownBoca.Org. As always, your Council is
      on several prioritized initiatives, which include considering   All programs funded in part through innovative grants.   available and interested to hear your ideas to make Boca
      the reimagining of our downtown government campus,   We are also considering improvements to our east portion   Raton even better. Please contact me at mwigder@myboca.
      much in need of replacement after 60+ years of valiant   of  Palmetto  Park  Road  to  make  it  nicer  and  safer  for   us or call at (561) 334-9709. It’s a wonderful time of year to
      service to the community. We are also very fortunate to have   pedestrians; yet still recognizing its importance as an arterial   enjoy Boca Raton and all the amazing things happening...
      recently extended the term of our downtown Community   and evacuation route.                         and the great weather!
      Redevelopment Agency,  which  reinvests  dollars  that      In addition to all the events going on for the holidays all      Do not forget to be alert for safety updates and important
      would otherwise leave the city, to implement important   over the city, as we near the city’s Centennial in 2025 there   news, and have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season and
      infrastructure and community benefit improvements.   are many wonderful exhibits to check out that celebrate   a Happy New Year. 100 years of Boca Raton, celebrating
      Together with public-private partnership opportunities   Boca Raton, its illustrious history and our positive progress.   all year in 2025!
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      Did You Change Your Address?

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                 family, take time to recharge and relax and enjoy all the   or they can have it signed by a notary prior to their
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                  traditions that the holidays so befittingly offer. I look   reservation.
      County. You can reach her office                  forward to communicating with you in 2025!            In addition to the certification of address form, this
      by  Email:  ClientAdvocate@                          Happy holidays and Happy New Year!              new change requires the applicant to bring two additional Phone: (561)                    New Address Change Requirements. Did you know   documents containing the name of the person with whom
      355-4271.                                         that there were recent changes made to the proof of   they are residing. For a complete list of the new required
         As 2024 comes to a close I want                address documents required for driver licenses and ID   driver license and ID card documents visit
      to take this time to thank you for                cards? These documents verify that driver license and ID   driver-license/.
      being part of the “Tax Talk” family               card applicants are residents of Florida by requiring two      Hello, may I help you? Our Client Care Representatives
      and know that I thoroughly enjoy chatting with you each   pieces of qualifying documents in their name.   in our Client Care & Research Center (call center) are
      month. I hope you enjoy hearing more about my office,      This new requirement is a simple process for most   ready to take your call or answer your email and help
      Palm Beach County and the occasional news about my   individuals; however, others may not have certain   you with  your  questions. This year we  have  added an
      cats, Biden and Bader. They bring me so much joy, even   documents that contain their name and address. For   additional five representatives to help keep wait times to
      when they are just being cats and lounging around.  example, teens getting their learners permit or individuals   a minimum during our busy season. With an average of
         I also want to take this time to wish you, your family,   living  with  family  members.  Under  this  new  address   1,700 calls coming into the call center each day we are
      friends and even your pets—we can’t forget them—a   change requirement those individuals have a few options:   proud that we have reduced wait times to an average of
      very  happy  holiday  season. Whether  you  are  enjoying   They can complete a Certification of Address document   five minutes. While the team is working hard to answer all
      the holidays here in South Florida or traveling to be with   and have it signed by our staff during their reservation   calls quickly this time of year you may experience longer
                                                                                                           than normal wait times so we appreciate your patience.
                                                                                                           Representatives can be reached at (561) 355-2264 and are
                                                                                                           available Monday – Friday, 8:15 am to 5 pm.
                                                                                                              Don’t want to call us? You can always email us at
                                                                                                   for  assistance  and  you
                                                                                                           can expect a response from one of our Client Care
                                                                                                           Representatives within two business days.
                                                                                                              Found Money? Did you know there could be thousands
                                                                                                           of dollars waiting for you? Some clients overpay on their
                                                                                                           transactions, and if this happens we issue a refund check
                                                                                                           for the overpaid amount. If the refund is returned to us as
                                                                                                           undeliverable we continue to attempt to issue the refund.
                                                                                                           Once we have explored all refund options we post a list
                                                                                                           of unclaimed funds on our website hoping that clients can
                                                                                                           reclaim the money due to them. We hold onto these funds
                                                                                                           for at least one year. If the funds remain unclaimed we
                                                                                                           forward those funds to the state of the last known address.
                                                                                                              Currently, there is more than $749,000 in unclaimed
                                                                                                           funds available. So I encourage you to check if your name
                                                                                                           is on the list to see if there are funds waiting for you. Visit
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County Unclaimed Funds and State of Florida
                                                                                                           Unclaimed Funds for more information, and good luck!
                                                                                                           Important Dates & Holidays:
                                                                                                           December 24th  Christmas Eve – Tax Collector Offices
                                                                                                           December 25th  Christmas Day – Tax Collector Offices
                                                                                                           December 26th  Kwanza Begins
                                                                                                           December 31st  New Year’s Eve
                                                                                                           December 31st  Last Day to Receive 3% Property Tax
                                                                                                           December 31st  IPP:3rd Installment Payment Due
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