Page 16 - Boca Club News - December '24
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Page 16, Boca Club News
      Get Fresh! Tips from The Produce Maven…

      The Irish Potato Famine

         Irving Swedko and his wife,                       For crispy roasted potatoes a general rule of thumb is to   can cause the starches to convert to sugar, altering the flavor
      Beverly, are members of Broken                    parboil them until they are fork-tender but not falling apart.   and texture of the potato.
      Sound Club. He hails from Ottawa,                 This ensures the exterior becomes perfectly crisp while the      Potatoes are not only an essential crop for feeding the
      the capital of Canada, where he                   inside stays soft. Parboiled potatoes will keep for a couple   world; they are also relatively sustainable. They require
      spent more than 50 years in the                   of days in your fridge prior to roasting, making them a   less water than many other crops and produce a high yield
      produce business that included                    convenient option for preparing in advance.        per acre. This makes potatoes an efficient crop for regions
      taking a small fruit and vegetable                   Avoid adding too much oil as potatoes can absorb excess   with limited resources and for combating food insecurity.
      retail store and expanding it across              oil, leading to a soggy texture. Instead, lightly coat the      The potato has played a central role in history, from its
      the city and into other areas to                  potatoes, ensuring they are dry before roasting.   tragic involvement in the Irish Potato Famine to its modern-
      include wholesale, food service and importing, bringing      When choosing potatoes look for ones that are firm   day status as a global food staple. Its versatility, nutritional
      trucks of fresh produce from across the U.S. directly into   and free from blemishes, sprouts or wrinkled skin. Avoid   value and ability to grow in a variety of climates make it an
      Ottawa. His experience made him an expert on all things   potatoes with green patches, which indicate the presence of   essential part of diets worldwide. Whether mashed, fried or
      produce-related, from how to select the perfect melon to   solanine, a bitter-tasting compound. Store potatoes in a cool,   baked, the potato remains a resilient and beloved food for
      the best way to store fruits and veggies. After retiring,   dark place—never in the refrigerator—as cold temperatures   millions.
      Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and have
      the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to  Second Helpings: A Favorite Recipe from
      been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He is

      family time with his seven grandchildren.
         The Irish Potato Famine (1845–1852) stands as one of   the Past Pages of Boca Club News…
      the darkest chapters in European history, highlighting the
      critical role the potato played in sustaining millions of lives
      and the devastation that occurred when that lifeline was   Grilled Mushroom and Potato Salad
      cut off. Over one million died; two million immigrated.
      decimated potato crops and left a population that had been  with Mustard Dressing
      The blight, caused by the Phytophthora infestans fungus,

      reliant on the tuber without its primary food source.
         For the Irish people the potato was more than a staple; it      You’ve served potato salad many times
      was a necessity. The majority of Ireland’s land was owned   before to family and guests, but never
      by English landlords who rented small plots to Irish tenant   a dish like this! Shitake and Portobello
      farmers at high prices. Much of the land was used to grow   Mushrooms make all the difference.
      wheat and corn, which was then sold to pay rent, leaving   Serves 8
      only a small portion for the farmers themselves to grow   Ingredients:
      food. The rocky, less fertile plots that were left were ideal   • 8 Large Red Potatoes;
      for potatoes, which thrived even in poor soil conditions.  • 4 Large Shiitake Mushrooms;
         A typical adult male in Ireland could consume up to   • 2 Large Portobello Mushrooms, stem
      14 pounds of potatoes daily. One acre of potato crops   removed;
      was sufficient to feed a family of four for an entire year.   • Extra Virgin Olive Oil;
      However, when the blight struck in 1845 it caused the   • Kosher salt and pepper to taste;
      potatoes to rot in the ground, leading to widespread hunger.   • 1 Large red onion, finely sliced;
      With the blight lasting for seven years farmers couldn’t   • 2 red bell peppers, cut julienne;
      produce enough food to sustain their families. Many were   • 1 tbsp. finely chopped thyme leaves’
      evicted from their homes by landlords when they couldn’t   • ¼ cup chopped flat leaf parsley.
      pay their rent, forcing them to live in makeshift shelters or   Instructions:
      without shelter at all.                           1. Pre-heat a gas or charcoal grill to high.
         The potato is native to the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes,   2. Brush the mushrooms with olive oil and
      where it was cultivated over 1,800 years ago. When Spanish   season with salt and pepper. Grill until
      explorers arrived in South America during the 16th Century   golden brown and cooked through, 3 to 4
      they introduced the potato to Europe, and it quickly became   minutes on each side. Slice thinly and place in a large bowl.   1-inch cubes and add to the bowl. Add the onion and red
      a key crop across the continent.                  Cover to keep warm.                                bell peppers.
         In modern times the potato remains a dietary staple.   3. In a large pot of boiling salted water over high heat,   4. Pour the mustard vinaigrette over the warm potato
      The average American consumes 124 pounds of potatoes   boil the potatoes until cooked but still firm to the touch,   mixture and mix gently to combine. Add the thyme and
      annually. Potatoes are beloved for their versatility and are   approximately 15 minutes. Cut the cooked potatoes into   parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
      used in many different forms; 35% of potatoes are turned
      into French fries, 28% are sold fresh and 13% go into
      making potato chips. The potato’s adaptability makes it an
      essential part of meals in cultures all over the world.                NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
         There are over 200 varieties of potatoes available in
      the United States alone, each falling into one of seven
      categories: russet, red, white, yellow, blue/purple, fingerling
      and petite. One of the most popular varieties, Yukon Gold,          Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      was developed in Ontario, Canada, at the University of
      Guelph in the 1960s. These yellow potatoes have a buttery
      flavor and are lower in starch, making them ideal for many                Board Certified in
      different culinary applications.                                          Internal Medicine
         Although potatoes often get a bad reputation they are
      packed with nutrients. A medium-sized potato contains              with Added Qualifications in
      about 110 calories and is a good source of carbohydrates,
      fiber, protein and such key vitamins and minerals as vitamin              Geriatrics (2002).
      C, B6, potassium, magnesium and iron. Potatoes also have a
      low glycemic index, meaning they provide a steady release          Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      of energy without causing rapid blood sugar spikes.
         Contrary to popular belief carbohydrates in potatoes,                Voted a “Best Doctor”
      particularly starch, are a healthy part of a balanced diet.                   by his peers.
      Starch, a complex carbohydrate, is digested slowly, ensuring
      a steady source of energy throughout the day. Potatoes also
      contain resistant starch, which acts as a prebiotic, promoting          Call to request a complimentary meeting
      healthy digestion by feeding beneficial gut bacteria.
         Potatoes  are  one of  the  most  versatile  ingredients,                            with Dr. Reznick.
      capable of being prepared in countless ways. Whether they
      are fried, boiled, mashed or roasted, potatoes can fit into
      virtually any meal. However, cooking potatoes to perfection                           561.368.0191
      requires some technique.
         For example, soaking potatoes in cold water before
      cooking helps remove excess starch, which can cause them                        7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      to become sticky or gummy. Adding a little lemon juice                                  Boca Raton, FL 33433
      or vinegar to the water also helps prevent oxidation when                
      preparing potatoes ahead of time.
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