Page 14 - Boca Club News - December '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Club News
      Legal: Real Property Taxes

      By Michael J Posner, Esq., a                      disconnect is due to several factors. One factor is that while a      In addition to the constitutional protection for homestead
      partner at Lippes Mathias LLP, a                  home may be worth $800,000, the net value after sale costs is   property, the voters of Florida in 2008 adopted a ten percent cap
      full-service law firm representing                usually about seven percent lower ($744,000). In addition, the   on increases in assessments for non-homestead property. This
      clients in a variety of practice                  need to keep tax costs down helps dampen valuations.  constitution states:
      areas in 16 offices nationwide.                      Assessment limitations are imposed on increases in   Assessments subject to this subsection shall be changed annually
      He can be contacted by phone                      taxable value based on statutory caps adopted under Florida   on the date of assessment provided by law; but those changes in
      at (561) 594-1442 or by email at                  law. Florida currently has two separate caps, the three percent   assessments shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the assessment                              cap for homestead property and the ten percent cap for non-  for the prior year.
         It is November again and that                  homestead property.                                   This cap does not require any filing or action and applies
      means real property taxes for the year 2024 are finally due and      In 1995 Florida voters approved an amendment to the Florida   to any property that does not have the homestead exemption.
      payable. As an incentive to early payment, state law provides a   constitution to impose a three percent cap for homestead property,   However, the 10% cap does not apply to school district levies,
      discount of four percent if the taxes are paid in November. This   known as the Save our Homes law. This was in response to ever   which levies have no cap on annual increases.
      discount declines each month by one percent (three percent in   rising valuations for real property that threatened to force seniors      These exemptions do not stay with the property forever,
      December, two percent in January and one percent in February)   from their homes over high taxes. The law states:  and transfers can reset the valuation. For example, a property
      with full payment due on or before March 31st, 2025.  Assessments subject to this subsection shall be changed annually   that has a Save our Homes homestead exemption that is
         Each year the property appraiser determines the value of   on January 1st of each year; but those changes in assessments   sold to a buyer who immediately moves in and applies for
      real property in the county with an effective valuation date   shall not exceed the lower of the following: a. Three percent   homestead will not retain the capped assessed value, and
      as of January 1st. This valuation is broken down into several   (3%) of the assessment for the prior year. b. The percent change   instead, effective the next tax year will have a new capped
      categories. The “just value” (or total market value) is a property’s   in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, U.S.   assessed value based on the just value for that new tax year.
      market value. The “assessed value” is the just value minus   City Average, all items 1967=100, or successor reports for the   However, the seller may be able to take that lower capped
      assessment limitations discussed below. The taxable value is   preceding calendar year as initially reported by the United States   assessed value to a new home they buy through portability,
      the assessed value minus exemptions such as homestead and   Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.  a topic we will discuss in the next column.
      widows, and this is the value used by the tax collector to calculate      In order to qualify for the Save our Homes cap, a      In addition, transfers for estate planning or tax planning
      the amount of taxes due.                          homeowner must have a valid homestead exemption for   purposes may also trigger a revaluation. The Florida constitution
         The just value is often substantially (25 to 35 percent) below   the subject property. Homestead status is automatically   states that “After a change of ownership or control, as defined
      the actual value of property. For example, a house in Wellington   granted under the Florida Constitution, but in order to   by general law, including any change of ownership of a legal
      currently shows a total market value of $626,268 as of January   be eligible for Save our Homes and other applicable   entity that owns the property, such property shall be assessed
      1st, 2024. That same house sold for $827,500 in September 2024,   exemptions, an owner must (i) have title and reside in the   at just value as of the next assessment date.” For example, a
      and per’s valuations, as of January, 2024, CoreLogic   property prior to January 1st; and (ii) file a homestead   deed from an owner to his/her personally owned limited liability
      set the value at $854,600; Collateral Analytics at $895,000;   application with the local property appraiser before March   company will trigger a new valuation despite the fact that the
      and Quantarium at $800,464. While not explicitly stated, this   1st of each year.                    owner is the sole owner of the company.
        The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations
        The Good Life: Dining, Drinks, Destinations

      Dining Out: An Invitation That Makes This Review Easy!

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                       utilizes darker woods and offers a more elegant look with cloth      Prime Your Taste Buds: It was smart of these restaurateurs
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                    tablecloths, proper flatware and ample number of servers. The   to keep some of the favorites from Angelo Elia Pizza.
      for food started very young. Never                long bar still remains, and so does the happy hour we often
      satisfied with his Mom’s dishes, he               enjoyed in the past.                               Dining Out on page 15
      started to cook his way through
      her “Betty Crocker Cookbook.”
      During the years to follow he
      spend many hours working in
      restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking classes
      and traveling the world in an effort to expand his palette.
      As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his perspective
      on current food trends and guides you through your local
      restaurant options.
                                                                                                                          Scan for a FREE
      Casalina Ristorante Italiano                                                                                     In Home Consultat on
      16950 Jog Road
      Delray Beach, FL 33446                                                                                          VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
      (561) 381-0037                                                                                                IN BOCA
         Food For Thought: For some reason most folks think that
      food writers go around to various eating establishments on
      an open carte blanche ticket to eat their way to food nirvana.
      Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble, but it’s not that good!
         For Hungry Al, (that’s me) I’m not reimbursed in the true
      sense of a food writer. That’s basically because this is not my
      full-time job. Wish it was, but then again my bathroom scale
      is happy it’s not.
         For me, I do this out of my personal passion for the art
      of food and wordsmithing. And let us not forget that eating
      comes easy for me. Which brings me back to the few perks I
      encounter as a published food writer.
         Once in a blue moon I get an inquiry about a special food
      event or tasting. They don’t come often, but occasionally
      they give me an opportunity to visit with the rest of the food   Modern style
      community and stay current on the local dining scene.
         Recently, a public relations firm invited me to a media food   Des gn
      tasting at a new restaurant opening called Casalina. Normally,
      I would avoid these promotional events. However, I was
      reminded by the editor of this publication that I should remain   WHY CHOOSE US?
      objective to my readers and not feel compelled to over-season
      my review. Thankfully, there’s no check at the end of the meal!   12+ Years of Exper ence
         With fingers crossed, Casalina delivered an excellent meal    Fully Insured, L censed and Bonded
      that made this Hungry Al’s job easy and my stomach satisfied.    Award-W nn ng Des gners
      Hopefully, they will stay consistent for you and this wasn’t a   Cert fied Profess onals
      “one-hit wonder.”                                                Exper enced Project Managers
         First Impressions: If you used to live in my neighborhood     In House Crew Team
      you probably remember Angelo Elia Pizza, an Italian restaurant   No Cost Overruns
      on Jog Road sharing the strip center where you would find        For Every Budget
      Henry’s Restaurant. For some unknown reason it closed its        Huge Select ons  n Showrooms
      doors and sold off to another restaurateur group from Miami.
         The new version is called Casalina, and it’s definitely an   19635 FL-7 #46, Boca Raton, FL 33498  561-778-1188  www.k
      improvement over its previous owners. There are some notable
      changes in décor but they are minimal. The interior façade
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