Page 13 - Boca Club News - December '24
P. 13

Boca Club News, Page 13

          From The Professionals’ Desks
          From The Professionals’                                         Desks

         Another Word from the Editor
         At the risk of being redundant—in that I complimented Dale Brown on another recent column of hers, something I rarely do because I am so proud of all the excellent and informative
         columns provided by our writers every month in their respective areas of expertise that I would soon overdo it—I cannot resist pointing out how perfectly she has stated in her column
         here the very message that I have been wanting to express to many in my own life. Thank you, Dale. No wonder you are a Certified Life Coach.  — NAS, Editor

      Healthy Answers – A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “Now Can We Please Get Along?”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                 whole new avenue in which to receive information. What   than in the past. People have friends over for dinner 45%
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                you watch and who you listen to influences your view.   less often than they used to. Fenced backyards, coupled
      has spent many years as a Certified               Where you live and how you were raised plays into your   with the disappearance of front porches and verandas, have
      Life Coach and has written numerous               perspective. This may be understandable, but it would   made residences more private. At least a minimum of three
      articles and e-books relating to self-            appear to me that people are just plain angry over any   hours a day are spent indoors watching TV, surfing the net,
      improvement and ways to build a                   and everything. This misdirected anger is often harmful   texting or talking on the phone. Even in gated communities
      high-performance team. She is the                 to others in your path, especially to those you love.   where many people know one another the tendency is still
      author of the book, “Small Steps...                  Sometimes it takes a reality check for someone to   one of privacy. When the doorbell rings I can assure you
      Big Changes: The Personal Stories                 realize that words and gestures are hurtful and unkind.   it will not be a neighbor stopping by unexpectedly for a
      of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience   This is an example of an incident that happened to me   cup of coffee.
      in physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled   recently: I was pulling into a parking space at Publix,      As we look to a new year there is no better time to turn
      her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas.   which in itself can be dangerous. Thinking that the driver   over a new leaf. Let us all take a step back and accept
      The following introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s   of an oncoming car didn’t see me, I gave my horn a blast.   others for who they are, regardless of whether we share
      series of columns devoted to many topics that deal with   With that the driver threw me the middle finger with a   their opinions. Try if you will to rethink your new year
      the mind/body connection and the importance of living a   nasty remark and expression to go along with it.  resolutions and make a list that might go something like
      healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached      As he hurried off I clearly said within earshot, “I didn’t   this:
      at                   deserve that, I simply thought you didn’t see me.” Upon      I accept the will of the people even if I don’t agree.
         As I sit down to write this article I’m saddened with all   my return I was surprised to find a note on my windshield      I will try to understand the differences of opinion and
      that has transpired during this very contentious election   that read, “I’m sorry, I’m just so used to people blowing   why so many disagree with one another.
      our country endured. Maybe things didn’t go your way, but   their horns for no reason that I overreacted. You’re right,      I will keep my cool and try not to stress over what I
      regardless of the outcome America has spoken. We now   you didn’t deserve it!” This may be a stretch as an act of   cannot control.
      have to accept this truth and move on with our lives with   kindness, but to me it was enough to restore my belief that      I will temper my strong views and be willing to listen
      hope that what divided us can someday bring us together.   people are basically kind at heart. They might just need a   to another perspective.
         As I reflect on this past year I’m concerned by how many   little wake-up call.                      I will make this year a “year of acceptance.”
      people have become disconnected with friends and family      It begs the question, “Why is this happening and why have      I will channel my energy into living a more purposeful
      members. You may have found yourself scratching your   people become disconnected?” It might be a byproduct of   life.
      head wondering why it’s so hard to talk to even your closest   external factors such as excessive exposure to social media,      I will share the holidays with friends and family and
      relations if you disagree. Why have people disengaged from   or internal factors such as anxiety, stress, depression or lack   promise to get along, even if we don’t see eye to eye.
      one another just because they see things differently?   of sleep. Disconnection happens when something gets in the      In conclusion, I’d like to thank all my fellow readers
         These times may seem troubling, but it’s not all that   way of the energy flow between people. It could stem from a   who have supported me and read my column throughout
      different from what our forefathers lived through and   misunderstanding, misinterpretation, miscommunication or   the years. Your comments, notes and compliments have
      survived. It’s the challenges that have changed. We live   simply from one person becoming distracted.  been my inspiration. I wish all of you Happy Holidays and
      in an age of technology and the internet has opened up a      There are other reasons, too, that cause more isolation   a very healthy New Year!
      Medical Matters: Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                    About 25% of patients with diverticulitis will develop      There are two types of surgery. A primary bowel resection
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  complications from it. Pus may collect in an affected pouch and   where diseased segments of the colon are removed, and the
      physician. After graduating from the              form an abscess. Intestinal blockage may develop secondary to   remainder of the colon segments hooked back together. This
      University of Pennsylvania and New                scarring. A fistula, which is an abnormal connection between   can be accomplished by laparoscopic or open surgery.
      York University’s School of Medicine,             other sections of the colon or other abdominal organs such as      When  the  degree  of  inflammation  is  too  severe  or
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              the liver, bladder, skin or pelvis may occur.      extensive and it is impossible to remove all the infected areas
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital                 The most ominous complication is the rupture of an   and hook back the normal segments, a temporary colostomy
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               infected pouch spilling fecal intestinal contents into the   is done with a normal segment of colon attached to an
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             abdominal cavity causing peritonitis, which is a medical   external bag to put the colon at rest and await the calming
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief   emergency.                               down of the infection with medical treatment. Once this has
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzsimons General Army Hospital      The diagnosis is made by having the patient describe   been accomplished the segments can be hooked up and the
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one   the symptoms, how frequent they are and how severe.   colostomy closed.
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   Are they continuous or occasional, is there anything that      After surgery, usually after six to eight weeks when
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine   makes symptoms worse or better, is there fever, any pain in   everything has subsided, a colonoscopy should be done to
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   urination, any rectal bleeding, changes in bowel habits and   rule out an underlying colorectal cancer (CRC) the risk of
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   what medications are they currently taking?    which is 33% higher in these patients.
      Huntington, N.Y.                                     On physical examination, palpation of the abdomen      To some extent the development of diverticulitis can be
         Diverticulosis is a medical condition where small bulging   will detect any tenderness, keeping in mind that there are   diminished by physical exercise, which promotes regular
      pouches form in the lining of the digestive system, almost   other conditions to consider, such as appendicitis and pelvic   bowel function and lowers pressure in the colon. Eating
      all in the large intestine (colon). These openings are usually   inflammatory disease.               less red meat and more fiber such as fruits, vegetables and
      multiple, easily visualized during a routine colonoscopy as      A CBC and urine test will show signs of infection, and a   whole grains soften waste material and help it pass faster in
      a screening procedure.                            stool examination can rule out another infection, especially   the colon. Good hydration also softens waste and accelerates
         What happens is that naturally weak areas in the wall   when there is diarrhea.                   its passage. No smoking, weight reduction and avoidance of
      of the colon, most commonly on the left side, give way      Colonoscopy is not an option because of the danger of   opioids, NASAIDs and steroids are recommended.
      under pressure from gas, feces or straining due to inefficient   perforation. A CT scan is effective in identifying inflamed
      defecation. They protrude outward through the wall. It is   or infected pouches, the severity of the process and any
      found in more than 40% of adults and 60% of seniors.   associated pathology, such as cancer of the colon.
         Most  people  with  diverticulosis  never  develop  any      Treatment depends upon the severity of the signs and
      symptoms.  However,  4%  (about  200,000  people)  will   symptoms of the disease. For mild cases, which are most
      develop diverticulitis when one or more of these pouches   common, patients can be treated at home. A liquid diet for
      become inflamed or infected with bacteria-laden waste. These   several days complemented by oral antibiotics for seven to
      patients have diverticulitis with constant and persistent sharp   10 days is usually successful in inducing a remission.
      abdominal pain, usually on the left side of the abdomen, but      Thereafter, the follow-up shows that 33% will have no
      it can occur on the right side as well. Nausea and vomiting,   further episodes, 33% will have some later mild episodes and   Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing
      chills, fever, abdominal tenderness and a change in bowel   33% will be hospitalized eventually with a more serious bout   Palm Beach County and is a privately
      habits–more often constipation, but diarrhea can be present.  with the disease.                       owned and managed company.
      GI bleeding is common.                               In the hospital IV antibiotics, IV fluids and rest with only   Captain’s is committed to providing
         The risk of developing diverticulitis increases with age,   liquids permitted orally is the regimen, and if an abscess has   dependable, reliable and professional
                                                                                                            ground transportation to and from all
      obesity, smoking, lack of physical exercise and diets high   formed the insertion of a drainage tube is done. Surgery is   South Florida Airports and Seaports.
      in animal fats and low in fiber. Certain medications are   mandated when there is a large abscess, a fistula, obstruction,   To reserve your vehicle:  PBCVH212
      associated with an increased risk, such as steroids, opioids,   perforation with peritonitis, multiple frequent serious   561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
      some antihypertensives and NSAIDs.                episodes and a weakened immune system.
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