Page 8 - Boca Club News - December '24
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Page 8, Boca Club News
      St. Andrews’s Andrea Cannon Earns Nomination As

      Boca Junior League’s “Woman Volunteer of the Year”

         St. Andrews                                    Boca’s nursing shortage, as many students stay local after   Boca Raton; Robyn Raphael Dynan, Habitat for Humanity
      member Andrea                                     graduation. Over the past 13 years, Terry’s dedication has   of Greater Palm Beach County; Michelle Makris, Hanley
      Cannon, representing                              directly improved countless lives in our community.   Foundation; Iris Urbina, Hispanic Entrepreneur Initiative;
      Congregation B’nai                                   Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker founded the Susan G.   Carrie Rubin, Impact 100 Palm Beach County; Elizabeth
      Israel, was among the                             Komen Foundation, which has raised several billion dollars   Rivera, In The Pines; Nancy Dockerty, Junior League
      nominees honored at The                           for breast cancer research and she founded Promise Fund,   of Boca Raton; Arlene Herson, National Society of Arts
      Junior League of Boca                             which provides access to mammograms and cervical cancer   and Letters; Jennifer Nawrocki, Palm Beach Symphony;
      Raton’s  37th  Annual                             screenings for underserved women in Palm Beach County   Judy Noren, Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League; Haley
      Woman Volunteer of the                            and beyond.                                        Winstead, Place of Hope at the Leighan and David Rinker
      Year Luncheon that sold                              There were 43 local women who were nominated for the   Campus; Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, Promise Fund;
      out with more than 900                            37th Annual Woman Volunteer of the Year Award. Nonprofits   Tabitha Stambaugh, Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton;
      attendees at The Boca                             from across Palm Beach and Northern Broward counties each   Sudane Ricketts, Scholar Career Coaching; Gabby Teran,
      Raton on November 1st.                            nominated one of their valued volunteers to be considered   Student ACES; Abby Bernstein-Henderson, Sweet Dream
         At the event  Terry                            for Woman Volunteer of the Year Award.             Makers; Reilly Glasser, The Diaper Bank, Covering South
      Fedele, the nominee                                  The nominees, in addition to Andrea Cannon, were Amiee   Florida; Robyn Perlman, Women of Tomorrow Mentor
      for  Florida Atlantic                             Hawkins, Alzheimer’s Association; Althea Largie Ceasor,   & Scholarship Program;  Caroline Johnson, Women’s
      University Christine E.                           American Association of Caregiving Youth; Elaine Tobita,   Executive Club; Nicole Grimes, YMCA of South Palm Beach
      Lynn College of Nursing,  St. Andrews  resident Andrea   Barky Pines Animal Rescue & Sanctuary; Sue MacDonald,   County; and Daniela Levenson, YWCA Palm Beach County.
      was  named  Woman  Cannon, nominee for Woman      Best Foot Forward Foundation; Loretta Parker, Boca Ballet      The Woman Volunteer of the Year Luncheon celebrates
      Volunteer of the Year; and  Volunteer of the Year (at left) and   Theatre; Zoe Lanham, Boca Helping Hands, Inc.; Eileen   outstanding women in the community, nominated by
      Ambassador Nancy G.  Victoria Matthews, President-  Travasos, Boca Raton Christian School; Olivia Hollaus,   nonprofit organizations for their dedication and expertise as
      Brinker, the nominee for  Elect of the Junior League and   Boca Raton Historical Society; Nicole Flier, Boca Raton   volunteers, as well as the work they do to further the missions
      Promise Fund, won the  Director of Retail at St. Andrews   Police Foundation; Marcia Mithun, Boca West Children’s   of the organizations they serve. Proceeds benefit the Junior
      Lifetime Achievement  Country Club.               Foundation; Mandy Bohlman, Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm   League of Boca Raton.
      Award. The event raised                           Beach County; Jan Savarick, Brain Bowl Events, Inc.; Janet      About the Junior League of Boca Raton. Throughout
      the most money in the history of the event with the leadership   Diaz-Martinez, Caridad Center; Cheryl Crowley, Cultural   the  year,  JLBR  members  contribute  more  than  35,000
      of Event Co-Chairs, Meryll Bangsil & Khris Kellerman and   Council for Palm Beach County; Amanda Perna, Delray   volunteer hours and donate more than $250,000 to support
      Honorary Chair, Kelly Woods Fleming.              Beach Public Library; Tammera Atkins, Dress for Success   the organization’s mission of advancing women’s leadership
         Terry Fedele’s healthcare background and passion   Palm Beaches; Randee Wechsler, Eda and Cliff Viner   for meaningful community impact through volunteer action,
      for service have propelled her from a board member to a   Community Scholars Foundation; Teresa Fedele, Florida   collaboration and training. The Junior League currently focuses
      dynamic leader, serving as Chair of the College of Nursing   Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing;   on two community issues, Child Welfare and Non-Profit
      and President of the Caring Hearts Auxiliary Board.   Ashley Cacicedo-Surdovel, Friends of Foster Children of   Support. To learn more about the organization, please contact
      Her leadership has significantly increased community   Palm Beach County, Inc.; Danielle Rosse, George Snow   the Junior League of Boca Raton office at (561) 620-2553 or
      engagement among leaders, faculty, students, and advisory   Scholarship Fund; Shawn Sherlock, Gina Rose Montalto   visit Connect on Facebook @Junior League
      board members. Her efforts have been crucial to addressing   Memorial Foundation Inc.; Mindy Shikiar, HabCenter of   of Boca Raton or Instagram @juniorleagueofbocaraton.
      Want to Feel Like a Santa this Holiday?

      Here’s How to Do Good, Feel Even Better.

         The Achievement Centers for Children & Families, which      Donations for Adopt-A-Class and Adopt-A-Program can   by stabilizing families in crisis; supporting them to serve as the
      has served the southern Palm Beach County communities since   be made here: To learn more   foundation of their child’s growth. Family strengthening services
      1969 and helps underserved children reach their full potential, is   about these initiatives, contact  are embedded within four core programs of Early Learning,
      asking the community to consider adopting a class, adopting a      About Achievement Centers for Children & Families. At   After School, Teen and Summer Camp. Achievement Centers
      program, or participating in the organization’s annual toy drive   Achievement Centers for Children & Families, children are   currently serves over 700 local children and families annually
      for the holidays.                                  involved in Early Learning (Toddler and Preschool), After   from three locations in Delray Beach: Nancy K. Hurd Campus,
         You can make a one-time, annual donation of $1,500 to adopt   School, Teen and Summer Camp programs that help prepare   Village Academy, and Pine Grove Elementary. Achievement
      a classroom, which goes towards school supplies; curriculum   them for academic and social success and inspire them to discover   Centers for Children & Families is located at 555 NW Fourth
      materials, arts and crafts supplies, snacks, enrichment activities,   their talents. Families are served through Family Support and   St., Delray Beach. For more information, call (561) 266-0003
      in-class field trips, and more. Or, for that special person who   Economic Stabilization services which benefit the community   or visit
      has everything, an “Adopt-a-Class” gift is perfect. It is the gift
      of making a meaningful difference in a child’s life and being a
      part of a child’s educational journey. The recipient will receive a
      personalized note from the classroom, a thank-you video, and an
      invitation to tour and visit his or her adopted class. Additionally,
      as a special holiday touch, he or she can enjoy a 30-minute
      thank-you party to meet some of the children and teachers the
      gift is supporting.
         Achievement Centers for Children & Families has four
      toddler classrooms and four pre-school classrooms. All
      classroom sponsors receive invitations to special events; name
      recognition on a plaque in the adopted classroom; a special
      thank you at the end of the school year, and quarterly classroom
         For those who would like to donate towards the organization’s
      annual toy drive, toys are being collected now.                     Grandpa Buys Cars
         “The holidays can be a difficult time for some Achievement
      Centers families who have few resources, so every year the
      organization strives to help its families by collecting toys for
      children from one to eighteen,” said Stephanie Seibel, CEO for     ESTATE APPRAISALS & PURCHASING
      the Achievement Centers.
         Current drop-off locations include A Little Wyld & Perna,      Buy | Sell | Trade |Consignment | Lease Buyouts
      American Heritage, Andie DeVoe, LLC, Bella Mar Delray
      Beach, Death by Pizza, Delfina Pilates, Lang Realty - Amy &
      Noreen Team, Northern Trust, Purlife, SOFA, Worthing Place,   As a member of your community, Grandpa Lou at Boca Classic Motorsports Co. welcomes the
      Vincent’s Hairstyling for Women & Men, and Young Dentistry.                 opportunity to help with all of your automotive needs.
         Another way to support the children of Achievement Centers
      is through the Adopt-A-Program opportunity. Achievement   We do everything so you don’t have to leave the house. We’re happy to help whether you’re buying,
      Centers’ Platinum Steppers and Drum Line welcome youth from   selling, consigning, trading in a lease, searching for a new everyday driver, or that special classic.
      our after-school programs. Students in these programs perform
      at Achievement Centers’ events and throughout the community.
      The programs promote healthy living; self-respect; respect for                      Call, Text, Email, or visit us online
      others; leadership skills; parental involvement; teamwork and
      good sportsmanship. Through Adopt-a-Program, supporters                 561.757.5500
      can directly support the Platinum Steppers and our Drumline.
      Donations go towards uniforms and costumes; new equipment; |
      transportation; snacks and more.
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