Page 8 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
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Page 8, Palm City Spotlight

                                                   eduCation news

      Education Foundation Of                                                                                Amsbaugh’s role is in handling the organization’s
                                                                                                           accounting and finances. Her entire career has been in
      Martin County Expands Staff                                                                          accounting and finance. She began as a bookkeeper, handled
                                                                                                           accounting software installations and tech support, and then
        The Education Foundation of Martin County (EFMC) —                                                 worked as a controller at Medtronic PLC for 20 years before
      Martin County School District’s strategic nonprofit partner                                          moving to Kent Management for three years and then retiring.
      — has expanded its staff with the addition of two full-time                                          She has been with the Education Foundation since October
      employees and one temporary employee whose position has                                              2023 in a temporary role, which is now permanent.
      become permanent. Jinara Reyes has been named the new                                                  Amsbaugh earned her Bachelor of Science from Rutgers
      resource development coordinator, Candice Tedesco is the                                             University’s School of Business and a Master of Business
      new program coordinator, and Pamela Amsbaugh works as                                                Administration from the University of Baltimore’s Merrick
      the bookkeeper.                                                                                      School of Business. She resides in Port St. Lucie.
        These staff additions are made possible in part from a grant                                       About The Education Foundation Of Martin County
      provided by the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and                                                The  EFMC  is  the  Martin  County  School  District’s
      Martin Counties.                                  Candice Tedesco          Pamela Amsbaugh           strategic nonprofit partner with the mission of enriching
        “We are so grateful for                                                                            and enhancing educational opportunities and support for
      the Community Foundation                          of vocational services for ARC of the Treasure Coast. A   students and teachers in Martin County’s public schools. As
      for Palm Beach and Martin                         dedicated educator and advocate, she has spent over a decade   an independent group, the foundation promotes this effort
      Counties’ continued                               championing the needs of individuals with disabilities.  by raising and distributing private and corporate funds
      partnership and support as                          Tedesco’s journey began as a paraprofessional while   through several established programs, including classroom
      we continue to grow as an                         studying special education and organization at Indian   enrichment  grants,  mentoring  programs,  professional
      organization,” said Lisa                          River  State  College,  where  she  earned  a  Bachelor  of   development for teachers, special initiatives, scholarships
      Rhodes, executive director                        Applied Science in organizational management. She   and programs to recognize outstanding teaching. For more
      of the Education Foundation                       resides in Port St. Lucie.                         information, please visit
      of  Martin County.  “The
      addition of these team
      members will strengthen our                                                   real estate
      ability to deliver our mission
      of enriching and enhancing
      educational opportunities  Jinara Reyes
      and support for students and                        Treasure Coast Real Estate                       That doesn’t include the drainage ponds found in most
      teachers in Martin County’s public schools. We couldn’t be                                           subdivisions, which developers, realtors, and homeowners
      more excited!”                                      Report                                           like to call lakes.
        Reyes is responsible for raising funds to support Martin                                             Back in 2004, when we had hurricanes  Charley,
      County’s students, teachers, and schools from individual and   Florida Homeowners Need To Consider   Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, which dumped 30 inches of
      corporate benefactors. She also strives to drive community   Flood Insurance Seriously               rain, many of us got an education about flooding. In some
      engagement to further excellence in education throughout                                             subdivisions, the overflow for the drainage ponds/lakes got
      the Martin County School District. Her broad experience in   By Jim Weix                             plugged with debris. The homes surrounding these ponds/
      fundraising includes leadership solicitations, annual giving,     Hurricanes Helene and              lakes suddenly had that tranquil view in their living rooms.
      major donor stewardship, events, prospect identification   Milton caught thousands                   Many homeowners didn’t have flood insurance.
      and solicitation, and financial reporting. Before joining the   of  homeowners without                 Unless you have a mortgage, the decision to get flood
      Education Foundation, she was the donor advancement   flood insurance coverage.                      insurance is a personal one. You can check to see if you
      manager, development events/corporate giving manager, of   The losses that these                     are in a flood zone by going to
      the Loggerhead Marinelife Center.                   homeowners will face are                         portal/search.
        She earned her Bachelor of Arts in astronomy and Master   staggering.                                Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      of Business Administration from Boston University. She     When you mention                          options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      resides in Palm City.                               flood insurance, many                  
        As the program coordinator, Tedesco is responsible for   people will dismiss the                     Jim  Weix  is  a  broker  associate  with  The  Keyes
      bringing the Foundation’s programs to life. Her focus is on   idea if they are not in a              Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      planning, organizing, and executing initiatives that align   flood zone. I don’t blame them, particularly if they live on   estate  full-time.  If  you  have  questions  or  want  the
      with the nonprofit’s mission. Previously, she was director   a hill, but now we know that could be a tragic mistake.  services of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim
                                                            In Florida, we are surrounded by two major bodies of   at (772) 341-2941 or
                                                          water and have more than 1,700 lakes, rivers, and streams.

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