Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
P. 12
Page 12, Palm City Spotlight
Treasure Coast Cleveland CliniC
Outdoors martin HealtH news
The Mullet Run Is Winding
Down, But Fishing Is Good Cleveland Clinic Is Your Support services such as
art therapy, yoga, support
Destination For Cancer Care groups and smoking
By Jim Weix cessation are also available.
I was wondering if Residents of Martin and St. Lucie counties now have Kozma says work is being
the dolphin population the convenience of world-class cancer care close to home. done to build an integrative
was in trouble because For the past few years, Cleveland Clinic Martin Health oncology program that
anglers didn’t seem has been expanding its services and growing its staff of of fers adjuvant and
to be catching them healthcare providers to offer patients easier access to alternative therapies,
like we did in the past. expert cancer care. such as acupuncture
However, the sudden “We have an excellent cancer center, and we are a n d su p p l e m e n t s, t o
abundance of schoolie continuing to build on it,” says Kelley Kozma, D.O., a complement traditional
dolphin being caught medical oncologist and director of the Robert and Carol medicine services. Kelley Kozma, D.O.
was encouraging. Weissman Cancer Center at Martin Health. Collaborative Care Offers
A fishing trip about a Since the center was established in 2021, the number More Benefits For Patients
month ago turned into a real circus, with dozens of of medical oncologists has grown to four, and four As part of the Cleveland Clinic health system, Martin
small dolphin surrounding the boat. By keeping one nurse practitioners have joined the staff. Additional staff Health cancer care providers have the opportunity to
fish in the water and throwing out some cut bait, I members include social workers, genetic counselors, collaborate with experts at both Cleveland Clinic’s
was catching them as fast as I could get my bait in nurse navigators, a speech therapist, palliative care main campus in Ohio and at Cleveland Clinic Weston
the water. physicians, palliative care nurse practitioners, and Hospital regarding individual patients. Virtual consults
Although I caught about a dozen before the action four radiation oncologists who utilize state-of-the-art are available for patients who have rare diseases for which
died, we kept two legal ones for dinner that night. It equipment available at locations in both Martin and St. they would like a second opinion, and any patient with a
was a fun afternoon and a great dinner. Lucie counties. Specialized colorectal, ear, nose and newly diagnosed cancer may have their case presented at
Other anglers are enjoying a good kingfish bite in throat, and breast surgeons are also on staff. a tumor board in Ohio or Weston in an effort to determine
80 feet of water. Mutton snappers are also active, and State-Of-The-Art Medical And Support Services the best possible treatment and plan of care.
live bait seems to be the secret. Martin Health offers next generation sequencing – the Kozma says she and her staff also are working on
Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler, most advanced molecular testing available – to all its opening up access to more clinical trials in this area
conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is patients with advanced cancer. Through next-generation through this same collaboration with Cleveland Clinic
included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s sequencing, doctors can detect gene mutations, which in Ohio and Weston. Access to more trials could give
Hall of Fame for helping restore thousands of acres helps gather information for a more tailored approach patients the opportunity to enroll in studies specific to
of wetlands. Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes and more targeted treatment options. their disease, which may offer treatment benefits.
Company. He can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or Plans are in progress for same-day breast biopsies – a Call (877) 463-2010 to schedule an appointment or
by email: service for patients who have had an abnormal screening visit to learn more
mammogram and need follow-up with a diagnostic about cancer services at the Robert and Carol Weissman
mammogram. These patients would be able to get a biopsy Cancer Center at Martin Health.
the same day as the diagnostic mammogram.
“That is going to expedite care and get patients into
definitive therapy faster,” Dr. Kozma says.
Mie Espinoza of Jensen Beach caught a nice mutton
while fishing with Tom Flynn of Palm City.
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