Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
P. 9

Palm City Spotlight, Page 9

                                                            film review

      Will & Harper                                     yourself. Instead, in this column I will simply explain   finally got divorced
                                                        what awaits you if that Sundance standing ovation and   and  transitioned  to
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                my  own  wholehearted  recommendation are enough  to   the woman he always
        You can bet your house that this film will be nominated   convince you that it deserves your attention.  felt  he  should  be,
      for Best Documentary at the next Academy Awards. As     The “Will” in this film’s title is Will Ferrell, one of   including undergoing
      The New York Times reviewer noted, it “brought the house   today’s most popular stars of comedy movies who rose to   the accompanying
      down” at the 40th Sundance Film Festival last January   fame on the Saturday Night Live TV show. From the very   surgery, and wanted
      with a standing ovation from the audience as the end   beginning his persona has been that of a nice, big, easy-  to know if Will would
      credits rolled.                                   going guy who never minds playing a “goofy” character   meet with her.
        I can understand why.                           if called on to do so. After years of success on that show     T h e   r e su l t   o f
        Rarely does a film combine so genuine a combination   he switched to Hollywood and has starred in a number of   that meeting, as one
      of friendship, heart and humor that—for most viewers—it   successful films.                          way to help Harper
      would be difficult not to be affected by it.        While at  SNL, among his friends was one of the   find her way back
        And yet, considering its subject matter and the present   comedy sketch writers, a 61-year-old married man. So it   into the world, was
      thinking of a segment of our nation’s population, my   was a significant surprise to Will more than a year ago   their  decision to
      statement may be going a step too far. Since Will & Harper   when he received a call from that friend, Harper Steele,   drive  cross-country
      just premiered in September on Netflix after a limited   explaining that—now a she—had, after more than 40 years   together and to film that experience as a documentary.
      theatrical release, I leave it to you to judge its impact for   of emotional and psychological confusion and suffering,   How would Harper now view the world as a woman? And
                                                                                                           how would the world view Harper…as a woman?
                                                                                                             It turns out to be quite a ride: a 17-day road trip starting
                                                                                                           in New York City, with stops in Washington D.C….Beech
                                                                                                           Grove, Indiana…Peoria, Illinois…Meeker, Oklahoma…
                                                                                                           Amarillo, Texas…Las Vegas, Nevada…on to Los Angeles.
                                                                                                             Just before they start out¸ Will and Harper meet for
                                                                                                           breakfast at a Diner with Harper’s two teenage daughters.
                                                                                                           It soon becomes clear that, while their father’s radical
                                                                                                           change came as a shock to the two girls it did not diminish
                                                                                                           their love for him, a reflection of their feelings and
                                                                                                           understanding that affects us in the film’s audience as
                                                                                                           much as it does Will Ferrell.
                                                                                                             While much of the humor takes place during the on-the-
                                                                                                           road driving scenes, and there are a great many laughs as you
                                                                                                           would expect from Will Ferrell and a comedy sketch writer,
                                                                                                           some of the film’s most poignant, dramatic—and also the
                                                                                                           less than pleasant—moments take place during their brief
                                                                                                           stopovers in typical American small towns and cities.
                                                                                                             It is important to point out that this film does not set out
                                                                                                           to preach to its audience. Many will likely come away with
                                                                                                           the same fixed opinion on its subject they previously had.
                                                                                                           But there is no way one can watch this film without being
                                                                                                           better informed, and with a more visceral understanding
                                                                                                           of what it means to live the transgender experience.
                                                                                                             For example, at a Diner along the way the waitress
                                                                                                           takes  Will’s order then turns to Harper and asks,
                                                                                                           “And  what  will  you  have,  Sir?,”  then  apologizes  with
                                                                                                           embarrassment when Will interrupts her by ordering for
                                                                                                           his “lady friend.”
                                                                                                             But it is when the two arrive in a small beach town
                                                                                                           on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where Harper shows
                                                                                                           Will a house he had secretly purchased years earlier
                                                                                                           in anticipation of this time in his life—and the deeply
                                                                                                           emotional reason why—that the heart of the film grips
                                                                                                           us once again.
                                                                                                             Then, when Will reaches into his pocket for a gift he
                                                                                                           has been saving for the right moment and hands it to
                                                                                                           Harper, we recognize its symbolic perfection and cannot
                                                                                                           help but realize that everyone should have a friend like
                                                                                                           Will Ferrell.
                                                                                                             That kind of friendship alone deserved the standing
                                                                                                           ovation at Sundance.

                                                                                  See answer in this paper.
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