Page 4 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
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Page 4, Palm City Spotlight

                                            Holiday Happenings

      Poinsettia Power Kicking Off                                                                         Charitable Foundation; Peace Lily Red Wine Sponsor,
                                                                                                           Bob & Ralf Massey Foundation; Peace Lily Sponsors
      The Holiday Season At New                                                                            Donna Haines, Penny McCaffrey and Publix Super Market
      Venue On December 2                                                                                  Charities; Amaryllis Valet Sponsor, Ross Earle Bonan Ensor
                                                                                                           & Carrigan, P.A.; Amaryllis Décor Sponsor, Nancy Goethel
                                                                                                           at Raymond James; and Mistletoe Sponsors Law Offices
        Poinsettia Power, the very popular annual holiday bazaar,                                          of John Mangan, P.A., N. Schoonover & Associates, Inc.,
      luncheon and fashion show that benefits the Council on                                               Seacoast National Bank, Sandhill Cove Retirement Living
      Aging’s Meals on Wheels program in Martin County, is                                                 and The Wawa Foundation, Inc.
      moving to a new venue this year.                                                                       For more information about Poinsettia Power, to purchase
        “Our event gets sold out quickly every year,” said longtime                                        tickets at $150 each, or to become a sponsor, visit the Council
      committee member Linda Ryan, “so we’re moving it to a                                                on Aging Martin website
      larger venue – the beautiful beachside Hutchinson Shores                                             About The Council On Aging Martin County
      Resort & Spa. The larger venue will allow us to double our                                             The Council on Aging Martin County is the community’s
      capacity, so we can accommodate more people who want to                                              hub for senior resources and the county’s Lead Agency on
      get a jump start on the holidays and support a great cause.”                                         Aging. Founded in 1974, the organization offers expertise,
        Poinsettia Power will be held on Monday, December   Council  on Aging  Martin  Poinsettia  Power  committee   programming and support for older adults and their families
      2, beginning at 10 a.m. Nathalie Pozo, morning anchor at   members are eager to share a new venue and holiday   to help seniors maintain lives of quality and purpose. Services
      WPBF25, will be the emcee.                        festivities to raise funds for Meals on Wheels. Back row,   include Day Primary Care Center, Memory Enhancement
        Local and regional vendors will entice guests with a   Marney McKee, Devon Senical, Joanna Mangan; Front   Center, Adult Day Club, Meals on Wheels, care management,
      variety of merchandise including jewelry, clothing, holiday   row, J.C. Stern, Linda Ryan. Not pictured, Donna Haines,   caregiver support, and a robust offering of educational,
      wreaths, pickleball must-haves, and more at a holiday-  Francesca Morgan, Melinda Galley, Jackie Roesch-Sanchez,   cultural, fitness and wellness programs.
      themed bazaar. A wide variety of prizes will be drawn,   Beverly Mauermann                             The Kane Center located at 900 S.E. Salerno Road in
      and silent auction items will be available throughout the                                            Stuart is the Council on Aging Martin County’s headquarters
      program to help raise funds for Meals on Wheels. During     Many Meals on Wheels clients are financially stressed   and is also an event venue available to the public. It serves
      the delicious lunch, participants will enjoy a lively fashion   and can’t afford daily meal delivery. The Council on Aging   as a special needs hurricane shelter when necessary. The
      show and hat parade.                              raises funds throughout the year, including at the Poinsettia   Council  on Aging  Martin  County  also  operates  senior
        “There is no better time than the holiday season to focus   Power luncheon, to make it possible for them to continue to   outreach facilities in Hobe Sound, Jensen Beach, East Stuart
      on the people in our community who depend on Meals on   get this critically important service.       and Indiantown. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the
      Wheels,” said Council on Aging Martin’s President and     “Join us for a great kick start to your holiday festivities,”   Council on Aging receives funding from state and federal
      CEO Karen Ripper. “For many of our clients, the hot meal   Ryan urges, “and know that you’re making the holidays, and   agencies  and  relies  on  philanthropic  support  from  the
      delivered to their home each day means more than nutrition.   every day, better for neighbors in need.”  community, including other agencies, private foundations
      It’s a friendly smile from our volunteers and an extra check     Early sponsors in support of Poinsettia Power and Meals   and individual donors. For more information, visit www.
      on their well-being.”                             on Wheels include Holly Sponsor, Cummins-Levenstein
                                                    nonprofit news

      Impact100 Martin Launches New

      Season Of Philanthropy

      With Goal Of $500,000 In Grants

        Impact100 Martin will launch its 2024/25 season of
      passionate and compassionate philanthropy this November
      with a high energy kickoff and a challenging goal: increase
      membership to 500 members and award five $100,000
      community impact grants.
        “We’re going into our eighth season of making a lasting
      difference in our community with game-changing grants
      to local nonprofits,” said Maureen Cotter, president of
      Impact100 Martin. “Our members have demonstrated how
      $1,000 from each Impact member can be leveraged into
      $100,000 grants. By reaching 500 members this year, we
      could infuse half a million dollars into the community in one   Impact100 Martin has raised more than $1.8 million during its first seven years, awarded major grants to local nonprofits,
      year. That’s impactful!”                          and demonstrated the powerful impact of women’s philanthropy in the community.
        The keynote speaker for this year’s kickoff is Carrie
      Morgridge, a prominent philanthropist, author and advocate   community through collective giving. Founded in 2017,   wellness; and environment, preservation and recreation.
      for education and community improvement, and a founding   it is a chapter of the national Impact100 Movement   Detailed information about membership, grants, and
      member of Impact100 Martin. She and her husband John   founded by philanthropist Wendy Steele to transform   community impact is available at the website www.
      founded the Morgridge Family Foundation in 2008, and their   communities through the power of women’s philanthropy. or on Facebook at www.facebook.
      work has evolved over the years, from funding programs that   It is a member-driven organization that awards grants in   com/Impact100MartinFL.
      are close to home, to investing in wide-scale solutions that   $100,000 increments each year to local nonprofits in the
      can potentially impact millions of people and animals and   areas of arts and culture; education; family; health and   Nonprofit News on page 5
      improve outcomes for communities and our planet.
        Morgridge is the author of three books, including Every
      Gift Matters: How Your Passion Can Change the World
      and  Courage  Money: A  Guide  to  Becoming  a  Venture
      Philanthropist. She has twice been invited to speak on the                                reti rement livi ng
      TED stage.
        In just seven years, the members of Impact100 Martin                              Sandhill Cove
      have contributed more than $1.8 million in grants in five
      focus areas that are essential to building strong communities:                                             ®
      arts and culture; education; family; health and wellness; and         IS THE ONLY LIFECARE  COMMUNITY
      environment, preservation and recreation.                                      IN MARTIN & ST. LUCIE COUNTIES
        “Part of the power of Impact100,” Cotter said, “is that each    Embrace the carefree elegance of resort-style retirement living today.
      member has an opportunity to dig deeply into the projects                   Live confidently with a secure plan for tomorrow.
      that our applicants propose and cast a vote for the one she
      believes is strategic and sustainable, with measurable goals                 Call 772-946-1514 or visit
      and outcomes. At our grants showcase last spring, we could
      all see that the decisions we made resulted in meaningful
      change within our community.”
        The kickoff begins at 5 p.m. at the Kane Center on the
      campus of the Council on Aging Martin on Salerno Road
      on Thursday, November 7. For more details about the event,
      membership opportunities, and successful Impact100 Martin
      grants, visit               1500 S.W. CAPRI STREET
        Impact100  Martin  is  a  nonprofit  organization  with   PALM CITY, FL 34990
      a  mission of  creating  positive, lasting  change  in  the
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