Page 6 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
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Page 6, Palm City Spotlight
good worKs
House Of Hope Is Serving Up “With the generosity of our community and the harvests from
our farm,” Ranieri said, “we can make this Thanksgiving one
Thanksgiving Dinner With All that’s filled with the spirit of gratitude and also healthy food.”
The Fixings Families or individuals in need can contact House of
Hope at (772) 286-4673 to learn about eligibility and
registration deadlines.
A Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings is a cherished About House Of Hope
American tradition. For thousands of food-insecure Martin Founded in 1984, House of Hope is a 501(c)(3)
County residents, though, the celebration is a financial nonprofit organization that empowers Martin County
impossibility without help from the community. residents to overcome hunger and hardship. House of
House of Hope is once again stepping in to help with its Hope touches the lives of more than 21,000 people each
annual turkey drive and its goal of serving a holiday meal with month, helping with basic needs such as food, clothing,
all the trimmings to families in economic need. In the true furniture, financial assistance, as well as longer-term
spirit of the giving season, community members are invited case management services that help build life skills for
to drop off a frozen turkey and any other food or monetary House of Hope volunteers are eager to serve holiday meals to a more self-sufficient future.
donations to any House of Hope pantry by November 15. friends and neighbors in need this Thanksgiving. You can help The organization has service centers in Stuart, Hobe
Groups, organizations and neighborhoods are encouraged to by donating turkeys or other foodstuffs at a House of Hope Sound, Indiantown, and Jensen Beach, with thrift stores
conduct a food drive in their community to help those in need. pantry by November 15 or by making an online donation at in Stuart, Hobe Sound, and Indiantown. House of Hope’s
“Boxed and canned items are always in demand,” Centers for Enrichment at Golden Gate in Stuart, in Jensen
according to House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri. “Vegetables, Beach, and at KinDoo Family Center in Indiantown offer
stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy – all of the things that help our four food pantries and the thirty food pantry partners free programs, technology, and workshops designed to
to make a meal festive are needed by our families. Thanks that collect food from us regularly,” Ranieri said. “Our food enhance life skills, earning potential, health, and overall
to our operations at the Growing Hope Farm, we’re also able bank partners are soup kitchens, shelters, smaller pantries well-being.
to add fresh fruits and vegetables to our meal packages.” and youth programs in Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee House of Hope also operates the Growing Hope Farm
In an innovative approach to getting fresh food to their counties. They use House of Hope food to reach thousands in Palm City and several nutrition gardens that provide
clients, House of Hope developed hydroponic greenhouses as more in need.” sustainable sources of fresh produce for clients as well
well as conventional in-ground beds and an orchard at their Donations of turkeys and other foodstuffs or monetary as nutrition education and vocational opportunities to
production farm in Palm City. “We’re growing our own,” donations can be brought to the House of Hope offices at 2484 the community. For more information, visit hohmartin.
Ranieri said, “so we can be sure our clients benefit from fresh S.E. Bonita Street in Stuart or any of the House of Hope food org or call (772) 286-4673. Updates and announcements
produce along with other staples in their diet.” pantries in Jensen Beach, Hobe Sound and Indiantown by can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and X.
The demand for food assistance remains high. “This year November 15. Monetary donations can also be made online
we have distributed over 1.1 million pounds of food through at
tip of tHe tail
Kidney Insufficiency 4.) Producing renin, which helps control blood to help with quality of life. Some pets will benefit from
pressure; subcutaneous fluids up to several times a week, while
5.) Producing and concentrating urine. others may need fluids less often. Intravenous fluids are
When kidney function begins to decline, waste usually reserved for pets who need more aggressive fluid
products accumulate in the blood, electrolyte imbalances therapy. Some pets with chronic kidney insufficiency
occur, anemia can develop, blood pressure problem may may have blood pressure issues, and these pets may
occur, and urine concentration decreases. benefit from blood pressure medications. Depending on
Clinical signs of chronic kidney insufficiency can the chronicity and severity of kidney insufficiency, pets
be vague and may mimic other diseases. The most can experience anemia. If this occurs, medication may be
common symptoms usually noted are increased thirst needed to help correct the anemia.
and increased urination. Other symptoms may include Chronic kidney insufficiency is a common disease
decreased appetite, vomiting, weight loss, and poor hair in older animals; however, pets can live with a good
coat. These symptoms may be slowly progressive, and, quality of life for many years after diagnosis with proper
if mild, may go unnoticed by a pet owner. Labwork may management. Annual labwork may reveal indications of
reveal abnormalities before obvious clinical signs are chronic kidney insufficiency well before a pet shows
Chronic kidney insufficiency is one of the most evident, which may allow treatment to be initiated sooner clinical signs. Please check with your veterinarian to see
common diseases affecting older pets, especially cats. and provide the best quality of life for the pet. if your pet is due for his or her labwork.
Many causes exist for chronic kidney insufficiency, with Several treatment options can be utilized to help pets Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical
age-related kidney deterioration being one of the more with chronic kidney insufficiency maintain a good quality Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
common causes. Chronic kidney insufficiency indicates of life. Special prescription diets are one of the best main for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
that a condition called azotemia has been present for long-term treatments to help maintain appropriate protein surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
months or years. When azotemia is present, toxins levels and certain electrolyte levels. These diets are medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
have accumulated in the bloodstream, and labwork will available through veterinarians. Another treatment option Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
indicate abnormalities. Approximately 70 percent of is fluid therapy, either subcutaneous fluids or intravenous medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
kidney function must be lost before labwork abnormalities fluids. Subcutaneous fluids, which are placed under a pet’s owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
are noted. Azotemia does not necessarily mean a pet is skin, can be used at home or in the clinic to help maintain or find us on
experiencing a reduced quality of life. The term uremia hydration; subcutaneous fluids can be utilized long-term Facebook at
means that the patient is azotemic and also demonstrating
clinical signs of kidney disease, which may be reducing
their quality of life. The goal in treatment of chronic
kidney insufficiency is to prevent, postpone, or resolve
uremia, to ensure the pet experiences the best possible
quality of life. Azotemia associated with chronic kidney
insufficiency may not be reversible.
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