Page 3 - Palm City Spotlight - November '24
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 3

                                                          Kids Corner

      Understanding Moody                               patterns, and are vying for independence. All this occurs   relationship is strained. It may not bother you but it bothers
                                                                                                           me and if you would, I’d like you to meet with a counselor.
                                                        while your teen is dealing with the pressures of school,
      Teenagers                                         social media, and exposure to drugs and porn. As the   I will as well because I need some help knowing how to
                                                        mom wrote, her teen was withdrawn and his behavior   help you and our family.” The teen agreed to dad’s request.
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             had changed within the past few months. Prior to this he     School  neuropsychological  testing  was  the  process
      Licensed School                                   was a happier person and a decent student.         which provided answers. Call (561) 625-4125 if you are
      Psychologist                                        Our testing revealed this teen was depressed. Mom had   concerned about your child and would like understanding.
        “My teen son has a hard                         wondered if he was depressed but thought looking down   Testing  is  completed  in  one  day  and  we  test  children
      time showing emotions,                            at him from the 30,000-foot view he had a good life. He   through young adults for autism, dyslexia, ADHD,
      has a hard time to make                           had an intact family, a cell phone, nice place to live, and   anxiety, and depression. Our website is
      friendships, has a hard                           he was doing well in school. She thought, “What is there
      time to feel happy and                            to be depressed about?” Testing revealed he had very
      contented, has a hard time                        strong feelings of inadequacy and was struggling with his   Dancing With The Martin Stars from page 1
      to do activities that he                          identity. He believed he was not in control of his outcomes
      considers useless or are                          so, “Why should he try?”                            Fundraising Team and Top Dancing Team. The First
      mentally or physically                              It took mom a while to get dad to recognize the struggle   Runner-Up Dance Team was April Milner and Eliseo
      demanding. Help me figure out what is wrong with him!”  but after our results review meeting he understood   Ruiz; the Second Runner-Up was Casey Caplan and Brian
        It’s not uncommon for teenagers to be moody since   additional  support  was  needed.  Dad  actually  initiated   Spector. The First Runner-Up Fundraising Team was
      they are a ball of changing hormones, have variable sleep   the conversation with his teen by saying, “I feel that our   Sue Whittington and Jang Don; the Second Runner-Up
                                                                                                            Fundraising Team was Lorna Day and Angel Tamayo. In
                                                                                                            the first ever live voting, Sue Whittington and Jang Don
        Hibiscus Children’s Center from page 1          Mikkelson, along with a dedicated committee of volunteers,   won the People’s Choice Award.
                                                        have been busy planning for this exciting evening. Tickets     Faith Jacobsen, dance teacher at Exquisite Dance
        Bon Chance – Albert M Covelli Foundation and Jo   are $250 per person and sponsorship packages are available   Company and sales manager for the AI Fitness tech
        Covelli, B.D. and Jane McIntyre Foundation and Charles   with great recognition opportunities for your business.   company Oxefit; Craig Glavin, manager of Astra Dance
        McIntyre, Robert Crandall and Ellyn Stevenson, RBC   Contact us today for more information and to purchase   Studio and a two-time winner of Dancing with the Martin
        Wealth Management – Pam Dallas and Gordon Nearing,   your tickets at or Lori Swift   Stars as a teacher and once as a coach; and Chris Thiel,
        Frank and Patricia Noonan and Richard and Nancy Zappala;   at We look forward to seeing you at   a top performing realtor with RE/MAX and a former
        LaVie En Rose – John and Andi Brennan, Sally Batz   An Evening in Paris to support the Hibiscus kids!  dance teacher and competitive ballroom dancer served
        and Henley Sandidge, Dr. Al and Pam Gardner, Elizabeth                       Photo by Amy Freese    as judges. Charles Jones of CDJ Entertainment served
        Herold, Dick and Molly                                                                              as emcee at the Lyric, with Dr. Ed Savage emceeing the
        Hoffman, David and                                                                                  live feed at Ross Hall.
        Joyce Powell, and Robert                                                                              “We’re so grateful for the entire community who
        Weissman Foundation;                                                                                support us each year,” Suffich said. “From our local
        Can Can – Timothy and                                                                               celebrities who danced their hearts out onstage and raised
        Maureen Cotter, Richard                                                                             funds offstage, to the audience that filled the Lyric to
        and Cathleen Lennon,                                                                                capacity, everyone brought their passion for both the event
        Kate Mikkelson – Edward                                                                             and the cause it supports.”
        Jones Investments; and                                                                                The Martin County Healthy Start Coalition expressed
        RE/MAX of Stuart.                                                                                   its thanks to all of its sponsors and supporters, in particular
          Special Thanks  to                                                                                Title Sponsor Mark R. Kaiser Dermatology; Samba
        Mark Greene, our Call                                                                               Sponsors Women’s Health Specialists and Rommel
        to the Heart Auctioneer.                                                                            Wilson Memorial Fund; and Tango Sponsors Ooo La La,
        Hibiscus  Children’s                                                                                Muscle Vodka, and the Lichtenberger Foundation.
        Center thanks every                                                                                   For more information and event photos, visit https://
        sponsor,  supporter  and                                                                  
        volunteer who is helping                                                                            stars/2024-stars-dancers/.
        to make a difference for                                                                              For more information about Martin County Healthy
        the children and give them                                                                          Start Coalition and its ongoing programs, visit www.
        a  brighter  future  filled  An Evening in Paris Committee – Left to right/front: Pam Gardner, Dana Anderwald, Doris, call (772) 463-2888 or follow the
        with hopes and dreams.  Clements, Molly Hoffman, Cochair Kate Mikkelson, Linda Schwaderer, Debbie Owens and   organization on Facebook.
          Event Cochairs Kelley  Cochair Kelley Decowski. Left to right/back: Mary Zottoli, Rita Nelson, Joyce Powell,
        DeCowski and Kate  Carolynn Strom, and Judie Wolfe
                                                                                                            Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
                                                                                                            the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

                                                                                                             Seabreeze Publications

                                                                                                                               M. Sean Reid
                                                                                                                            S. Miller • E. Miller

                                                                                                                   Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

                                                                                                                    Production Manager   Lee Nostrant

                                                                                                                          Production Department
                                                                                                                Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
                                                                                                                 Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz • Michelle Feeney

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                                                                                                             photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
                                                                                                               The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
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                                                                                                             unsuitable for publication.

                                                                                                                 1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                                                                                                                       (561) 746-3244
                                                                                                                       FAX (561) 746-2509
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