Page 9 - Boca Exposure - July '24
P. 9

Boca Exposure, Page 9
      From The Desk Of Commissioner

      Marci Woodward: A Message From Marci

      Commissioner  Woodward,                            University of South  Carolina-Aiken with  a Bachelor’s      Lake Worth Lagoon- $270,500 to restore seagrasses,
      a 20-year resident of Boca                         Degree in Fine Arts.                              mangroves and oysters to improve and support the health of
      Raton, was elected in                                 Palm Beach County requested state funding for several   the water body.
      November 2022 as Palm                              projects and programs in our community and secured      Peanut Island Historic Restoration- $1 million for
      Beach County District                              nearly $6 million for the following:              revitalizing Peanut Island’s legacy of eco-tourism by
      4 Commissioner. She                                   West Palm Beach Downtown Signalization- $2.75   renovating the now vacant historic Coast Guard facilities
      serves  on  the  following                         million for the first phase of signalization enhancements   and JFK fallout bunker on the island.
      board of directors as a                            on Okeechobee Blvd. to address immediate congestion      Restore Re-Entry Program- $500,000 to assist with
      representative of the county                       issues,  improve  traffic  flow  within downtown  and   facilitating the reintegration of re-entry participants in Palm
      commission: Palm Beach                             explore advancements in traffic management capabilities,   Beach County by connecting them with services designed to
      Transportation Planning                            including transit signal priorities.              reduce recidivism.
      Agency;  South Florida                                Central Palm Beach County Historic Infrastructure-      Other funding for our area includes:
      Regional Transportation Authority (TriRail); Treasure   $1 million to help reduce storm water runoff and pollutant      The Center for Arts & Innovation- $1 million for design
      Coast Regional Planning Council; CareerSource Palm   loading into local water systems by enhancing existing   phase II of the 100,000 sq. ft. center, featuring a main theater,
      Beach County; Palm Beach Cultural Council, and Value   roadway infrastructure in the central historic region of   intimate spaces and an amphitheater.
      Adjustment Board. Ms. Woodward graduated from the   Palm Beach County.                                  Additionally, many community organizations,
                                                                                                           education institutions, nonprofits and municipalities
                                                                                                           in Palm Beach County received state funding for local
                                                                                                           projects and programs.
                                               Our 38

                                                                                                             Some funded projects in my South County District
                                   Annual                                                                  include North and Central Boca Raton Shore Protection,
                                                                                                           HabCenter Boca Raton Mental Health and STEM program,
                                                                                                           Highland Beach Lift Station Rehabilitation and Hurricane
                                                                                                           Hardening at the Arc of South Palm Beach County.
                   Summer Sale
                   Summer Sale                                                                               Beach annexation study is in the early stages. County and
                                                                                                             Boynton Beach Annexation Study Update. The Boynton
                                                                                                           city staff have met to discuss the process, with a focus on
                                                                                                           areas where the city already provides water or has existing
                                                                                                           annexation agreements.
                                                                                                              To keep residents informed, the city plans to launch a
                                                                                                           website with project details and maps in July. Public meetings
                                                                                                           will likely be held after the feasibility study is complete,
                                                                                                           which could take up to a year. To date, a formal annexation
                                                                                                           request has not been filed with the county.
                                                                                                              Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge Project. Great news! The
                                                                                                           Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge is nearly finished and all lanes of
                                                                                                           traffic are open!
                                                                                                              Following successful inspections by the Florida
                                                                                                           Department of Transportation and Palm Beach County
                                                                                                           staff, the contractor is putting the final touches on the
                                                                                                           project. They’re tackling minor punch list items before final
                                                                                                           approval and closure. Temporary lane markings are in place,
                                                                                                           with permanent striping scheduled for a future date. Staff is
                                                                                                           coordinating the scheduling details.
                                                                                                              Nonprofit Spotlight. The Palm Beach County Food Bank,
                                                                                                           a dedicated local nonprofit, tackles hunger with a powerful
                                                                                                           combo, collaboration and diverse programs.
                                                                                                              They partner with nearly 200 agencies, offering food,
                                                                                                           resources and support through initiatives like Pop-Up
                                                                                                           Farmer’s Markets and Childhood Hunger programs. Founded
                                                                                                           in 2009, they’ve grown from a local effort to a county-wide
                                                                                                           leader, proving that together, we can nourish our neighbors
                                                                                                           and build a stronger community.
                                                                                                           bread-breaking ceremony for their long-awaited Community

                                                                                                             I recently had the pleasure of attending the Food Bank’s

                                                                                                           Kitchen Expansion Project. Beyond its impressive capacity
                                                                                                           to provide 10,000 additional hot, nutritious meals each
                                                                     Lenses on 1  Pair

                                                                                                           day, the new state-of-the-art facility offers even more. It
                                                                                                           and provide a platform for small businesses to utilize the
                                                                                                           will empower the community through culinary classes

                                                                                                           kitchen’s resources.
                                                                     Lenses on 2  Pair
                                                                                                             For more information, visit

                                                                                                           Did you Know?
                *Except Cartier & Maui Jim                                                                 Did you know property taxes can rise even with stable
                                                                                                           home values?
                    Rx or Non-Rx                                   Lenses on 3  or More                       Florida limits how much your property taxes can increase
                         Expires 08/21/24                               Expires 08/21/24                   each year. This is a good thing, especially when home prices
                                                                                                           are rising quickly. But here’s a twist, even if your home’s
                                                                                                           value stays the same, your property taxes might still go up a
         KNOWN FOR OUR SELECTION • REMEMBERED FOR OUR SERVICE                                              little bit.
                                                                                                              The limit is based on a different value than your home’s
                                                                                                           selling price. This “assessed value” can keep increasing
                                                                                                           slightly each year until it catches up to your home’s market
                                                                                                           value. So, in a cooling market, your taxes might inch up a
                                     Never                                                                 bit even if your home isn’t worth more.
                                    Boring                                                                    There are two caps to remember:
                                                                                                              Homestead properties are primary residences with a special
                                                                                                           exemption. Their assessed value can only go up by 3 percent
                                                                                                           each year, or the change in inflation (whichever is lower).
                                                                                                              Non-homestead properties include vacation homes, rental
                                                                                                           properties, and commercial buildings. Their assessed value
                                                                                                           is capped at a higher rate of 10% each year.
                                                                                                              Property tax caps are helpful, but they can also lead to small
                                                                                                           tax increases even when home values aren’t rising. This is because
                                                                                                           the assessed value, which determines your taxes, can still go up
                                                                                                           slightly each year until it catches up to the market value.
          THE SHOPS AT BOCA CENTER ON MILITARY TRAIL | 561-394-5551 | GROVEOPTICIANS.COM                      For more information, visit
                                                                                                              If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
                                                                                                           355-2204 or email
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