Page 6 - Boca Exposure - July '24
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure
      FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’

      During Nesting Season

         Sea turtle nesting season, which typically takes place      • Which of these species are considered threatened      • If I encounter a hatchling that is struggling to get
      between March and October, is a busy time for biologists,   or endangered?                           out of the nest, should I help it?
      wildlife management and others as they eagerly await      All five of these species are protected species. The loggerhead      Do not touch or help the hatchling. It is against state
      signs of turtle movement in the sand. However, for many   and green turtles are listed as threatened and leatherback,   and federal law to remove the hatchling from its natural
      vulnerable and endangered sea turtle species, survival   hawksbill and Kemp’s ridley are listed as endangered.  environment. Turtle hatchlings all dig out of their nest,
      is an uphill battle. Loss of nesting habitat, high-traffic      • What should I do if I see a nest with eggs in it?  usually at night, and head directly for the sea.
      areas, rising temperatures and artificial lights are among      Sea turtle nests are protected by state and federal laws. Do      •  Who should I contact if I see an injured or
      the many factors working against them.            not touch a nest on the beach. You may contact the nearest   stranded sea turtle or hatchling?
         Three internationally renowned Florida Atlantic   local nature center such as Gumbo Limbo Nature Center or      Call the Florida Fish and  Wildlife Conservation
      University researchers provide “best practices” and answer   the Loggerhead Marinelife Center for additional information.  Commission Division of Law Enforcement at 1 (888)
      some of the most frequently asked questions to help protect      • What should I do if I see a sea turtle laying eggs   404-FWCC or *FWC from your cell phone.
      Florida’s nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.  or nesting?                                        • How many eggs do sea turtles lay?
                                                           Keep your distance, do not touch her, and remain quiet.      During nesting season, sea turtles usually lay between
                                                        Do not approach her and do not use any lights. You do
                                                        not want to startle her and interrupt this process.  FAU Sea Turtle Experts on page 7

                                                                      Upscale Resale

      A newly hatched sea turtle is belly-up as it tries to get out of its   Experience The Difference
      nest on a beach in Palm Beach County in Southeast Florida.
                                                              New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.
         Sarah L. Milton, Ph.D., chair and professor,            Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.
      Department of Biological Sciences, FAU Charles E.
      Schmidt College of Science: Milton’s research interests
      are focused on environmental physiology, investigating
      the effects of environmental stressors on animal
      physiology and adaptive mechanisms of survival. Her
      research related to sea turtle physiology and conservation
      includes a variety of projects ranging from the energetics
      of hatchling disorientation, the impacts of climate change
      on turtles such as nest success, hatchling physiology,
      erosion and flooding, to developing therapeutic treatments
      for sea turtles exposed to toxic red tides.
         Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D., professor, FAU Department                       Call us to sell. See us to buy.
      of Biological Sciences: Wyneken’s research investigates   Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!
      the impacts of local environmental conditions on sea turtle
      development, sex ratios and dispersal. She has studied sea   PALM BEACH GARDENS:           New Location
      turtles for more than 30 years. Her research focuses on   7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964
      a range of areas such as how weather and climate affect
      sea turtle eggs and rookeries to best practices in wildlife   WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace
      management. Her long-term studies of nest temperatures   13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222
      and primary sex ratios demonstrate how species differ
      in their responses to changing climate and weather                                        Nanci Smith, CEO
      conditions. Her approaches include understanding what
      is normal, functional morphology, ecology, ethology,
      physiology and developmental biology in the contexts
      of conservation.
         Annie Page, DVM, Ph.D., associate research
      professor and clinical veterinarian, FAU Harbor Branch
      Oceanographic Institute: Page’s research interests
      include epidemiology, pathogenesis, eco-immunology,
      and ecology of diseases affecting marine organisms.
      Her most recent research project addressed fundamental   HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY
      questions on characteristics of subclinical infection
      and transmission of chelonid fibropapilloma-associated                     MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM
      herpesvirus infection. Page’s expertise includes wildlife
      medicine and rehabilitation, molecular diagnostics,               FULL INDOOR                                               $             99
      disease ecology and veterinary pathology as well as             AND OUTDOOR                                                    59
      conservation biology, environmental and public health,
      microbiology, immunology, toxicology and genomics.             (COVERED PATIO)
      Frequently Asked Questions:
         • What species of sea turtles can we expect to see          BAR AND DINING
      in Southeast Florida?
         There are five species of sea turtles in Florida waters:
      green turtle, leatherback, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and                                                                        ONE APPETIZER,
      hawksbill. The most common sea turtles in Southeast                                                                              CHOOSE 2 ENTREES
      Florida are green, loggerhead and leatherback turtles,                                                                      FROM 15 DIFFERENT CHOICES,
      which also regularly nest on our beaches.                                                                                    ALSO INCLUDES 1 DESSERT
                                                                                                                                       Add soup or salad
                                                                                                                                        for only $2.49
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