Page 10 - Boca Exposure - July '24
P. 10

Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Council Corner: Re-Introducing

      New/Old Council Member Andy Thomson

      By Andy Thomson                                    years in college spent in Atlanta which, by my standards,   have five young children: Allie (12), Maddie (10), Henry
         I am overjoyed to return                        were far too cold).                               (5), Charley (6) and Joey (3). Our kids play football (NFL
      to the Boca Raton City                                I resolve business disputes for a living. Like my parents,   Flag), baseball (Boca Raton Little League), basketball
      Council. I met many of                             my wife Joanna and I met in school--the University of   (Boca Hoops and Upward), volleyball (COBRA), soccer
      you during my prior time                           Miami law school in our case. I’ve practiced law in Boca   (SABR) and softball (Boca Girls Fast Pitch) and several
      on the Council or during                           Raton since 2011, including the last eight years with   also swim (Boca Mantas and St. Andrew’s). I’ve coached
      this past election season,                         Baritz & Colman LLP. Before that I studied engineering   them in football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. The
      but for those I have not yet                       at Georgia Tech (those four good but cold years in Atlanta)   leagues and facilities in our city are tremendous.
      met, allow me to introduce                         and worked at a South Florida engineering firm that did      We couldn’t have picked a better place than Boca
      myself here.                                       civil and traffic engineering. I’m also an adjunct professor   Raton to raise our family. Between the excellent schools,
         My roots in Boca Raton                          at FAU, where I teach local and state government.  parks, beaches and activities, we in Boca Raton enjoy an
      run deep. My mom and                                  I served on the City Council from 2018-2022. In that   exceptional quality of life. We must never lose sight of
      dad met here in 1967 at what was then the new Florida   time I worked to keep our neighborhoods safe, manage   how good we have it here.
      Atlantic University. They met in the library, fell in love,   growth responsibly, address traffic concerns, manage our      If you have any ideas for, or concerns about, our
      got married, and my brother and I are the result, which I   budget without raising taxes and fight for new jobs and   city please call me at (561) 221-4675 or email me
      suppose makes me a product of Boca Raton. I’ve lived in   investment.                                at  Thank you again for the
      South Florida my entire life (with the exception of four      Joanna and I live in the Millpond neighborhood. We   opportunity to represent you!
      More On Vitamin D And The Development Of Diabetes

      By Steven E. Reznick, M.D.,                           This study and others showed that supplementation   56, for nine years. Forty-eight of these patients remained
      FACP – Boca Raton                                  with vitamin D orally helped individuals achieve a level   infection-free for nine years. The average infection-free
         Studies about vitamin                           which reduced the risk of developing diabetes.    time for treated patients was 4.5 years. No adverse effects
      D levels and disease have                          Oral Vaccine To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections  were reported. It remains to be seen whether women with
      been flooding medical and                             Urinary tract infections involve 400 million individuals   colonization of bacteria in their bladders will be able to
      lay literature for several                         annually. Patients with repeat and recurrent urine infections   avoid recurrent infections with a vaccine like this. Will
      years. In 2011, the National                       become treatment problems because the bacteria they harbor   women with post-coital inflammation and infection be able
      Academy of Medicine                                often develop resistance to the antibiotics used to treat the   to avoid recurrent infections? Men with enlarged prostates
      declared that a serum level                        infection. To combat situations like this, an oral vaccine   who do not completely empty their bladders upon voiding
      of >20 ng/ml was sufficient                        named Uromune was developed to prevent recurrent urine   share a similar problem.
      to maintain skeletal health.                       infections. Recently, a nine-year research study of its      A much larger sample size must be studied to determine
      The Endocrine Society first                        effectiveness was presented at the European Association of   its effectiveness. But hopefully, this product will receive
      recommended 28 ng/ml and now raised it to 30 ng/ml.  Urology. The vaccine is made of inactivated whole bacteria   approval from the European Union and Food and Drug
         Physicians in the United States have been measuring   commonly found in urine infections including E. coli, K.   Administration and will be available by 2030.
      serum vitamin D levels through reference  labs for a   pneumonia, P. vulgaris, and Enterococcus faecalis. The      Steven E. Reznick, M.D., FACP, is board certified in
      decade or more now despite the United States Preventive   suspension is sprayed under a recipient’s tongue with two   internal medicine with added qualifications in geriatrics
      Task Force concluding there is no benefit to screening   sprays daily for three months. After completing the initial   and has practiced locally for over 30 years. To request a
      adults for vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is made by the   treatment, recipients are retreated at one and two years. The   complimentary meeting with Dr. Reznick regarding his
      kidneys if our body gets sufficient sunlight exposure.   study followed 89 patients (72 women), with a mean age of   concierge medicine practice, call (561) 368-0191.
      Patients  with  kidney  disease  have  difficulty  achieving
      normal vitamin D levels.
         A study in the  Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
      and Metabolism, authored by Carolina Gonzalez-Lopez,
      M.D., and associates, used data from the British UK
      Biobank over 14 years to show that maintaining a serum
      vitamin  D3  level  of  30  or  greater  is  best  to  prevent
      normoglycemic individuals from converting to Type II


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