Page 8 - Boca Exposure - July '24
P. 8

Page 8, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘Nobody Wants Bagel Bloat!’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                                  • Check labels on prepared foods, such as frozen   the balance of intestinal bacteria, which is important for
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             macaroni and cheese, which will list the gluten content   digesting food. Also, a good probiotic supplement would
      motivational speaker who                           on the package.                                   be very beneficial.
      has spent many years as a                             • Check out websites to gluten-free recipes, products      There are lots of websites devoted to living with food
      Certified Life Coach and has                       and local support groups.                         allergies. One in particular was dedicated to preparing
      written  numerous  articles                           • Choose gluten-free options for pizza, pasta and   gluten-free foods, including bagels! Not sure I’ll go that
      and e-books relating  to                           breads.                                           far, but there must be a tasty gluten-free bagel somewhere
      self-improvement and ways                             • Look for gluten-free options on menus when dining out.  out there. Why suffer with “bagel bloat” when you can
      to build a high-performance                        Keep Your Digestive Tract Healthy!                find a better substitute.
      team. She is the author of                            Once you eliminate gluten and your digestive tract      Keep in mind, however, if you have been suffering
      the book,  “Small Steps...                         is healing, there are ways to keep it working well. Eat a   for months or years with gluten sensitivity you have to
      Big Changes: The Personal                          variety of healthy fruits and vegetables. At night, drink a   be patient. Give your body time to heal once you remove
      Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of   glass of water with a spoonful of psyllium husks or ground   gluten from your diet. A gluten-free lifestyle may take
      experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes   flax seed mixed in. This adds fiber and helps remove   time, but you will eventually feel better and be happy
      has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-  unwanted material from the body. Yogurt can help restore   you made the switch.
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach to
      Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that
      deal with the mind/body connection and the importance
      of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can          NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      be reached at
         Are you a bagel lover? My husband is and he won’t
      go a Sunday morning without one. Lately, however, he’s
      been complaining that something is causing stomach upset           Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      after enjoying his bagel piled high with cream cheese, lox,
      tomatoes and cheese. Could it possibly be the bagel? It’s
      never been a problem before, so what’s going on?                         Board Certified in
         Maybe my husband has developed a sensitivity to
      bagels? This theory won’t be very uncommon because                       Internal Medicine
      hundreds of thousands of folks have discovered they               with Added Qualifications in
      are sensitive to gluten flour. Bagels, like other wheat-
      based products, contain gluten, a protein found in wheat,                Geriatrics (2002).
      barley and rye. An inherited form of gluten sensitivity is
      called Celiac Disease and can affect 1 out of 133 people.         Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      However, other forms of gluten sensitivity or allergy can
      develop as people grow older.                                           Voted a “Best Doctor”
         Changes in gut health, such as increased intestinal                        by his peers.
      permeability (leaky gut) or other digestive issues, can
      contribute to the development of gluten intolerance. These
      changes can make the digestive system more sensitive                   Call to request a complimentary meeting
      to gluten and other components of the diet. Also, what
      might seem like a newly developed intolerance could be                                  with Dr. Reznick.
      a condition that was always present but not previously
      recognized. Increased awareness and better diagnostic
      tools have helped people identify gluten-related disorders.                          561.368.0191
         There’s so much talk about gluten nowadays. It
      seems one out of five people I know claim to be gluten
      intolerant. When did this dietary discovery come about?                        7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      Around the early 2000s, gluten-free diets began gaining                                Boca Raton, FL 33433
      traction beyond those diagnosed with Celiac Disease.                     
      Celebrities and athletes endorsing gluten-free diets, along
      with widespread media coverage, further popularized the
      notion of gluten-free eating as a healthier lifestyle choice.
      This contributed to the perception of gluten as a potential
      dietary issue, even for those without Celiac Disease.
         Some of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity are felt
      in the digestive tract. Others are more generalized. The   Are You Ready                                                Hurricane?
      body releases chemicals during many immune responses
      that can cause the vague symptoms of fatigue, joint and
      muscle pain and bloating.                               For The Next Storm?
         If the gluten-sensitive person continues to eat food
      containing gluten, the body will keep making antibodies
      to fight off the culprit. This immune reaction causes                                                               No Air Conditioning?
      physical damage to the lining of the small intestine and                                                              No Refrigeration?
      makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. This
      leads to diarrhea and weight loss. Fortunately, the small                                               FREE
      intestine has the ability to regenerate healthy cells and it                                                                 10% OFF
      will recover over time if gluten is removed from the diet.                                             7 Year Warranty
         If you think you might be gluten intolerant, there are                                              on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
      a few things you can do:                                                                               Standby Generators*
         • Check with your doctor and ask for a blood test to                                                  $ 350                     $ 1,000
      determine if you are gluten sensitive.
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