Page 5 - Boca Exposure - July '24
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Boca Exposure, Page 5
      Dining Out: Hungry Al’s Roadmap

      To His All-Time Favs! 2024

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                          Leaving the Guard Gate: It seems wherever I go there is   back to Deerfield Beach I have a hard time resisting Luigi
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s                         always someone who’s going to ask me the $64,000 question:   Di Roma. Every drink is half price, every appetizer is only
      love for food started very                        “What are your favorite restaurants?” As a food writer that   $8, the food is amazingly good (ridiculous portion sizes)
      young. Never satisfied with                       inquiry is hard to answer. I have lots of preferred dining stops,   and you have two hours to make yourself happy before the
      his Mom’s dishes, he started                      but this job keeps me changing gears all the time. To satisfy   music starts (with a great musician). I might regret giving
      to cook his way through her                       all my Hungry Al fans, I’m going to let you in on my Top 6   this secret away because it will make it harder for Hungry D
      “Betty Crocker Cookbook.”                         List for 2024! Many of these selections are not in walking   and me to find bar stools. Try their Calamari, Eggplant Stack
      During the years to follow he                     distance, but I’ll promise you each is worth the drive.   or Chicken Parmigiana Panni.
      spent many hours working in                          To make our journey more interesting, let us drop the      Second Stop—Italian: Over the course of ten years
      restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking classes   convertible top, put on the shades, and cruise to the Best   many Italian restaurants have come and gone. This cuisine is
      and traveling the world in an effort to expand his palette. As a   Eating Spots in South Florida!    probably my favorite and choosing the best is a monumental
      professional writer, Hungry Al offers his perspective on current      First Stop—Happy Hour: This is a tough category to   task. Back in the early years it was Giovanni’s (Pompano),
      food trends and guides you through your local restaurant options.  choose my favorite. Hungry Al sets the bar high to reach all   Casa De Angelo’s (Boca Raton), Trattoria Romano (Boca)
         Pull out the GPS! Fill the tank! Start your engines!   the variables that make Hungry Al happy! I have to consider   and the list goes on. So, to keep this current I have to give a nod
      Hungry Al (that’s me) has decided to spill the beans on   special drinks list, food quality, length of happy hour, service   to 388 Sal’s Italian Restaurant. The dishes here are enormous,
      what he considers his all-time favorite dining spots.  and, of course, price. But every time I make my journey   definitely able to feed more than two hungry stomachs. But
                                                                                                           as most good chefs know there is always a sacrifice when it
        The Singles Scene July 2024                                                                        comes to quality vs. huge portions. Taking into consideration
                                                                                                           this major undertaking, I have to admit that the kitchen and
                                                                                                           the front house somehow make it work. 388 will be a perfect
        By Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda Capparelli       a shallow and inefficient way of finding true love. It makes us   recommendation when the family comes to town.
                                                                                                             Third Stop—Seafood: This has always been a hook-in-my-
        The Official Summer Dating                      sad, but we are thrilled to be the solution to the wreckage forged     side in determining what the best of the net is in the seafood
                                                        by digital dating.
        Report                                          4. Tradition is Essential.  In our office, old-school dating   category. As ironic as it sounds, there are not many great seafood
                                                                                                           restaurants in any of our coastal shorelines. That was until I
                                                        methods have re-emerged in a refreshing manner. People are   discovered Copperfish Kitchen. Located in Boca Center in the
        “And the men who hold high places               getting to know each other better before making harsh, false   previous Uncle Tai’s space you’ll have a tough time reeling in
        Must be the ones who start                      judgments or jumping into the wrong relationship too quickly
        To mold a new reality                           (love bombing). A first date through us is not an interview.   all the local and distant fish species on their menu. Here you can
        Closer to the heart”~~RUSH, Circa 1977          We do the interviewing for all of you. Our client’s job is to   have a delicious whole Branzino or Fried Yellowtail Snapper,
                                                        go on a date to have fun. That’s it. Simple. Make dating fun   or branch out to another fishing spot and try a Scottish Salmon,
        Happy 4th of July to all of                     again—with our help!                               Grilled Dorade, Big Eye Tuna or Sea Bass. I will admit this
        our  clients,  couples,  and                                                                       seafood destination is definitely not a “Copper Fish”, but more
        friends. We are not surprised                   5. The Non-Negotiables. You do have to make a change and
        that  our  phones  continue                     give yourself permission to be vulnerable. There is no way   like a well-deserved 4-starred “Goldfish!”
        to ring off the hook in the                     around it–unless you want to be alone for life. There are no      Fourth Stop—Japanese: When it comes to Sushi, or any
        heat of summer. Confidential                    dating hacks (other than hiring a “real” matchmaker). There   Japanese dishes, it’s a very individual tasting palate. But if
        applications pour in with the                   is no insurance policy on love per se. You can, however, date   I had to revisit any restaurant for the year it would be the
        same zeal as September and                      smart while positioning yourself to meet authentic people via   Omakase at Sushi Bou. If you want to get a taste of true
        October (in preparation for                     private introductions from connected matchmakers. Meeting
        holiday coupling). The human                    new people through mutual contacts is the way to go--and this is   Japanese sushi this pit stop delivers a high quality of fish
        condition and mood is quite                     how our clients feel. Just like meeting their new date through a   along with artistic preparation. The best part is that you are
        sensitive lately, whether you                   friend. Friendships form quickly here and it starts with one fifteen   only dining with a maximum of ten diners in a very intimate
        are aware of it or not. Society                 minute phone call. Essentially, working with a matchmaker is how   setting. I assure you the knifing skills and plating is nothing
        yearns  for  extra  light  and                  to stay emotionally, fiscally, and physically secure.   like the commercial corner sushi places we all frequently go
        happiness which we are here
        to serve to all who cross our path in or out of our office.   6. The Takeaway. If you or someone you know has fallen victim   to on a weekly basis. Also, don’t expect a “boat” full of sushi
                                                        to the surface-level digital dating dilemma, we cannot fault you.   because here at Sushi Bou it’s all about the quality ingredients
        To add to the drive for better vibes and higher vibrations, online   This is where many dating problems begin and end. We advise   that you would expect if you were visiting the great sushi
        dating is taking an even deeper nose dive with each passing month   you to get real—live and date in real life. Love offline because it’s   establishments in Japan.
        in 2024. The statistics are noteworthy. Quality singles looking for   time and life is moving quickly. Be confident, smart, and carry on      Fifth Stop—French: For me, on any occasion such as
        a true connection are no longer interested in being matched by an   with passion this summer. Every pot has a lid. Stop overthinking
        algorithm on a risky dating site. That would be like buying your   and make your move halfway through the year and end the year   birthdays or anniversaries there is no better place to celebrate
        wedding dress at a flea market or finding your financial advisor   under the mistletoe. This July, we have some exclusive specials   than La Nouvelle Maison in Boca Raton. Somehow this
        on the dark web. You can’t trust what you read online and we   that will only be available to our loyal readers and their friends.   semi-elegant restaurant perfectly defines the word “special”
        all know this by now. Fortunately for you and us, summer love   Share the love and pass it on! Be sure to mention this article and   in both food and service. As they say in French, “La vie est
        in real life (IRL) is alive and thriving--thanks to our hard work   Code: SUMMERLOVE24 when you book your confidential   trop courte de manger la mauvaise nourriture.” If I got this
        and huge following.                             appointment.
                                                                                                           right it simply translates to: “Life is too short to eat bad food!”
        Read on to validate your own movement today. We look for   In times of doubt, create more love. We wish you tons of   So, do yourself a favor and break the piggy bank for a visit
        certain traits in our clients. After three decades of experience   happiness this July and for the last six months of the year.   to La Nouvelle Maison if you haven’t already. You can’t go
        filtering and screening our applicants, we have gotten MUCH   May the force of love be with you.   wrong with my favorites: their Caesar Salad and Yellowtail
        PICKIER as to who we will represent. Thank us later. If the                                        Snapper. By the way, on Wednesday there is no corkage fee.
        following points resonate with you, you know what to do next. As   XOXO,
        always, if you are TAKEN, do share this fun news with your single   The Double Win Matchmakers, Kelly & Miranda     Sixth Stop—Steaks: Where’s the beef? There never
        family and friends! We thank you for your love and loyalty to us.                                  seems to be enough steakhouses for Boca’s carnivorous
                                                        #MakeDatingFunAgain  #SummerLove  #LandOfTheFree   appetite. I have to confess I’m not a big meat eater, but I
                                                        #HomeOfTheRev #America  #TellYourFriends           can definitely taste the difference in a good quality of beef
                                                        Revolution Dating                                  prepared with attention to temperature and seasoning. But
        1. Upscale Singles are Ready for an Upgrade. Outside of our   Founder and CEO, Kelly               this year we have had several new entries into our steakhouse
        community, the social scene for dating in 2024 has morphed   Leary, M.S. has 33 years              options with Gallagher’s (from New York) and the Meat
        into a low-grade rodeo filled with Buckle Bunnies and Clowns.   in the dating industry             Market (from Palm Beach). Then again, new doesn’t
        This has caused people to simply stay home and remain single.   and a Master’s Degree in           necessary equal “better.” I still believe in the “tried and true”
        In fact, more people are single than ever before and many are   Clinical  Psychology. She          steak establishments that had the longevity to survive Boca’s
        losing hope. Times have changed (way too much). We are far   has also been written about
        away from traditions and dating norms, and it needs to STOP.   in  The  Palm  Beach  Post,         fickle taste buds. I’m sticking my knife into my longtime
        Women and men need a return to chivalry. Nostalgia is the order   PalmBeacher  Magazine,           favorite: N.Y. Prime Steak House!
        of the day in this dating arena.                Stuart  News,  Modern                                 Seventh Stop—Casual Dining: To me dining doesn’t have
                                                        Luxury  Palm  Beach,                               to be about linen tablecloths, Michelin-rated plates, expensive
        2. The  Script  Needs  a  Flip.  At  the  center  of  the  dating   and   M ode r n  L uxur y      wines or a final bill that empties my wallet. That’s why the
        damage is the dehumanizing effects of online dating and too   Manhattan  plus many
        much  technology.  People  are  being  punked,  ghosted,  and   more. Revolution Dating members are pre-screened   new Narbona in Boca Center mall is high on my list for a nice
        disillusioned by far too many “options”--creating casual, creepy,   in-person including background checks. Professional   bistro dining experience. This Uruguayan restaurant/market
        and unfulfilling interactions. Today’s dating culture no longer   photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT   with its European style décor delivers excellent dishes that
        encourages singles to focus their energy on one person at a   online dating  or blind dating. In addition  to  providing   are more global in menu choices than you would think. There
        time. This results in superficial dating and thinking the “next”   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single”   is something for everyone here: pasta dishes, Latin-flavored
        will be better.                                 through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly and her
                                                        team also provide feedback from dates when appropriate.   meat and seafood selections, pizzas, home Gelato (24 flavors),
        3. Transactional Dating Must Cease. Outside of our office,   Mock Dates are available by request. Single Coaching   sushi and wonderful pastries. Give this one a try and let me
        dating has become transactional and short-lived, with immediate   Sessions and Evaluations are also available by request for   know if you agree.
        gratification as the goal versus true love. Sending meaningless   non-members or as an add-on to some memberships. *All      Eighth Stop—Closing the Garage Door: Well, now
        texts and gazing at photos to create false conclusions and opinions   inquiries are confidential. *By demand, a Northeast/TriState   you have it Hungry Al has delivered
        about total strangers is on the rise. The vicious cycle will continue   area Hub is now available for east coast clients that love
        for you and/or your single friends if the cycle is not broken. The   to travel. Do call the main hotline for more information at   his all-time favorites. So, the next
        longer a single person remains online dating (or alone), the more   561-630-XOXO (9696) or learn more on our website at www.  time you stop me in the streets and
        jaded they will become. If they wait too long and then come into :: Home of THE Award-Winning   request my best I’m going to hand
        our office, the first few weeks are spent debriefing them on all   Matchmaker This is a First Come, First Serve Model, so   you this review. I guarantee that
        the bad habits they picked up with their online expeditions. It is   do get your name on the A-List today.   these four or more golden spatula
                                                                                                           winners will also become your drive-
                                                                                                           to-dine favorites too!
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