Page 7 - Boca Exposure - July '24
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Boca Exposure, Page 7

      FAU Sea Turtle Experts from page 6                on Hutchinson  Island and at the Archie Carr  National   tarpon, mahi mahi, sharks and even marine mammals, are
                                                        Wildlife Refuge along the Atlantic coast.          threats at sea.
      four and 10 clutches, with each clutch containing between   • What do sea turtles eat?                 • How is the sex of sea turtles determined?
      70 and 140 eggs, depending on the species.           Sea turtles do not feed on land. Their diets depend      The sex of sea turtles is determined by the temperature
         • How long does it take for an egg to hatch?   on the species and the life stage. Hatchlings tend to   at which the eggs incubate. This process is referred to
         The incubation period for sea turtle eggs depends   feed on very small, slow-moving marine animals when   as “temperature-dependent sex determination.” Higher
      upon the local incubation temperatures, such that cooler   on the high seas. When sea turtles return years later to   temperatures result in more female hatchlings and lower
      temperatures can lead to incubation of more than two   coastal waters, their diets differ. For example, green   temperatures result in more male hatchlings.
      months. During warmer periods, nests can hatch in as   turtles have a vegetarian diet and prefer sea grass and   • Are our Florida sea turtles healthy?
      little as 45 days.                                algae. Leatherbacks feed primarily on jelly animals like      The health of Florida sea turtles can vary depending
         • How many hatchlings actually survive and make   jellyfish and salps, while loggerheads and Kemp’s ridleys   on various factors such as habitat conditions, pollution
      it into the ocean?                                prefer hard-shelled organisms such as crabs, lobsters   levels, climate change impacts, and human activities. In
         On average, about one in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings   and mollusks, such as whelks. Hawksbills feed on algae,   general, a sea turtle that is able to reproduce is healthy.
      survive to adulthood.  The others serve a different   sponges and tunicates on their reefs. However, all species   When just one in 1,000 hatchlings reach adulthood, many
      ecological role and often become prey for many other   are known to be attracted to fishing baits, a behavior that   individuals are lost to misadventure, but also exposure to
      organisms.                                        puts the sea turtles at risk.                      both acute, as well as chronic, challenges to their health
         • How long does it take sea turtle hatchlings to crawl   • If I want to take pictures at night of nesting sea   can occur.
      into the sea?                                     turtles, can I do that using a red flashlight?       • What are some of the most common diseases we
         Typically, sea turtle hatchlings take about 10 to 30      Do not photograph or video a nesting sea turtle at   are seeing in Florida sea turtles?
      minutes to make their way from the nest to the sea.   night and do not use any lights including a red flashlight.      In Florida, sea turtles face various health challenges
      However, this timing varies and depends on factors such   Special permits are required to photograph or film nesting   such as fibropapillomatosis, a viral disease that causes
      as the distance from the nest to the water, if obstacles   sea turtles. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation   the growth of tumors on the  skin, eyes and internal
      occur in their path and if artificial lighting is present that   Commission is the authority that issues permits for   organs. This condition is particularly prevalent in green
      might attract them away from the water, as well as other   activities involving marine turtles in Florida, including   sea turtles. Sea turtles also are impacted by debilitating
      environmental conditions.                         photography.                                       internal parasites as well as external parasites like
         • Does this extreme heat we are experiencing impact   • How does a hatchling know where to go when it   barnacles and leeches that can attach to a sea turtle’s shell,
      sea turtle nests and hatchlings?                  emerges from its nest?                             skin or flippers, potentially impacting their ability to swim
         Yes. Extreme heat can have detrimental effects      Sea turtle hatchlings possess remarkable instincts that   and feed. In addition, ingestion of marine debris such as
      on sea turtle nests and hatchlings, impacting their   guide them toward the sea once they emerge from their   plastics and other jetsam mistaken for food can lead to
      reproductive success and survival. Fewer eggs hatch at   nest. Hatchlings crawl away from tall dark horizons (these   blockages, internal injuries, toxic effects and malnutrition.
      high temperatures, and hatchlings are less physically   are typically landward) and toward more open, somewhat   • What can I do to help protect Florida’s sea turtles?
      adept and may have developmental deformities. High   brighter horizons, which are usually seaward.      There  is  a  combination  of  actions  you  can take
      temperatures also can skew the sex ratio of hatchlings,   • Why do we have to turn off our lights at night   to protect Florida’s sea turtles and support broader
      highly female biased sex ratios and imbalance in the   along the coast during nesting season?        conservation efforts. These include educating yourself
      population and can cause nest failure by overheating the      Adult females avoid lighted beaches for nesting and   and your networks about reducing light pollution,
      eggs.                                             emerging hatchlings often become disoriented by lighting   participating in beach cleanup efforts, respecting nesting
         • Where and when can I safely experience sea turtle   on the beach. Artificial light causes abnormal behavior   areas, reefs and  feeding  areas,  minimizing the  use  of
      nesting season in Southeast Florida?              such that hatchlings are misdirected as they try to reach   single-use plastics, reducing your carbon footprint to
         Nesting season in Southeast Florida typically occurs   the ocean (just like moths that get attracted to lights at   help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, properly disposing
      from March through October, with peak activity between   night). Lights need to stay off at night so sea turtles can   of fishing gear, supporting conservation organizations
      May and July. There are many places that offer guided   safely use the beach.                        and advocating for effective policy changes. By taking
      “turtle walks” so people can safely experience nesting      • Do other animals eat sea turtles?      these steps, you can contribute to the conservation of
      at protected wildlife refuges and sanctuaries such as      Sea turtle eggs, hatchlings and older turtles are subject   Florida’s  sea  turtles and help  ensure their survival for
      Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, Loggerhead   to many threats both on land and at sea. Common land   future generations.
      Marinelife Center in Juno Beach, John D. MacArthur   predators include crabs, large lizards, birds, coyotes, foxes
      Beach State Park on Singer Island, several organizations   and raccoons on land. Carnivorous fish such as snapper,   Photo by Jay Paredes, Florida Atlantic University

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