Page 1 - Boca Exposure - July '24
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A Seabreeze Publication

            Woodfield Hunt & C.C., Fieldbrook Estates, Boca Grove, Polo Club, Newport Bay Club, Seasons of Boca

        VOL. 24 NO. 7                                                                                  JULY 2024

      A ‘Groovy’ Time At Club’s Annual Banquet

         With a theme of “Love                                                                             Distinguished Service
      and Peace, Baby!” about 70                                                                           Award.
      members and guests of the                                                                               • Mark Holler received
      Rotary Club Downtown Boca                                                                            Rookie Rotarian of the Year
      Raton, many wearing festive                                                                          (not present).
      attire, attended the club’s annual                                                                      Presidential Recognition
      Installation and Awards Banquet                                                                      Awards were given to Lana
      on June 12 at The Wick.                                                                              Rosenzweig, Gloria Wank,
         Kicking off the program was                                                                       Michael Walstrom,  Diane
      President Kim Champion who                                                                           Witt, Jon Kaye, Alan Kaye and Janice Williams. And special
      announced the club won “Rotary                                                                       recognition went to Marcia Mithun for being the club’s top
      Club of the Year” at a recent district conference.                                                   seller of weekly raffle tickets.
         “It is the highest recognition from a Rotary Governor and      Champion also recognized individual members for their      Another highlight was the installation of Bruce Spizler as the
      we were selected from the 45 other clubs in our district,” said   ultimate club contributions. Pictured left to right:  new club president. Officiating was Rotary District Governor
      Champion. “This prestigious honor reflects our community      • The Service Above Self Award went to Jeff Weber.  Jula Babbitt who administered the oath. Spizler will serve a
      engagement, membership recruitment, participation at Rotary      • Ann Brown got Rotarian of the Year.  one-year term, starting July 1.
      events and many other achievements, distinguishing us from      • Bruce Spizler won the True Spirit of Rotary Award.
      other clubs.”                                         • Dr. Allen Konis was presented the Gary Hickory   A ‘Groovy’ Time At Club’s Annual Banquet on page 2
      Junior League Of Boca Raton Appoints New President

      And Board Of Directors For The Upcoming Season

         The Junior League of                            the Year, and has served four terms on the JLBR’s
      Boca Raton has appointed                           Board of Directors.
      Nicole Stelzer as its new                             Nicole received her Bachelor of Arts in finance
      president for the 2024/25                          from Florida Atlantic University and her Master
      season, as well as a new                           of Business Administration from the University of
      board of directors.                                Florida. She has been working as an investment
         The new leadership                              analyst and portfolio manager for 15 years and resides
      team  was  introduced  at                          in Boca Raton with her husband and three children.
      the Junior League of Boca                             Board members for 2024/25 are Pattie Goldenberg,
      Raton’s Annual May Dinner  Nicole Stelzer          Sustaining Advisor; Samantha Vassallo, Advisor to
      Meeting, which was held at                         the Board; Barbara Sageman, Assistant to the Board;
      the Delray Beach Club on May 14. The new term started   Michelle Coggiola, Vice President of Finance; Valentina
      on June 1.                                         Moretti, Vice President of Community; Gwenn
         Nicole Stelzer was preceded by Meghan Shea who   Feliciano, Vice President of Communications; Debbie
      served as president for the last year. Stelzer has been a   Abrams, Vice President of Fundraising; Alex Welsh,  Board photo, left to right: Top row, Pattie Goldenberg, Samantha
      member of the Junior League of Boca Raton for 15 years.   Vice President of Membership; Paige Gantt, Vice  Vasallo, Barbara Sageman, Paige Gantt, Alex Welsh, Valentina
      In her time, she has led several committees including being   President of Strategy and Planning; Amanda O’Brien,  Moretti, Gwenn Feliciano. Bottom row, Debbie Abrams, Victoria
      chairwoman of its signature fundraiser, Woman Volunteer of   Secretary; and Victoria Matthews, President Elect.  Matthews, Nicole Stelzer, Michelle Coggiola
      Achievement Centers For Children & Families Launches

      ‘Sponsor A Child For Summer Camp’

      As A Way For Businesses And Individuals To        childhood education, kicks off its annual Sponsor-A-Child
      Give Back To The Local Community                  initiative and is seeking support from the community. Donors
                                                        can make a one-time donation of up to $2,025 to cover the
         The Achievement Centers for Children & Families   cost of one child’s summer camp.
      (ACCF), which provides free, high-quality, affordable early      Sponsor-A-Child funds cover the cost of ACCF Summer
                                                                                 Camp for one student of
                                                                                 any grade level. ACCF is
                                                                                 taking donations to sponsor
                                                                                 from 1 week to 9 weeks of
                                                                                 camp. ACCF Summer Camp
                                                                                 includes a daily reading and
                                                                                 learning component to combat
                                                                                 the lack of summer learning,

                                                                                 Achievement Centers
                                                                                 on page 2
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