Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, The Jewish Voice                                             BW

      Local Happenings from page 6

      resounding consensus of a
      need for unity, particularly
      since the war in Israel
      began  on  Oct.  7. The  bar
      associations that partnered
      for this evening included F.
      Malcolm Cunningham Sr. Bar
      Association, Jewish Lawyers
      Association of Palm Beach
      County, Palm Beach County
      Bar Association, Palm Beach
      County Florida Association
      for Women Lawyers, Palm  Jennifer Lesser, Jervonte
      Beach County Hispanic Bar  “Tae” Edmonds
      Association,  Palm  Beach
      County Sheree Davis Cunningham Black Women Lawyers
      Association, South Palm Beach County Bar Association,
      South Palm Beach County Florida Association for Women
      Lawyers, and the Palm Beach County Justice Association.
         “What a tremendous, inspiring evening to have so many
      extraordinary leaders join together to celebrate our Jewish
      culture and history and stand as allies in our mission to      Though she is uncomfortable with public speaking, Cohen
      continue the fight against antisemitism and all forms of   shared her story of how she stood up for millions of Jews
      hate,” shared Michael Hoffman, president and CEO of Jewish   trapped in the Soviet Union. She spoke of the mountains that
      Federation of Palm Beach County.                  needed to be moved in order to help these Jews who she had
                                                        never met before, affecting the largest exodus of Jews in
                                                        recent history, with over two million freed.
                                                           Hers was a deeply moving story within a story — how in
                                                        the process of finding the Soviet Jews she ended up finding
                                                        her own Jewish soul. She spoke of how her travels to the
                                                        Soviet Union exposed her to her own Jewish traditions, which
                                                        she had never really practiced. When she realized how she
                                                        was fighting for the religious freedoms of Jews she had never
                                                        met before, she quickly evolved into freeing her own Jewish
                                                        soul from the apathy and indifference she had experienced      At  least  once  a  month,  volunteers  join  Rabbi  Rose
                                                        in her own youth.                                  to serve at organizations such as Feeding Hope Village,
                                                           Cohen’s experiences are recorded in her biography,   Quantum House, and the Palm Beach Food Bank. They
                                                        “Hidden Heroes.” She has received the Humanitarian Award   recently had a large group volunteering at the Food Bank,
      Bob Bertisch, Vice Mayor  Sarah Cohen, Judge Danielle   from the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of Chicago, the   where they sorted donated books for children. They also
      Maria Marino             Sherriff                 Medal of Honor from refuseniks, and a doctor of humane   prepared  hundreds  of  “backpacks”  for  public  school
                                                        letters degree from Spertus College of Judaica. She lives in   students to take home on weekends to provide nutritious
      The Jewish Housewife Who                          Chicago with her husband, Leonard, who joined her for this   food for themselves and their families. Tens of thousands
                                                                                                           of local families depend on these donations and benefit
                                                        special Shabbos. They divide their time between family in
      Tore Down the Iron Curtain                        the United States and their home in Jerusalem.     from the amazing resources the food bank supplies. As the
                                                                                                           prophet Jeremiah teaches, we are to engage deeply in our
         Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently welcomed a   Team Tikkun Olam Volunteers                    communities and to “seek the welfare of the city to which
      special guest to the community for their Friday Night Live                                           I have exiled you and pray to God on its behalf; for in its
      series. Pamela Braun Cohen was described by Anatoly   throughout Community                           prosperity you shall prosper.”
      Sharansky as a Chicago housewife who sparked the
      movement that led to the freedom of millions of Jews from      The Temple Judea community continually offers a variety
      the Soviet Union. Her story shows how ordinary people are   of opportunities to give back to the wider community.  JFS Expands Mental Health
      able to affect global change.                     Congregants from all age groups have joined Team Tikkun   First Aid Training to Palm
         Haunted by the legacy of the Holocaust, Cohen became an   Olam by taking part in volunteering events. Participants
      activist in the Soviet Jewry movement in the early 1970s. She   proudly wear matching Temple Judea t-shirts out in the   Beach County Law Enforcement
      served as co-chair of Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry from   community to enthusiastically promote the values and to
      1978 until 1986, when she became the national president of   proudly connect with others.               Alpert  Jewish  Family  Service,  a  nonprofit  serving
      the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews. Her leadership role                                           children, adults, seniors, and Holocaust survivors, is proud
      took her to the halls of Congress and the White House and                                            to announce the expansion of its Mental Health First Aid
      on frequent trips to the Soviet Union.                                                               (MHFA)  program  to  law  enforcement  agencies  across
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County. This initiative aims to equip police,
                                                                                                           first responders, correctional officers, and other public
                                                                                                           safety audiences with vital skills to identify, understand,
                                                                                                           and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use
                                                                                                           disorders within the community.
                                                                                                              Alpert JFS, which first introduced MHFA in Palm Beach
                                                                                                           County in 2014, has already trained various businesses and

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 9

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