Page 4 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 4

Page 4, The Jewish Voice

                                                     LocaL HappEnings

      Beth David Holds

      Yom Hashoah Vigil

         Last  month,  Temple
      Beth  David  continued  a
      longstanding tradition,
      unique  in  this  area,  of
      conducting its 12th Annual
      Yom HaShoah/Holocaust
      Remembrance Day Vigil
      of  Remembrance.  The
      theme of this year’s solemn                       Father Tom Lafreniere and Frannie Rich, from St. Paul of   Andrew Koerner and son  Pastor Mike Zdorow from
      ceremony was Remember –                           the Cross                                          Cooper                  The Gathering Place
      and Teach the Generations. Rabbi Danielle Bensimhon
         As morning stretched  leads attendees in a memorial                                               the ensuing hours of the
      into day and then into night,  service.                                                              ceremony, while art created
      and for the 12 hours from                                                                            by Jewish children martyred
      9:45 a.m. to 9:45 p.m., Beth David members and their families,                                       in the Holocaust, along with
      friends, and members of other communities of faith came                                              photos of Jewish partisan
                                                                                                           groups, were displayed in
                                                                                                           the temple sanctuary and
        Local Students Learn Lessons from page 1                                                           images of pre-war Jewish life
                                                                                                           in Europe were projected onto
           At the HLE, students participated in a 90-minute lesson                                         a screen.
        about the Holocaust focusing on the ghetto and concentration                                          Temple  Beth  David’s
        camp Terezin, where Freidl Dicker-Brandeis taught over                                             Rescued  Holocaust  Torah
        600 children art to help them cope with the horrors of the   Bruce Bronstein lights  Bobbi and Adam Sadow read   Scroll, saved and preserved  Rabbi Debra Eisenman, Beth
        Holocaust. Years later over 4,000 children’s paintings,   a  memorial  candle  after  names.       from wartime destruction and  David Scholar-in-Residence
        poems, and pieces of artwork were discovered in a hidden   reading names.                          recovered from a destroyed
        suitcase in the children’s dormitories.                                                            Czech synagogue, bore silent witness during the vigil as a
           Students also discussed the poem “The Last Butterfly,”   together to read the names of          living symbol of the connection between our community and
        written by Pavel Friedmann while he was a child prisoner   Jewish martyrs who perished             the now departed congregations that read and learned from
        at Terezin. Friedmann was never freed to see the butterflies   in the Holocaust, as well as        scrolls like it so many decades ago.
        he longed to see in his poem, as he was transferred to the   of the Righteous Among The               Members of area churches, including The Gathering Place
        Auschwitz camp, where he died at the hands of the Nazis.   Nations, non-Jews who risked            of Palm Beach Gardens, participated in this ceremony of
           After the lesson, students gathered at the Gendelman   their lives to aid and shelter           remembrance as did the Church of St. Paul of the Cross of North
        Children’s Holocaust Memorial, located on the MorseLife   Jews during that dark time               Palm Beach with its spiritual leader, Father Tom Lafreniere,
        Campus. Home to 5,000 ceramic butterflies, the memorial   period in the world’s history.           reading the names of the Righteous Among the Nations.
        takes the form of a kapok tree that rises 27 feet with a 26-foot-     The  vigil  began  with         Each participant kindled an individual memorial candle,
        wide canopy. The butterflies on the tree were painted by Palm   the chanting of prayers by  Speaker Ariele  Schwartz,   which, as the day lengthened and darkened, provided greater
        Beach County Public School District students, survivors, and   Beth David’s Rabbi Danielle  representing 3GNY  numbers of flickering flames, and greater light. Each reader
        community members during a yearlong project by the HLE.  Bensimhon, as well as                     and listener signed a large placard attesting to their status as
           Many of the Rosarian Academy students had painted   remarks by its Scholar-In-Residence Rabbi Debra Eisenman   witnesses on this solemn day of memory and resolve.
        butterflies and were able to find them on the tree during their   and Pastor Michael Zdorow of The Gathering Place. This was      As antisemitism again rears its ugly head, Temple Beth
        visit. Each student left with a biography of a child who had   followed by a talk by Ariele Schwartz of 3G New York, who   David’s Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Remembrance Day Vigil of
        died in the Holocaust and a pin depicting one of the tree’s   speaks at schools throughout the New York metropolitan area   Remembrance has never been more meaningful than it is now.
        branches adorned with painted butterflies.      to bring the personal nature of the Holocaust and its memory   We must continue to Remember — and Teach the Generations
           Entrusted by the State of Florida to deliver age-  to young people through her own experiences and journey as   — both communally and personally; a remembrance of horror
        appropriate lessons from the Holocaust for grades 5-12 to   the granddaughter of a survivor. Six yellow memorial candles   and loss and yet an affirmation of survival and life; a harkening
        all 67 school districts, the HLE offers in-person lessons   were kindled in memory of the six million, and then a seventh   to a darker time in history, and yet enforcing the resolve of
        to schools and community groups on the MorseLife   candle was lit in memory of the Jews who died during and   “never again”; an ongoing plea for justice and tolerance.
        campus in West Palm Beach.                      after the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023. The names of Jews
              Photo courtesy Holocaust Learning Experience   who were murdered by the Nazis were then read throughout   Local Happenings on page 6

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