Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
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Page 2, The Jewish Voice

      New Chair, Leadership Positions from page 1       service on the Mandel JCC board of directors, as chair of   Leonie Arguetty Preschool; and to 15-year-old Benjamin
                                                        the Mandel JCC Audit Committee, for graduating from   Bagatell, a volunteer classroom aid at Temple Israel.
                                                        Federation’s Mandel Leadership Institute, and for serving      Shannon Schneider, Federation’s accounting manager,
                                                        as a connector to Jewish families in the Boynton Beach   received  the  prestigious  Debbi  Roshfeld  Professional
                                                        area.  Kalisman  was  honored  for  his  involvement  with   Leadership Award.  The  annual  award  recognizes  the
                                                        Federation’s Palm Beach Center to Combat Antisemitism   outstanding achievement of a Federation professional who
                                                        &  Hatred  and  for  his  efforts  that  led  to  more  than  $3   exemplifies Roshfeld’s legacy of leadership, excellence,
                                                        million to Federation’s Israel Terror Relief Fund.  and commitment to enhancing Jewish community.
                                                           Federation’s awards for Jewish educators were
                                                        given Sandy Wilensky, director of Temple Beth Torah’s                          Photo credit: Capehart

      rise in antisemitism,
      there is still much to
      celebrate  as  Jewish
      Palm Beach launches
      new  initiatives  to
      connect people to
      Jewish life,” shared
      Michael  Hoffman,
      president & CEO,
      Jewish Federation of
      Palm Beach County.
      “I’m  immensely
      grateful for  Barry
      Berg’s leadership
      as we look ahead
      and have the utmost
      confidence  for
      a  vibrant  today,
      t om orrow, a nd
         Ad d i t i o n a l
      new leadership                                            Is it time for
      positions for Jewish
      Federation of Palm
      Beach County
      • Ronda Starr, Development & Campaign Chair               an informed,
      • Marilyn Comiter, Women’s Philanthropy Board Chair
      • Patti Lehrhoff, Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair
      • Lynn Levy Peseckis, Community Strategy & Planning
      • Brett Sandala, Friedman Commission for Jewish
      Education (CJE) Chair                                     second opinion?
      • Jason DelGrosso, Emerging Leadership Program (ELP)
         Guests also heard a number of exciting and powerful
      highlights as Federation continues to grow as the Jewish
      community’s “City Hall.” The philanthropic commitment     Burns Wealth Management Group
      of Jewish Palm Beach has multiplied, with nearly 70
      percent growth in generosity to Federation’s efforts to
      address the needs of one of the nation’s largest and fastest-
      growing Jewish communities. During the 2024 campaign
      year,  thousands  in  the  community  have  come  together
      to achieve a total of $66 million. This remarkable sum
      includes  donations  to  Federation’s Annual  Campaign,                                    Robert Burns
      targeted gifts to Federation programs and partners,                                        CFP , ChFC , CPWA      ®
      endowments and legacy gifts with the William A. Meyer
      Jewish Community Foundation. The total includes giving                                     Managing Director
      to  emergency  relief  campaigns,  including  nearly  $10                                  Wealth Partner, Portfolio Manager
      million to provide critical efforts in Israel since October                                3825 PGA Blvd, Floor 9,
      7 through Federation’s Israel Emergency Relief Fund.                                       Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
         The  event  also  celebrated  this  past  year’s  launch                                561.694.5666
      of  the  Palm  Beach  Center  to  Combat Antisemitism  &
      Hatred, which has quickly grown into a crucial resource                          
      in galvanizing our community. And attendees were among                           
      the first to hear the unveiling of Federation’s Strategic
      Plan, the result of an in-depth 16-month process with
      national consultants. The plan serves as a roadmap for the
      next three years, as Federation serves a growing Jewish
      Palm  Beach  with  diverse  new  programs  and  volunteer
      initiatives for all ages.
         Ken Tillman, an active leader and volunteer fundraiser   Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP , CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™,
      for decades, received the Hope Silverman Campaigner of    CFP  (with plaque design) and CFP  (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully
      the Year Award. This annual award celebrates an individual   complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. Chartered Financial Consultant  (“ChFC ”) is a
                                                                registered trademark owned by The American College of Financial Services. Investments & Wealth Institute™ (The
      who  advances  Federation’s  mission,  demonstrates       Institute) is the owner of the certification marks “CPWA,” and “Certified Private Wealth Advisor.” CPWA, and/or Certified
      leadership, empowers philanthropy, and serves as a role   Private Wealth Advisor signifies that the user has successfully completed The Institute’s initial and ongoing credentialing
      model to others. In addition to his longtime role as a    requirements for investment management professionals and/or wealth advisors.
      campaign ambassador for Federation and several other      J.P. Morgan Wealth Management is a business of JPMorgan Chase & Co., which offers investment products and services
      Jewish organizations, Tillman was honored for inspiring   through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (JPMS), a registered broker-dealer and investment adviser, member FINRA and
                                                                SIPC. Insurance products are made available through Chase Insurance Agency, Inc. (CIA), a licensed insurance agency,
      several  of  his  neighbors  to  contribute  to  Federation’s   doing business as Chase Insurance Agency Services, Inc. in Florida. Certain custody and other services are provided
      Israel Terror Relief Fund following the events of October   by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (JPMCB). JPMS, CIA and JPMCB are affiliated companies under the common control of
      7.                                                        JPMorgan Chase & Co. Products not available in all states.
         Community  leaders  Barri  Litt-White  and  Jason                              INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE PRODUCTS:
      Kalisman  received  the  Robert  S.  &  Ceil  N.  Levy       • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY
      Young  Leadership Award  for  their  dedication  to  the                          • NO BANK GUARANTEE • MAY LOSE VALUE
      Jewish community. The award is given annually to two
      exceptional community members under the age of 45 who     ©2024 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved.
      have demonstrated continued service to Jewish Federation
      of Palm Beach County, as well as potential for future
      leadership roles. Litt-White received the award for her
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