Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 4                         Guests participated in a traditional seder meal with a   Community  Initiatives  at  the West  Palm  Beach  Police
                                                        service jointly led by Rabbi Ryan Daniels of Temple Israel   Department, to honor the Jewish holiday of Passover, the
      Legal Professionals, Elected                      West Palm Beach and Rev. Kevin Jones, Coordinator of   story of the ancient Jews exodus from slavery in Egypt.

                                                                                                             “It’s been an incredibly challenging time for Jews in
      Officials Honor Diversity, Join                                                                      our  community  and  beyond,  and  the  response  for  this
                                                                                                           seder that focused on our shared values of freedom and
      Together Against Antisemitism                                                                        justice with the hope that tomorrow can be a better day,
                                                                                                           was simply tremendous,” shared Lesser, managing partner
         Amid rising antisemitism in Palm Beach County and                                                 of Lesser, Lesser, Landy & Smith in West Palm Beach.
      across the country and globe, a sold-out crowd of more                                               “The  response  of  every  legal  bar  association  in  Palm
      than  175  attorneys,  judges,  elected  officials,  and  area                                       Beach County coming together so quickly to create and
      leaders of different religious backgrounds joined together                                           support this event to honor our traditions was incredibly
      for an inspiring Passover Unity Seder at Manatee Lagoon.                                             meaningful and powerful.”
      The event, a remarkable partnership of nine diverse Palm                                                The event, which initially started more than a decade
      Beach  County  Legal  Bar Associations  and  emceed  by                                              ago but had been on hiatus, was brought back based on a
      former Florida Bar President Gary Lesser, was sponsored   Carla Tharp Brown, Andrea  Judge April Bristow, Judge
      by the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.     Lewis                   Samantha Schosberg Feuer  Local Happenings on page 8

       Rabbi Ryan Daniels, Gary Lesser,  Sia Baker-Barnes, Judge Sarah  Tanique Lee, Tequisha Myles,  Destinie Baker Sutton, Jeff Trynz,  Amelia Jadoo, Grasford Smith, Jean
       Rev. Kevin Jones             Willis, Judge Stephanie Tew   Kemar Thomas                  Eunice Baros                  Marie Middleton


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