Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                         Chief Pape told them about his recent visit to Israel   Wine & Wisdom
                                                        with  a  delegation  of  leaders  of  other American  police
         Selinger’s recollections during the Yom HaShoah service   departments, where they expressed solidarity for Israel and      Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently launched a
      resonated with many, highlighting the vital role of education   exchanged best practices with the Israeli law enforcement   four-session seminar titled Decisions of Fate that covers
      in preserving Holocaust memories and ensuring that such   agencies. The chief then showed the Men’s Club a coin that   the value Jews give to human life, as applied to healing,
      atrocities are never forgotten. Her words remind us of the   he was gifted by Magen David Adom, Israel’s Ambulance   fertility,  death,  and  respect  for  the  deceased. The  first
      strength and courage of survivors and the importance of   Corps, and he surprised the men by gifting each attendee   session opened with a social cocktail hour that allowed
      remembrance.                                      with  a  commemorative  medal  from  the  PBG  Police   students to mix and mingle as they prepared to pair wisdom
         The  service  also  included  meaningful  contributions   Department.                             with their wine.
      from Israeli emissaries and captivating performances by      After lunch, participants were given a tour of police
      the Calliope West Boca High School Treble Choir and   headquarters  by  the  chief  himself. They  were  shown
      the Atlantic  Classical  Orchestra  String  Quartet. These   special weapons used by the PBG Swat Team and police
      performances served as a reminder of the resilience and spirit   force, including special weapons designed to deescalate
      of those who endured the Holocaust. Featured were works by   crime.  They  toured  the  PBG  Emergency  Operations
      Adam Schoenberg, an Emmy Award-winning and Grammy-  Center  designed  to  withstand  a  Category  5  Hurricane
      nominated composer, and Srul Irving Glick, one of Canada’s   while serving as a dispatch and command center for most
      most prolific composers. Schoenberg’s compositions have   of northern Palm Beach County. There they were given
      been performed at venues such as the Kennedy Center and   a tour of the 911 call center, where dispatchers told them
      the New York Philharmonic, while Glick was renowned for   that most calls are from people calling in error or from an
      his lifelong dedication to Jewish music.          iPhone falsely reporting a fall when women throw their
                                                        handbags — with their phones inside — into the back seat
      Israel Independence Day Celebration               of the car.
         Temple Israel came alive with the vibrant celebration of
      Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. The evening
      commenced with a compelling discussion featuring
      soldiers from the Soldiers in Uniform program, who shared
      their firsthand experiences. The event continued with a
      heartwarming Shabbat service and celebration of Israel,
      where families from Kibbutz Be’eri joined our community.
      The festivities concluded with a community dinner, a joyful
      tribute to Israel’s spirit.
         Temple Israel’s commitment to honoring history and
      celebrating resilience is evident through these significant
      events.  By  bringing  the  community  together  for Yom
      HaShoah and Yom Ha’atzmaut, Temple Israel commemorates
      the past and fosters a sense of unity and hope for the future.
      These observances serve as a powerful reminder of the
      importance of remembrance, education, and the enduring
      spirit of the Jewish people.

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 11
      Israeli soldiers share their experiences at Temple Israel’s
      Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration.

      PBG Police Chief Honored by

      Chabad Men’s Club

         The Men’s Club of Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens
      sponsored lunch for the entire Palm Beach Gardens Police                                      “Who will clean
      Department. Members of the Men’s Club arrived at the
      Police Department to honor the newly installed police
      chief of Palm Beach Gardens, Dominick Pape.                                                        up the mess if
         The Community Room of the PBG Police Department
      was standing room-only as Police Chief Pape and Assistant
      Police Chief Marty Bechtel warmly welcomed the Men’s                                             you don’t draft
      Club  members.  Rabbi  Dovid Vigler  thanked  the  chief
      for the care and concern for all members of the Jewish
      community, then presented the chief with a book titled                                                               a Will?”
      “Wisdom to Heal the Earth,” which contains hundreds
      of meditations based on the wisdom of the Rebbe, Rabbi
      Menachem M. Schneersohn.

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