Page 13 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 13

The Jewish Voice, Page 13

      Local Happenings from page 12                     engagement. We look forward to the exciting exhibitions and      It  was  in  Okinawa
                                                        initiatives that Anthony will bring to our organization.”  that  Debbie  met  her
      Gonzalez Receives                                   here  in Tequesta,”  said  Record.  “I’m  looking  forward   husband, Alan, a military
                                                           “I am honored to be welcomed by the vibrant art community
                                                                                                           pilot who went on to a
      Shofar Award                                      to getting to know the community better, collaborating,   career as a commercial
                                                        exploring, and celebrating artists at Lighthouse ArtCenter.”  airline pilot. Debbie and
         Temple Judea is                                   Born and raised in Florida, Record pursued his studies   Alan have lived in the
      honored to present                                in studio art at the University of South Florida, followed   area for 30 years  and
      its  Shofar  Award                                by a master of fine arts degree from the San Francisco Art   are members of Temple
      to Ruth Gonzalez.                                 Institute. While teaching art history and studio art courses at   Judea in Palm Beach
      The award is given                                various colleges, he co-founded the artist cooperative gallery   Gardens, one of St. George’s regular serving groups.
      at the temple’s                                   QUAID, based in Tampa, where he curated exhibitions from      When not volunteering, Debbie enjoys quilting, reading,
      annual meeting in                                 2014 to 2023. He served as the studio programs coordinator   and caring for her rescue Cairn Terrier named Minnie Mouse.
      recognition of an                                 for the Tampa Museum of Art from 2018 to 2022 and then as      What Debbie most wants readers to know is that a void
      individual who has                                curator at the Museum of Florida Art & Culture from 2022 to   is created in our volunteer force as northern residents who
      answered the call of                              2024, where he curated exhibitions of contemporary artists   winter in the south head home for the summer. She and others
      service and who has                               and collectors from Florida. Record is also a painter, and   were recruited to St. George Table by friends and neighbors.
      made a true commitment to Temple Judea.           his work has been exhibited internationally at galleries and   In the words of volunteer Debbie Kinback, “You can do it,
         Ruth joined Temple Judea in 2005 and since then has been   museums in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Kanazawa,   too. Come join us!” For volunteer information, please call
      tirelessly volunteering serving as Sisterhood co-president,   Vancouver, and elsewhere.              Temple Judea at 561-624-4633.
      membership chair, board member, and now board member      On June 20, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m., Record will lead a panel
      and chair of the Caring Committee.                discussion with artists from Artistry Through the Ages,   Better Times Ahead
                                                        Lighthouse ArtCenter’s current exhibition. Meet Record and
                                                                                                             Members of the Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens gathered
      Lighthouse ArtCenter                              learn about the evolution of the exhibiting artists’ work and     in the home of Rabbi Dovid and Chana Vigler for an intimate
                                                        teaching philosophies.
      Welcomes Anthony Record                             programs, please visit       and uplifting spiritual experience. The event took place
                                                           For more information about Lighthouse ArtCenter and its
                                                                                                           on the final day of Passover, a festival that celebrates the
      As its New Curator                                                                                   conviction that the best days of humanity lie ahead of us. As
                                                                                                           the sun slowly set on the festival of Passover, attendees of
         Lighthouse ArtCenter                           Meet Volunteer                                     this holy gathering were strengthened in these dark times by
      in Tequesta  announces                            Debbie Kinback                                     the conviction that better times are in store for us, empowered
      the appointment of
      Anthony  Record  as  its                             Debbie Kinback has been serving St. George Table guests
      new curator. Record has                           since the early days of covid in 2020 and hasn’t missed a
      been  deeply  involved                            beat since. Recruited to St. George by fellow volunteer Patty
      in the Florida art scene                          Sullivan, Debbie has been an integral part of the food service
      throughout his career,                            program for more than four years. She currently serves as a
      enriching the community                           lead volunteer two days a week at St. George Table’s Victory
      through his dedication                            City location.
      to visual art. He brings a                           Debbie has had a heart for service all her adult life. After
      wealth of experience and expertise to this pivotal role.   graduating from college, she landed a job with the American
         “We are delighted to welcome Anthony to the Lighthouse   Red Cross at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan,
      ArtCenter family,” said Jeni Licata, executive director. “His   providing aid to military families. During her career as a
      passion for the arts, coupled with his extensive experience   social worker, she worked for United Way and March of
      in curation and education, will be instrumental in advancing   Dimes. So it was natural for her to continue her service to
      our mission of fostering artistic excellence and community   others in her post-retirement years.    Local Happenings on page 14

                             “Whether buying or selling a home I will treat you

                                             like I would treat my own mother.”

                                                                  Andrew Levy

             Andrew Levy                                                      3 3 3 3
             7100 Fairway Dr. Suite 44
             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
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