Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 16

Page 16, The Jewish Voice

                                               community caLEndar

      Chabad of Palm Beach                              Men’s Club: Season Closing BBQ                     Young Professionals Jewish Living Seminar
                                                                                                           Wednesday, July 3 and 10, 7:30 p.m.
                                                        Wednesday, June 26, 5 p.m.
      Gardens                                              Come  hang  with  the  guys  in  a  cool  and  relaxed      Well  Connected  is  just  the  thing  if  you’re  feeling
                                                        atmosphere with great food and great company as we   mitzvah-curious, or if you simply want to find out more
      6100 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens                experience exciting features in this once monthly men’s   about practical Judaism. Beyond that—if you’re looking
      624.2223,                   get together. RSVP at or   for a deeper engagement with Jewish ritual and how to
      Morning Services                                  call 561.624.2223                                  live in deed—indeed, this is just the thing to do. RSVP
      Sundays, 9 a.m.                                   Friday Night Live: Holocaust Survivor Klezmer      at or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m.                       Harmonies                                          JKidz Summer Camp: Skating and Sukkos
      Evening Services                                  Friday, June, 28                                   Sunday, July 7, 10 a.m.
      Monday to Thursday, 7 p.m.                           Saul Dreier  has  been  through  it  all. A  Holocaust      Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make
      Sundays                                           Survivor from Poland, he decided, in his nineties, to form   the summer a time for your children to love and learn
      10 a.m., JKIdz Summer Camp                        a Holocaust Survivors Band that would perpetuate the   about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      Mondays                                           legacy of the victims of the Holocaust through song and   RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      8:30 a.m., Weekly Parsha                          celebration. Saul had the vision of using music to honor   JKidz Summer Camp: Bowling and Baking
      6:30 p.m., Hebrew Reading & Writing               the lives of the Jews who were murdered in World War II.   Sunday, July 14, 10 a.m.
      Tuesdays                                          A musical experience that started with clapping spoons      Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make
      8:30 a.m., Chassidus: Chabad Philosophy           and playing drums to keep up morale in the camps has   the summer a time for your children to love and learn
      11 a.m., Ladies’ Ethics Class                     now evolved into a full-blown musical presentation!  about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      1 p.m., Ladies’ Mahjongg & Cards                     After  a  spirited  presentation  to  a  full-house  crowd   RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      Wednesdays                                        last  year,  Saul  and  his  survivors  are  back  by  popular   JKidz Summer Camp: Arcade and Ahavas Yisroel
      8:30 a.m., Weekly Parsha                          demand, as Saul enters his 100th year of life! RSVP at   Sunday, July 21, 10 a.m.
      1:45 p.m., Ladies’ Torah Studies         or call 561.624.2223 ext 4     Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make
      Thursdays                                         JKidz Summer Camp: Bowling and Baking              the summer a time for your children to love and learn
      8:30 a.m., Chassidus: Chabad Philosophy           Sunday, June 16, 10 a.m.                           about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      4:30 p.m., Bar & Bas Mitzvah Club                    Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make   RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      6:30 p.m., Hebrew Comprehension                   the summer a time for your children to love and learn   Rabbi Vigler’s Birthday Farbrengen
      Fridays                                           about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at  Sunday, July 21
      8:30 a.m., Video Farbrengen with the Rebbe        RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8                       Call 561.624.2223 for more information
      6:15 p.m., Friday Night Services w. Beer & Biltong  July                                             JKidz Summer Camp: Go-Karting and Kosher
      Shabbos                                           Bereavement Group                                  Sunday, July 28, 10 a.m.
      9:30 a.m., Shabbos Service                        Wednesday, July 3, 17 and 31, 3 p.m.                  Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make
      11:15 a.m., Children’s Program                       Sadly, death is a part of life that we cannot ignore.   the summer a time for your children to love and learn
      11:30 a.m., Rabbi Vigler’s Weekly Sermon          As a community, we are grateful to have each other for   about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      12:15 p.m., Community Kiddush Luncheon            support during difficult times.                    RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      June                                                 Led by experienced psychotherapist Dr. Sandi Reiken
      JKidz Summer Camp: Aquarium Science & Shofars     together with Rabbi Dovid Vigler, our bereavement group   Community Calendar on page 17
      Sunday, June 16, 10 a.m.                          is a safe and intimate setting to share your story with other
         Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make   like-minded individuals or just to listen and observe if
      the summer a time for your children to love and learn   that is more comfortable for you.
      about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      Bereavement Group
      Wednesday, June 19, and 26, 3 p.m.
         Sadly, death is a part of life that we cannot ignore.
      As a community, we are grateful to have each other for
      support during difficult times.
         Led by experienced psychotherapist Dr. Sandi Reiken
      together with Rabbi Dovid Vigler, our bereavement group
      is a safe and intimate setting to share your story with other
      like-minded individuals or just to listen and observe if
      that is more comfortable for you.
      Young Professionals Jewish Living Seminar
      Wednesday, June 19 and 26, 7:30 p.m.                                                                 Community Calendar on page 18
         Well  Connected  is  just  the  thing  if  you’re  feeling
      mitzvah-curious, or if you simply want to find out more
      about practical Judaism. Beyond that—if you’re looking
      for a deeper engagement with Jewish ritual and how to
      live in deed—indeed, this is just the thing to do. RSVP
      at or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      JKidz Summer Camp: Sukkos and Skating
      Sunday June 23, 10 a.m.
         Interactive Jewish activities and Mega-Outings make
      the summer a time for your children to love and learn
      about their Jewish heritage! RSVP at
      RSVP or call 561.624.2223 ext 8
      Virtual Speed Dating Event
      Tuesday, June 25
         Harnessing the power of Chabad as the largest Jewish
      organization on Earth, each candidate is verified by their
      own Chabad rabbi, so you know that you’re dealing with
      a safe and reliable prospect. Using powerful tools like
      virtual speed dating with our sophisticated algorithms,
      as well as local events and an app that is in the works,
      Met@Chabad  is  sure  to  change  the  way  that  Jews  get
      married, everywhere. Sign yourself up at MetAtChabad.  ~ Bathing, Dressing, Personal Care             ~ Fall Risk Prevention
      com/SpeedDating or call 561.624.2223 ext 8          ~ Medication Reminders, Doctor Visits             ~ Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Care

                                                          ~ Shopping, Errands, Companionship                ~ Transition Home from Hospital or Rehab
        ATTENTION READERS                                 ~ Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping            ~ Hourly to 24-Hour Care
           This Jewish Community newspaper is             ~ Pet Friendly                                    ~ Rigorous Background Checks
          monthly direct mailed to 8,000 homes.
        Please support your Jewish businesses and
          newspaper by advertising and sending              Respectful of Jewish Traditions.
                  your events and photos!
               We appreciate your business.
                561-741-7770                                                        561-328-7611
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