Page 14 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 14

Page 14, The Jewish Voice


      Ryder Rosenthal                                   Ward Damon Expands                                 to build Zaretsky Law Group into a premier boutique law firm
                                                                                                           with nationwide recognition in the areas of distressed financial
         Ryder Rosenthal will                           Real Estate, Business                              workouts for lenders and borrowers. Zaretsky earned his JD
      become a Bar Mitzvah on                                                                              magna cum laude from Nova Southeastern University.
      Saturday, June 8. Ryder                           Law Departments                                       Marissa Shulman concentrates her practice in the areas
      is  in  the  seventh  grade  at                                                                      of real estate and business
      Palm Beach Day Academy                               The nearly  40-year-old                         law. She has experience in
      and plays travel soccer for                       West Palm Beach-based law                          the purchase, sale, leasing,
      the Palm Beach Predators.                         firm Ward Damon continues to                       and financing of commercial
      Outside of school and                             expand as it further strengthens                   businesses and real estate,
      soccer, Ryder enjoys playing                      its real estate and business law                   liquor license approvals, and
      basketball, flag football, and                    practice with the addition of                      corporate formations and
      golf, as well as spending                         partner A. Max Zaretsky, a                         governance. With a dream of
      time with his family and                          seasoned attorney and Palm                         becoming an attorney from a
      friends. Ryder loves summers at his sleepaway camp in   Beach  County  native,  and                  young age, Shulman grew up
      the Berkshires, where he excels in sports and cherishes   associate Marissa Shulman,                 in New York and New Jersey,
      his friendships. Ryder is a big sports fan and roots for the   who previously practiced in           taking opportunities before
      Michigan Wolverines, the Miami Dolphins, and the Florida   New Jersey.                               law school to work as a legal
      Panthers. In his free time, he likes to play video games with      A. Max Zaretsky is a real         assistant and as a corporate   Marissa Shulman
      his friends.                                      estate attorney with a strong   Max Zaretsky       paralegal. Shulman earned her
                                                        background in business and                         J.D. from University of Miami School of Law.
                    Send us your simchas!               finance. Zaretsky started his professional career after graduating              Photo credit: Capehart
           The Jewish Voice welcomes announcements of   from Columbia University, when he co-founded Zemaso
          life-cycle events in the local Jewish community.   Management Company, a private investment fund for investment
                                                        properties throughout South Florida. Zaretsky has since arranged
            The copy deadline is the 15th of the month.   funding and financing for individuals and companies, both
         Send text and images to   public and private, throughout the country. While operating
                                                        Zemaso, he also worked with his father, Richard P. Zaretsky,

      Local Happenings from page 13                        Reform  Judaism  has  long  been  at  the  forefront  of      Temple Judea’s adult confirmation class participated
                                                        innovation and reimagining of rites of passage. Originally   in  this  year-long  class  taught  by  Senior  Rabbi Yaron
      with the knowledge that our good deeds, Torah study, and   conceived as a response to the challenges of assimilation   Kapitulnik, using the curriculum created by the Shalom
      increased mitzvah observance will hasten the redemption.  and  secularization,  confirmation  provided  a  platform   Hartman  Institute  called  Foundations  for  a Thoughtful
         In addition to spiritual ideas and soul-stirring melodies,   for young Jews to affirm their commitment to Judaism.   Judaism – Peoplehood, Faith, Ethics, and Practice. The
      the chasidic tradition of the Moshiach Farbengen included   However, recognizing that the journey of Jewish identity   curriculum provided a great launching pad for introspection,
      matza, four cups of wine, and other Passover delicacies   is not confined to adolescence, Reform Judaism has   discovery, and rediscovery. At the conclusion of the class,
      so the ideas discussed will become tangibly manifest into   increasingly embraced the concept of adult confirmation   participants were asked to write a personal reflection based
      our somatic experience through the ingestion of the food   classes. These  classes  help  individuals  reaffirm  their   on the book by Daniel Pearl, “I am Jewish.” Excerpts from
      and drink.                                        connection to Judaism and create a meaningful pathway   their writings were shared with the congregation during a
                                                        for continued growth and exploration.              special Shabbat in their honor.

      The Journey of Learning
      and Discovery Continues

         In  the  spirit  of  celebration  and  community, Temple                                                       Life moves fast—
      Judea is proud to recognize the dedication and commitment

      of the participants in its adult confirmation class: Isabel                                    prepare for the unexpected
      Berg,  Dave  Buckner,  Julie  Buckner,  Lenore  Clarke,
      Sheree Friedlander, Nancy Funt, Amy Goldstein, Diane                                                with Accident Insurance.
      Kershenbaum, Arona  Landsman,  Jody  Levy,  Vivian
      Lieberman,  Barbara  Neuberg,  Kathy  Resnick,  Carol
      Shain, Judy Walk, Stephanie Wolmer and Carolyn Yasuna.
      Together, they embarked on a year-long journey of learning
      and discovery, enriching their connection to their own
      Judaism and to each other.
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