Page 19 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
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                                                                                                                                     The Jewish Voice, Page 19

      Lifestyles from page 18                           Tip of the Tail                                    focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                                                                                           rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
      goal is to live a normal life,” said Dr. Schwimmer. “We want   Heat Stroke in Dogs                   emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
      the disease to be an afterthought.” According to a recent study                                      exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
      by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, nearly one in 100 people                                        their owners. For more information, call 772-283-0920, visit
      in the United States has a form of IBD, one of the highest                                  or find us on Facebook
      national rates in the world.                                                                         at
         IBD encompasses various gastrointestinal conditions
      and  serves  as  an  umbrella  term  that  refers  to  several                                       Financial Focus
      different conditions causing chronic inflammation within
      the gastrointestinal tract. Two of the most common types                                             Financial Tips for Widows and Widowers
      of IBD are:
         • Crohn’s disease, which can cause pain and swelling in      Heat stroke in dogs is a serious condition that can result   By Sally Sima Stahl
      any part of the digestive tract                   in organ failure and even death if not promptly recognized      Losing  a  spouse  is
         • Ulcerative colitis, which can cause inflammation and   and treated. Dogs are more susceptible to heat stroke than   one of the most painful
      ulcers within the rectum and colon                humans because they cannot cool themselves efficiently   experiences anyone can have.
         Many people refer to IBD and inflammatory bowel   through sweating. Instead, they rely on panting to regulate   Unfortunately, widows and
      syndrome (IBS) interchangeably. While they have similar   their body temperature.                    widowers have to deal with
      symptoms, they’re two different conditions requiring different      There are several factors that can contribute to heat stroke   more than just the emotional
      treatment approaches. As its name suggests, IBS is a syndrome   in dogs. First, high temperatures and humidity can increase the   trauma  —  they  also  must
      rather than a disease, which means that it involves a group of   risk. Therefore, it is important to keep dogs in a cool and well-  consider a range of financial
      symptoms that may not have an identifiable cause. IBD is less   ventilated environment during hot weather. Second, certain   issues.  If  you’ve  recently
      common than IBS and, unlike IBS, can be life-threatening. It’s   breeds are more prone to heat stroke, including brachycephalic   been widowed, what financial
      also possible to have both IBD and IBS.           breeds such as Bulldogs, Frenchies, and Pugs, as well as   moves should you consider?
         Dr. Schwimmer said there is no one-size-fits-all treatment   dogs with thick or dark coats. These dogs should be closely      For starters, don’t rush into any major decisions. If you’re
      for IBD. It’s unique to each patient, and various combinations   monitored and provided with extra care during hot conditions.  still in the grieving process, you are unlikely to be in the best
      of treatment can be used. “It’s important to treat everyone      Recognizing the signs of heat stroke in dogs is crucial   shape to make significant choices affecting your finances and
      individually and carefully listen to what they need to decide   for early intervention. Some common symptoms include   your life.
      the best course of action.” Treatment can include one of a   excessive panting, drooling, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea,      But once you feel ready to look at your situation objectively
      variety of medications that can be given orally, intravenously,   and collapse. The dog’s gums may appear bright red or pale,   and make appropriate choices, consider the following steps:
      or subcutaneously. Also, since people can lose a lot of weight,   and their body temperature may be significantly elevated.
      treatment can include nutritional optimization, working with      If you suspect your dog may be experiencing heat stroke,   • Review your finances. Look at your entire financial
      nutritionists and dietitians.                     it is important to take immediate action. Move the dog to a   picture — your assets, investments, debts, and income. If you
         With Dr. Schwimmer’s extensive interest in and experience   cool and shady location, and provide them with fresh water   and your spouse had communicated well about your finances,
      with treating IBD, many primary doctors seek his input,   to drink. Wetting their fur with cool (not cold) water can also   and you shared decisions, you hopefully won’t encounter
      regularly referring patients to him. He looks forward to   help reduce their body temperature. However, it is important   any big surprises. But if your spouse was the partner who
      working with more patients in Palm Beach County and believes   to avoid using ice-cold water or ice, as this can cause the   mostly handled financial matters, you may need to get up to
      the TGH Digestive Health Center’s affiliation with TGH   blood vessels to constrict and prevent efficient cooling.  speed quickly on what you have and what you owe. And if
      offers the practice access to a robust academic health system.      Contacting a veterinarian is essential for proper treatment   your spouse had provided a large amount of your household
      “Surgery becomes an option when medications prove no longer   and guidance. Even if the dog appears to be recovering, it   income, you will also need to determine what changes you
      effective. Our affiliation with Tampa General Hospital offers   is important to seek professional advice, as internal organ   may need to make to your lifestyle.
      us access to phenomenal colorectal physicians.”   damage may have occurred. The veterinarian may need to
         Dr. Schwimmer earned his doctor of medicine from   provide additional treatments such as intravenous fluids,   • Address insurance issues. If you will receive a death
      the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He   oxygen therapy, and medications to manage complications.  benefit from your spouse’s insurance policy, what will you
      completed his internship and residency in internal medicine      Prevention is key when it comes to heat stroke in dogs.   do with the money? It may prove helpful in funding your
      at the University of Texas Southwestern – Parkland Health in   Avoid leaving dogs in hot cars or enclosed spaces, and   own retirement or meeting other financial goals. But you’ll
      Dallas, and trained for his fellowship in gastroenterology at   provide them with access to fresh water and shade at all   also want to be clear about what other beneficiaries, such as
      UF Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville.         times. It is also important to limit vigorous exercise during   your children, might receive. And while you’re looking at
         He  is  an  active  member  of  the  Crohn’s  &  Colitis   hot weather and consider taking walks during cooler parts   insurance, you also might want to look at your own policies
      Foundation, the American College of Gastroenterology,   of the day.                                  — do you need to change beneficiaries?
      and  the American  Gastroenterological Association.  He      In conclusion, heat stroke in dogs is a serious condition
      has published in major medical journals and presented at   that should not be taken lightly. Recognizing the signs, taking   • Review your Social Security options. If you are at least
      medical conferences speaking on the treatment, outcomes,   immediate action, and seeking veterinary assistance are   60 and you were married at least nine months, you may be
      and management of IBD patients.                   crucial for the well-being and survival of our furry friends.   entitled to Social Security survivor benefits. (If you remarry
         The TGH Digestive Health Center has offices in West Palm   By following preventative measures, we can help ensure that   before age 60, you typically cannot receive survivor benefits,
      Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, and Dr. Schwimmer sees   our dogs stay safe and comfortable during hot weather.  but you can reinstate them if this subsequent marriage ends.)
      patients at both locations. For information, please call (561)      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is   The amount of your survivor’s benefits depends on your age
      739-4TGH (4844) or visit   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With   and the age of your deceased spouse. You can’t claim your
                                                                                                           deceased spouse’s benefits along with your own retirement
                                                                                                           benefits, so if you qualify for survivor and retirement benefits,
          Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?                     you’ll receive the larger amount. Depending on your situation,
                                                                                                           you might come out ahead by delaying your retirement benefits,
                                                                                                           giving them the chance to grow, while you accept survivor
            For The Next Storm?                                                                            benefits. For more details on receiving Social Security benefits,
                                                                                                           visit the Social Security Administration’s website at

                                                                                                             • Review your estate plans. The death of a spouse can
                                                                       No Air Conditioning?                certainly affect your family’s estate plans — so, it’s a good idea to
                                                                         No Refrigeration?                 review these plans to see what changes, if any, need to be made.
                                                                                                           When conducting this review, you’ll benefit from working with
                                                            FREE                 10% OFF                   an estate-planning professional.
                                                                                                             Finally, keep in mind that you don’t have to go it alone

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                                                               561.774.7714                                   This article was written by Edward Jones for use by

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                                                                                                             Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
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        *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
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        Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                         offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
                                                                                                           1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
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