Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 22

Page 22, The Jewish Voice

      Arts & Entertainment from page 20                    “The sense of communion was palpable as the two adult   crane operator, liked
                                                        females – one vertebrate, one invertebrate; one marine,   what he had just seen
         The tentacle arose again from the water and touched my   the other terrestrial – stared into each other’s eyes across a   on TV and decided that
      hand. She was tasting me, right down to my bloodstream.   chasm of half a billion years of evolution. “It stole me in a   it would be fun to sign
      I passed the test – and I was there with her friend, Sy   way I’ve never felt with a human or an animal before,” says   up for the next year’s
      the author. So slowly and gently her tentacle, sucker by   Janicki. “It was an honor and incredible. I’ll never forget   British Open.
      sucker, encircled my wrist, feeling like wet velvet, and   how powerful it was.”                        This  British  film,
      stayed there as we looked at each other.             You would do well to read both of Sy Montgomery’s   which  was released
         Soon, realizing that here was a creature as different   octopus books to derive the most benefit. If you consider them   in the United States
      from me as would be an alien from outer space – yet at   as cameras from which to view the lives of these creatures,   in 2022 and may still
      least as intelligent as myself and greeting me in the only   Secrets of the Octopus will provide a rich panoramic view of   be  streaming  now  on
      way she could – I began to speak silently to her, choking   their truly superhuman combination of intelligence and range   Netflix, is based on the
      back  tears  with  every  word:  “Do  you  realize  what’s   of physical capabilities, as well as today’s broad diversity of   unlikely  but  true  and
      happening?” “Do you know you’re dying?” “You want   species in this 300-million-year inheritance.    heartwarming story
      to  protect  your  babies,  I  know.”  “I  wish  I  could  help,      The Soul of an                 of Flitcroft’s path to a
      but there is nothing I can do.” Finally, the official from   Octopus, a deeply                       world golfing record and international fame!
      the aquarium said it was time to go. I said my goodbye,   satisfying and emotional                      Completely naïve about such matters, Flitcroft applied
      uncoiled the tentacle and left.                   read, will be your close-                          to enter the 1976 competition but had no answer when
         For many months after, I could not discuss what was   up lens from which to                       asked, for example, the name of the private club to which
      one of the most emotional experiences of my life without   view  how  two  of  this                  he belonged … or his handicap, a word that confusedly
      bursting into tears. It’s also why I fully related to Canadian   world’s creatures, so               meant something entirely different to him. He overcame
      scuba diver Krystal Janicki’s description in this new book   alien in every way from                 such problems by returning with a set of documents he
      of her own experience on one dive – an encounter with   one another – author Sy                      had prepared with the help of his sweet and devoted wife,
      a  giant  Pacific  octopus,  which  reads  in  part,  “I  forgot   Montgomery and the                Jean (portrayed by Sally Hawkins)—completely false but
      everything else existed … One arm is up and over my   several  octopuses  she                        so impressive that the tournament officials considered him
      cheek  and  holding  my  head  against  her  mantle. We’re   studied – were able to                  qualified!
      completely off the ground. We’re floating. She’s holding   form close relationships                     The difficult to believe fact that Flitcroft was accepted
      me with two arms. I’m feeling her breathe …”      as  evidence  of  the                              into the 1976 British Open—then showed his lack of skill
                                                        cognitive and intelligence                         by topping, slicing, hooking his way through 18 holes to
                                                        abilities now known to be                          a record-breaking score of 121, the highest in the event’s
                                                        a part of the lives of these                       history—makes it important for you to remember that this
                                                        undersea geniuses.                                 is based on a true story!
                                                                                                              But the best is yet to come! And while I don’t want to
                                                        Film Review                                        give away too many spoilers here, perhaps it will suffice to
                                                                                                           note that, in his very failure to perform at a championship
                                                        Phantom of the Open                                level the spectators lining the course applauded him at
                                                                                                           every hole and golfers around the world came to love
                                                        By Nils A. Shapiro                                 Maurice Flitcroft as an average guy– “one of their own.”
                                                           In  1975,  Tom  Watson  won  the  British  Open  Golf   An American country club set up a golf tournament  and
                                                        Championship. One of the millions of people who was   trophy in his name … and, as we learn later in the film,
                                                        watching television in England that day and happened   after practicing his skills and much improved playing he
                                                        to see the adulation pouring onto the winner was a man,   entered a half-dozen more British Opens under different
                                                        Maurice Flitcroft, who had never played a hole of golf in   names and using various disguises!
                                                        his entire life.                                      What a kick to have him in your foursome. For now,
                                                           But Flitcroft, a father of three grown sons who was   meet him on film. (Mark Rylance in the role of Flitcroft
                                                        getting on in years and tired of his job as a construction   deserved every award possible for his performance.)

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