Page 12 - The Jewish Voice - June '24
P. 12

Page 12, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 11                                                                           And as David and Fulvia stepped down from the podium,
                                                                                                           their eyes met, their souls entwined in a bond that had been
      Threads of Resilience                                                                                forged in the crucible of history. For in the end, it wasn’t just
                                                                                                           their parents’ story that had been shared that night — it was a
      Chabad PBG Member Reunites with the Daughter of the                                                  story of hope, of resilience, and of the enduring power of love
      Woman Who Rescued His Father from the Holocaust                                                      to triumph over even the darkest of times. As the large crowd
                                                                                                           broke bread in a delicious brunch, their faith in humanity had
      By Karen Marx                                                                                        been restored.
         In the heart of Palm Beach Gardens, where palm trees
      swayed gently in the warm breeze, the Chabad of Palm                                                 Confronting Hate: Insights
      Beach Gardens hummed with anticipation on a spring
      morning last month. Inside, the air was charged with                                                 from the Israeli Front Line
      stories waiting to be told, with memories waiting to be
      shared.                                                                                                 The  Palm  Beach  North  Chamber  of  Commerce,  in
         Among the gathered crowd of about a hundred souls,                                                partnership with the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach
      David  Marx  stood  nervously  at  the  podium,  his  hands                                          County, recently hosted a poignant event titled Confronting
      slightly trembling as he glanced over at Fulvia, Nella’s                                             Hate: Insights from the Israeli Frontline. Moderator Brian
      daughter, who offered him a reassuring smile. The room                                               Seymour and panelists Laurie George, Danita DeHaney,
      fell silent as David cleared his throat and began to speak.                                          and Melissa McKinlay highlighted the complexities and
         “My name is David Marx,” he began, his voice steady                                               emotional  turmoil  faced  by  those  affected  by  the  war,
      but filled with emotion. “And today, I want to share with                                            underscored by the heart-wrenching story of an 18-year-old
      you a story that transcends time, a story of courage,                                                girl who tearfully shared about her 83-year-old grandfather
      compassion, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.”                                                being taken hostage and still missing.
         As David spoke, his words painted vivid pictures of                                                  The event underscored the pervasive nature of fear-
      a different era, a time when the world was torn apart by                                             based hatred, drawing parallels between World War II and
      war. He spoke of his father, Walter Marx, a German Jew                                               contemporary threats. The message was clear: This isn’t just an
                                                                                                           isolated issue but a global one, as evidenced by the chant “death
                                                                                                           to America” and the assertion that terrorists don’t stop after
                                                                                                           achieving one goal. Seymour stated, “This isn’t just happening
                                                                                                           to them [the Israeli citizens]. This is happening to all of us.”
                                                                                                              The audience was moved as the panelists shared experiences
                                                                                                           from Israel, noting how Shabbat tables were poignantly set up
                                                                                                           in honor of the hostages, with empty seats symbolizing those
                                                                                                           who remain captive and may never return. The need to confront
                                                                                                           and stop hate was further underscored by the horrific reality that
                                                                                                           children’s playgrounds in Israel are equipped with bomb shelters,
                                                                                                           a stark part of their everyday life. The gathering concluded
                                                                                                           with a call to unity against all hatred, reinforcing the idea that
                                                                                                           standing together is crucial to prevent further atrocities and to
                                                                                                           build a strong community locally.

                                                        who found himself fleeing the horrors of the Holocaust,
                                                        seeking refuge in the hills of Italy.
                                                           “It was there,” David continued, “that my father’s life
                                                        intersected with that of a remarkable woman named Nella.
                                                        She was a beacon of hope in the darkness, a light in the
                                                        midst of despair.”
                                                           Fulvia stepped forward, her eyes glistening with tears
                                                        as she picked up the thread of the story. “Nella was my
                                                        mother,” she said softly, her voice carrying the weight
                                                        of decades of history. “And when she found Walter was
                                                        trying to escape from being sent to concentration camp,
                                                        she didn’t hesitate to offer him sanctuary.” She said that
                                                        helping Walter and the other Jews came from her heart,
                                                        she had to do it.
                                                           Together, David and Fulvia wove a tapestry of bravery
                                                        and resilience, their words carrying the audience on a
                                                        journey through time and space. They spoke of how their
                                                        parents had forged a bond that transcended language and
                                                        culture, a bond born out of shared suffering and a shared
                                                        determination to survive.
                                                           “And it is because of that bond,” David said, his voice
                                                        filled with pride, “that I stand here today, a living testament
                                                        to the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit.”

                                                           As  the  event  drew  to  a  close,  the  audience  rose  to
             Best Bin Caddy#                            their feet, their applause thundering through the room.
                                                        In that moment, they weren’t just strangers gathered in a
        NEW!                                            Chabad house; they were witnesses to a story of survival   Local Happenings on page 13
                                                        and friendship, a story that would echo in their hearts long
                                                        after the day had ended.

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