Page 10 - Boca Exposure - June '24
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Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘An Order Of Pork Fried Rice With Extra MSG ... Please!’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                                  Read labels – If you are concerned that you might      Seeking advice – Healthcare professionals can play a
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             have a sensitivity to MSG, read food labels that disclose   crucial role in dispelling myths and addressing concerns
      motivational speaker who                           the presence and/or percentage of MSG. May be listed   about food additives.
      has spent many years as a                          as hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, or flavoring.     Many  of  the  reported  symptoms  associated  with
      Certified Life Coach and has                          Information  – Know about the natural occurrence   MSG can have other factors that may play a role, such as
      written numerous articles                          of  glutamate  in  many  foods  and  those  that  undergo   individual sensitivities, other food additives or psychological
      and e-books relating to self-                      fermentation, such as soy sauce and cheese.       implications. By providing accurate information, addressing
      improvement and ways to                               Understanding  – One of the five basic tastes   concerns and highlighting the benefits of MSG and umami,
      build a high-performance                           associated with glutamate is umami, along with sweet,   it’s possible to shift public opinion away from “Chinese
      team. She is the author of                         sour, bitter and salty. All contribute to the complexity   restaurant syndrome” and promote a more informed
      the book,  “Small Steps...                         and enjoyment of the food we eat.                 understanding of this common food additive.
      Big Changes: The Personal                             Awareness  – Acknowledge that some individuals      In conclusion, I had asked my husband to read this article
      Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of   may have sensitivities to MSG, but it’s important to   and his only comment was, “Why even worry; there’s not
      experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes   distinguish between genuine physical reactions and   even one good Chinese restaurant in Boca Raton!”
      have enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-  unfounded fears.
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach to
      Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that deal
      with the mind/body connection and the importance of living
      a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached         NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
         Do you ever get paranoid about being allergic to
      something? My husband is allergic to wasp stings and if
      he ever comes in the vicinity of one he’s like an Olympic          Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      sprinter trying to get away. Not too long ago, I had an adverse
      reaction after eating a salad containing clementine extract.
      That night I broke out in a very itchy rash all over my body.            Board Certified in
      Obviously, I’ve chalked them off my list of chosen fruits.
         What makes this topic so relevant is my recent encounter              Internal Medicine
      with a friend who told me that she is highly allergic to MSG.     with Added Qualifications in
      Her reaction occurred after eating at a Chinese restaurant and
      she vows never to go back.                                                Geriatrics (2002).
         For  years,  monosodium  glutamate,  a  food  additive
      known as MSG, has been branded as an unhealthy processed           Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      ingredient mainly found in Chinese food. To this day, the myth
      around MSG, commonly referred to as “Chinese restaurant                 Voted a “Best Doctor”
      syndrome,” is ingrained in America’s consciousness. Many                      by his peers.
      people stay away from any foods containing MSG because
      they consider it to be harmful, but chances are you’ve eaten
      it more than you know in the foods you eat all the time.               Call to request a complimentary meeting
         MSG is often disguised as “hydrolyzed protein,”
      “autolyzed yeast,” or “flavoring.” Take an average item like                            with Dr. Reznick.
      canned soup: “yeast extract” in the ingredients might actually
      mean MSG. This subtlety is frequently missed by consumers,
      and it’s not just in savory foods – even cookies and chips                           561.368.0191
      can contain it. Take a taco spice blend, for example, the
      label might show “spices,” “garlic powder” and “hydrolyzed
      vegetable protein,” which is a fancy way of saying MSG. But,                   7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
      like salt and pepper, its job is to enhance every bite making                          Boca Raton, FL 33433
      it fuller and more satisfying.                                           
         If MSG is so popular an ingredient used to enhance flavor
      in the many foods we eat, why were Chinese restaurants
         The debate began in 1968 when an unknown person wrote
      a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine, complaining
      of numbness after eating at Chinese restaurants. The idea
      spread quickly and in 1969 a scientific paper identified MSG   Are You Ready                                             Hurricane?
      as the cause of the syndrome, warning that it caused such
      symptoms as headaches, sweating, numbness and burning.
         After an independent inquiry was set up by the FDA in     For The Next Storm?
      the 1990s, it was labeled as “generally recognized as safe”
      when used in normal amounts. Yet even today in America
      MSG is thought to be a harmful substance. Interestingly,                                                            No Air Conditioning?
      Chinese restaurants in the U.S. often hung signs inside that                                                          No Refrigeration?
      announced, “No MSG used,” in an attempt to dispel the myth
      and distance themselves from the humiliation.                                                           FREE
         You may ask, “Why is MSG so widely used?” The reason                                                                      10% OFF
      is because it taps into our fifth basic taste, called umami,                                           7 Year Warranty
      which is less well known than such other tastes as saltiness                                           on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
      or sweetness, but provides the savory taste we all love.                                               Standby Generators*
         How can you change public opinion and perceptions                                                      $ 350                    $ 1,000
      about the dangers of MSG?                                                                                                          OFF
         Here are some steps that could help shift perceptions:                                                 One-Time
         Education – Point out scientific research that supports                                              Maintenance*                Install*
      the use of MSG, how it’s produced, and how it’s used in food                                                             *Must show coupons. Call for details.
      to reassure people of its safety.

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