Page 5 - Boca Exposure - June '24
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Boca Exposure, Page 5
      Levis JCC “Summer Of Culture”

      Offers Films, Comedy, Concert, Books, Museum

         In response to a growing year-round demand for high   films including select features from this year’s Judy Levis      Virtual Adult Learning Lectures span topics from
      quality cultural programming, the Adolph & Rose Levis   Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival. The Summer Film   classic and modern-day music, film and TV history to
      JCC (Levis JCC) has announced a robust Summer of   Series is $12 per film.                           timely  discussions  about  Jewish  history  and  current
      Culture lineup that includes a special summer film series,      West Boca Theatre Company presents two staged   events. Lectures are led by esteemed authors, educators
      a new component of the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton   readings, including  Barbra’s Wedding: A Comedy by   and experts. Programs run through September and are $10
      Jewish Film Festival.                             Daniel Stern on Sunday, June 23 at 2 p.m.; and Rounding   for non-virtual members.
         “As more and more full-time residents flock to South   Third: A Comedy by Richard Dresser on Sunday, July 28      The Gail Shapiro-Scott Summer Book Club meets at 10
      Florida, the desire for cultural enrichment continues   at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10.                   a.m. on Thursdays, July 11 and Aug. 1. Recordings will be
      during the summer months,” said Stephanie Owitz, vice      The Elevar Foundation presents a free Chamber Music   made available for virtual members. Tickets are $10.
      president, Arts, Culture and Learning, Levis JCC. “We   Concert on Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m. to the community.     The ongoing arts, culture and learning schedule
      are uniquely positioned to provide everything from live      Israel: A Photographic Retrospective by photographer   can be found at For more
      musical performances, exhibits and day trips to inspiring   Benjamin Kenagen is on display through Sept. 30 and   information on programming or membership, contact
      virtual lectures and literary events.”            features photographs taken between 1990 and 2023. This   Stephanie Owitz at or call (561)
         Levis JCC’s Summer of Culture at-a-glance:     exhibit is free and open to the public.            558-2520. Events take place at the Levis JCC unless
         The Summer Film Series runs on select Wednesdays      A day trip excursion to the Boca Raton Museum of Art on   otherwise noted. The Levis JCC is located at 21050 95th
      at 1 p.m. now through Aug. 28 and includes an array of   Thursday, July 25 at 1 p.m. Tickets are $20. RSVP required.  Avenue S. in Boca Raton.
                                                                                                              About the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              Center. The Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community
                                                                                                           Center promotes and enhances Jewish culture, heritage,
                                                                                                           and values through educational, spiritual, social, wellness
                                                                                                           and recreational programs for individuals of all ages.
        This One is For YOU, Guys!                      makes the dating process so much easier.           With a preschool, summer camp, family activities,

        Special Summer Kick-                                                                               athletics, cultural arts, adult enrichment, and special needs
        Off Edition By: Kelly                           Revolution Dating plays “wingman” by endorsing men to   programming, as well as a Resale Boutique, the Levis JCC
        Leary, M.S. & Miranda                           women and vice versa.  Men typically bear the brunt of the   offers a comprehensive program.
        Capparelli                                      work involved with dating, but we make the early steps of
                                                        the process easier by providing you with a prospect who
        “Everything gets                                has already been told about you, and the feeling is mutual.  Boca Historical Society from page 1
        hotter when the sun
        goes down.”--Kenny                              If you haven’t figured this out yet, Revolution Dating is at      Peter Lorber is Founder, CEO and Master of Photography
        Chesney                                         the top of the matchmaking enterprise. We are the only club   at Custom Photo and Framing in Boca Raton. Lorber has
        In honor of Father’s                            with a long established corporate headquarters with a five   built his reputation as a leading world-renowned panoramic
        Day, we dedicate this                           star business address, strong ties to the northeast, a CEO   photographer. Over the years he has created his beautiful
        month’s article to all the                      with a masters degree, and an impressive vast database   scenic images using a Fujifilm 617 camera, Kodak Cirkut
        men we adore in and out of the club (and on our team).   of clients. We also provide photos and nothing is public   camera, Roundshot 360° rotational cameras and many more.
        We love you all. Do continue to spread the message of   (unless you give permission). In addition, we have a knack      Lorber’s work has appeared in multiple publications,
        love and hope to all your single family and friends. We   for attracting men and women equally regardless of age.  exhibits, and has been on display throughout the world.
        appreciate you.                                                                                     He is also a sought-after lecturer and judge on the
                                                        Gentlemen, this is your sign to take action. The next move   photography circuit.
        Dating in the summer in Florida may be warm (to say the   is yours. The women of Revolution Dating can’t wait to      Courtenay Gilbert is Vice President of Operations and
        least), but it also can be quite romantic. No area has as many   meet you! (HOT TIP: Ladies, it’s a great month to join as   Master of Creativity at Custom Photo and Framing, where
        singles as we do year-round, ESPECIALLY  in the summer.   new men will be lined up to get started).  she has worked for 30 years. Her career as a photographer
        It is high season for new clientele that are new to the area                                        began at the age of ten when she first stepped foot in a
        or newly single, so now is the time to get your groove on.     We’re looking forward to many hot and steamy summer   darkroom. Since then, she graduated from the School of
                                                        nights coming soon to club members this June. Let the   Visual Arts with a concentration in fashion and fine art
        This summer, get by with a little help from your friends   good times roll!                         photography. After honing her photography and makeup
        that know all the right people in all the right places. Our                                         artist skills in New York City, she packed her camera and
        team will take the guesswork out of finding and asking   XOXO, Kelly & Miranda                      moved to South Florida in 1991.
        the right person out. As you may know, all of our clients                                              Individually and in partnership with Peter Lorber, her
        are pre-screened. We sit with our clients in a one-on-one   P.S. And one more thing, especially for you guys—if you   fine art photography has been published, sold and exhibited
        private setting to get to know their likes, dislikes, hopes,   ask us for feedback or “sisterly advice” that will help you   across the world. Adapting from her youthful darkroom
        dreams, values, and personalities. We know our clients are   be more appealing to women, we’ll give it. Taking good   days, Gilbert has become a Photoshop and printing expert.
        serious but not needy, which is why they come to us. They   care of you is our top priority as we serve you.  With her unparalleled creative vision and passion for
        would not be here if they weren’t genuinely looking for a                                           innovation, Gilbert has established herself as an ambitious
        quality relationship or playing games, right? Our clients   #Summer2024 #DateLocal #LoveOffline #LoveLocal   artist and will continue to inspire all for years to come.
        have skin in the game and so do we.             #MenMagnets #TellYourFriends #LiveIRL                  For more information, visit
                                                        #DropYourScreens                                       About The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum: The
        With decades of experience behind us, we’re able to                                                 Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum is the home of the
        match you intentionally, increasing the odds of a true   Revolution  Dating                         Boca Raton Historical Society, whose mission is to collect,
        connection. This saves everyone time, money, and potential   Founder and CEO, Kelly                 preserve and present information and artifacts relevant
        heartache. We are the opposite of online dating. There are   Leary, M.S. has 33 years               to the past and evolving history of Boca Raton, and to
        no algorithms in matchmaking which is why this is the   in the dating industry                      maintain a visible role in the education and the advocacy
        way to go--especially for men.                  and a Master’s Degree in                            of historic preservation in the community. Now open to
                                                        Clinical Psychology. She                            the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
        Men love our approach possibly even more than women   has also been written about                   the museum is in the historic Town Hall at 71 N. Federal
        do for several reasons:                         in The Palm Beach Post,                             Highway (33432). For more information, call (561) 395-
                                                        PalmBeacher Magazine,                               6766 or visit
          • The women we’ll introduce you to look like their   Stuart News, Modern
        photos. They have been verified and ID’s have been   Luxury Palm Beach, and
        checked. No catfish, stalkers, or trolls allowed.  Modern Luxury Manhattan plus many more. Revolution      Your ad could be here!
                                                        Dating members are pre-screened in-person including
          • Our female clients are smart, interesting, and beautiful   background checks. Professional photos are taken by the   Call
        on the inside and the outside. We meet each client in person   staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or blind   561-746-3244
        in our office to validate them (we don’t accept everyone   dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that
        who wants to join).                             make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club             to find out how!
                                                        memberships, Kelly and her team also provide feedback
          • We know our women clients are sincere daters, not   from dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are available
        users like many online huntresses. There won’t be games   by request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are
        or wild surprises when you meet our women.      also available by request for non-members or as an add-on
                                                        to some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential. *By
          • Our women can stand on their own two feet emotionally   demand, a Northeast/TriState area Hub is now available
        and financially. They’re not looking for someone to support   for east coast clients that love to travel. Do call the main
        them.                                           hotline for more information at 561-630-XOXO (9696) or
                                                        learn more on our website at Revolution Dating :: Home
        We advise our male clients about which of our attractive   of THE Award-Winning Matchmaker This is a First Come,
        female clients they may wish to pursue based on her   First Serve Model, so do get your name on the A-List today.
        interests, traits, and relationship goals (and yours). This
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