Page 8 - Boca Exposure - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, Boca Exposure
      Book Review

      Secrets Of The Octopus                               Octopuses are also cephalopods – their eight legs   and there are 200 on each arm), octopuses are gifted
                                                        (tentacles) are attached to their heads, rather than to a   with talents that seem so otherworldly you’d have to
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                torso, as in the case of humans and most creatures. The   go  to  outer  space  or  science  fiction  to  match  them  …
         It seems to me that after                      fact that an octopus has three hearts, blue blood and the   Octopuses can taste with every inch of their skin. They
      300 million years of their                        equivalent of nine brains – each of its eight tentacles can   can squirt ink … as a smokescreen … They can drool a
      life on this planet, one                          think for itself – is only the beginning of what makes this   muscle-dissolving acid and a neurotoxic venom … But the
      of the most extraordinary                         alien-like creature so fascinating. Moreover, if a tentacle   octopus’s hallucinatory ability to change color and shape
      creatures to have ever                            is lost it can grow back in two to four months. And from   is its signature superpower – one it can deploy faster than
      existed is today, more than                       author Montgomery’s own and others’ experiences we   a human can blink an eye!”
      ever, the focus of human                          learn that these highly intelligent octopuses are as curious      An octopus can change its colors and overall skin
      attention. There are several                      about us humans as we are about them.              patterns to match any background it may be next to –
      reasons for such current                             Here are just a few examples of the hundreds of   various corals, rocks, sea grass, etc. – 100 times a minute,
      interest. One reason is                           remarkable facts you will discover in the pages of this   faster than a human can blink, in order to camouflage itself
      that – thanks to decades                          book (some text has been omitted for lack of space and   to hide from a predator … even though the octopus’s eyes
      of research by marine scientists – we now have more   been replaced by ellipses).                    are actually color blind! It is the octopus’s skin that senses
      knowledge about octopuses’ remarkable intelligence and      “Boneless, venomous, and equipped with eight   the background’s colors and textures!
      incredible range of abilities, several of which are described   powerful suckered arms (a single large sucker on the
      later in this review.                             largest  species,  the  giant  Pacific,  can  lift  35  pounds  –   Book Review on page 9
         A book written by Sy
      Montgomery,  The  Soul
      of an Octopus, which I
      highly recommended in
      an earlier review, quickly
      climbed the bestseller lists
      in 25 countries around the
         That book inspired a                                  HAPPY HOUR: MON - THURS, ALL DAY AT BAR ONLY
      27-year-old  New Yorker,
      Warren K. Carlyle – who                                                    MON - FRI 3 - 6 PM
      had been fascinated by
      octopuses since he was a                                          FULL INDOOR                                               $             99
      young boy – to launch in                                        AND OUTDOOR                                                    59
      2015 an online octopus fan
      club and educational organization named OctoNation.            (COVERED PATIO)
      Today, that club numbers more than a million members
      worldwide. Carlyle has also written for this new book,         BAR AND DINING
      Secrets of the Octopus, the informative and beautifully
      illustrated OctoProfiles of 16 different octopus and
      cuttlefish species that follow the book’s major text.                                                                            ONE APPETIZER,
         To meet the demands of this worldwide attention, the                                                                          CHOOSE 2 ENTREES
      National Geographic Society has produced a television                                                                       FROM 15 DIFFERENT CHOICES,
      series, Secrets of the Octopus, which on April 21 began                                                                      ALSO INCLUDES 1 DESSERT
      streaming on the Hulu and Disney channels. They wisely                                                                           Add soup or salad
      turned to the author of the earlier book, Sy Montgomery,                                                                          for only $2.49
      to write a new companion volume for their TV series. An
      interesting foreword has been added by Alex Schnell,
      Ph.D., an Australian wildlife scientist and research
      associate at the University of Cambridge.
         While this gorgeous new volume,  Secrets of the
      Octopus, is different from Montgomery’s earlier  The
      Soul of an Octopus in important ways, each offers its own
      special pleasures. Since this column is a review of the new
      book, I will focus on that one here.
         The most obvious difference is that it takes advantage
      of the National Geographic Society’s staff of explorer-
      photographers to include more than 60 stunning full-
      page and double-spread color photos of octopuses in
      their natural habitats. There are more than 300 different
      species worldwide, ranging in size from tentacle spreads
      of 2 inches to 16 feet!
         Octopuses are technically members of the mollusk
      family, which also includes scallops, oysters, clams
      and snails. But at some point during their evolution
      octopuses lost their shells and, like squid and cuttlefish,
      are gelatinous – meaning they have no bones, which is           Upscale Resale
      how an octopus that has a tentacle spread of as much as 16
      feet can escape from its tank in an aquarium by squeezing   Experience The Difference
      through a hole as small as 2 inches round!
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