Page 7 - Boca Exposure - June '24
P. 7

Boca Exposure, Page 7
      From The Desk Of Commissioner

      Marci Woodward: A Message From Marci

      Commissioner Woodward,                               • AlertPBC:  Sign up for AlertPBC,  the county’s   Only 46 percent of foster care youth graduate high school,
      a 20-year resident of Boca                        Emergency Alert and Notification System. This system   but BFF addresses these challenges head-on with a unique
      Raton, was elected in                             will notify you of imminent threats via text message,   team-oriented approach.
      November 2022 as Palm                             email or phone call.                                  Their programs cater to different age groups, from
      Beach County District                                • Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup Tool: Use the   kindergarten all the way to college. At the core of their
      4 Commissioner. She                               Hurricane Evacuation Zone Lookup Tool to find out if   strategy is the pairing of each program participant with
      serves on the following                           your residence is in an evacuation zone.           a dedicated academic or graduation coach. Support BFF!
      board of directors as a                              Additional resources:                           Volunteer or spread the word. Let’s give every child in
      representative of the county                         Senior Hurricane Meals: Residents 60 and over who   foster care a chance to excel. For more information, visit
      commission: Palm Beach                            reside in southern Palm Beach County (Broward County
      Transportation Planning                           line through Hypoluxo Rd.) can inquire about Senior      It was a pleasure attending the Best Foot Forward
      Agency; South Florida                             Hurricane Meals by calling (561) 395-8920, ext. 0.  Bash  at  Boca West Country  Club.  Not  only  was  it a
      Regional Transportation Authority (TriRail); Treasure      By taking these steps now we can all be better prepared   great night, but it also helped support a fantastic cause
      Coast Regional Planning Council; CareerSource Palm   to weather any storms that may come our way.    – ensuring educational success for foster youth in Palm
      Beach County; Palm Beach Cultural Council, and       Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge Project.  Below is  a   Beach County.
      Value Adjustment Board. Woodward graduated from the   recent update from the Engineering and Public Works      Did you Know? Did You Know Palm Beach County
      University of South Carolina-Aiken with a bachelor’s   Department on the Palmetto Park Road Bridge project.  manages more than 31,000 acres of conservation lands?
      degree in fine arts.                                 Road crews have been busy removing old asphalt from      Palm Beach County is not all beaches and buildings.
         Last year,  I had a  blast showing Assistant  County   the areas around the bridge that will be rebuilt.  Tucked away are hidden gems – protected natural areas
      Administrator Todd Bonlarron around some of my favorite      On the bridge itself, metal bars have been placed to   bursting with diverse plants and animals.
      places  during  my  Commissioner  Spotlight. We  visited   strengthen the walls that will separate traffic and create      Managed by the Environmental Resources Management
      Florida Atlantic University’s basketball stadium, a beach   a walking path. After making sure the metal was up to   (ERM)  department,  these  havens  are your  chance  to
      park, and topped it off with a stop at Arun’s Indian Kitchen   standard, concrete was poured for these walls.   experience the raw beauty of South Florida’s natural
      Taco Marsala – where I can never resist their vegan tacos!      Now the focus is on giving the concrete a smooth finish   heritage.
      It was a fun way for me to share a slice of my life with   and cleaning up any leftover construction materials. The      Thanks to voters in 1991 and 1999, over $250
      you all.                                          crane is no longer needed and has been removed.    million was secured to buy these conservation lands.
         Sadly, it was pre-Fritz era; but don’t worry, he’ll be      The water pipe that will run across the bridge has been   Today, ERM cares for over 31,000 acres – the last wild
      stealing the spotlight next time for sure! Check it out at   installed and tested.                   places in the county! Open from sunrise to sunset, these                                 Roadway workers are placing and finishing base rock   natural sanctuaries are free for everyone to enjoy passive
         Hurricane Resources. As we head into the 2024   in preparation for asphalt paving.                activities like hiking, bird watching, and environmental
      hurricane season (June 1 to Nov. 30), I want to remind      Finally, the paperwork is being processed for engineers   education.
      all county residents of the importance of hurricane   to confirm everything is safe and ready for cars.     Join ERM’s experts in a wide array of activities during
      preparedness.  Get  informed  and  prepare  with  these      Overall, the project is on track to be mostly finished   their “Adventure Awaits” series for a unique “behind-the-
      resources:                                        by mid to late June.                               scenes” look at our area’s plants, animals and habitats.
         • PBC DART App: Download the PBC DART app         While we actively push the project forward and closely   Registration is required, so don’t miss out! For more
      (Palm Beach County Disaster Awareness, Response   monitor progress, we appreciate your continued patience.  information, visit
      & Training) for vital information such as storm surge      Nonprofit Spotlight. Best Foot Forward (BFF), a   aspx.
      evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations and even   dedicated local nonprofit, is changing the educational      If you require assistance, please contact our office at
      locations of open gas stations and building supply stores   landscape for foster youth by providing them with the   (561) 355-2204 or email
      with generators during storms.                    tools and support they need to achieve academic success.

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